Chapter 2

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The house was awesome I got my own room with a walk in closet and attached bathroom. Even the boys who are at college have their own rooms. We got everything unpacked relatively quickly. To make my room more homie I made one whole wall a collage of my life practically it had my friends and family throughout the years. It was pretty awesome if I do say so myself. I finished at close to eleven at night so I went right to bed because tomorrow me and Trev were starting at the new school.

I woke up to ice cold water being poured on top of me. I turn to see my dad holding a bucket above me. He simple looks and me and shrugs saying “You wouldn’t get up.” I probably should have expected it considering it wasn’t the first time. I look at my clock see I have a half hour to get ready for school. Getting out of bed I hear a startled scream from the bedroom next to mine. I least I wasn’t the only one who wouldn’t get up.

I  quickly hopped in the shower cleaning up then went to my closet to decide what to wear. I went with some cutoff jean shorts and a button up plaid shirt with my bright orange and yellow converse to top it off. I stepped out of my room about to head downstairs when I walked into a wall. Where the hell did that wall come from? I then looked up, and noticed it was Trevor who I had bumped into. I smiled big and said “Hey Trev you ready for school.”

He chuckled saying “Hell no, Wrestling tryouts are today how bout you.”

I light my smile turn into a pout “No way, football tryouts are today and I am not looking forward to dealing with all the stupid sexist jerks” thinking back to what he said I added “wait isn’t wrestling a winter sport not fall?”

Trev nodded and said “Yeah but this school takes wrestling mad seriously, they have it year round.”

“Gotcha... OH shit that means I wouldn’t even have you to back me up on the field will I?”

He rustled my hair “Sorry sis you’ll have to deal with the asses by yourself” He looked down at his watch, then motioned me with his hand, “come on we have to get going if we don’t want to be late.” Nodding we yelled bye to mom and dad and then were out the door.

We got in my truck, which had gotten there a week before us, throwing our stuff in the back we speed off to school. Getting to the school it seemed as if everyone in the parking lot stared at us as we pulled up. I sighed then turn to Trevor and said “well here goes nothing.” With that we got out of the truck got our things and headed into the school. It seemed as if all the girls were gawking at my bro while all the guys were gawking at me. I can’t really blame them I mean we are hot.

As soon as we got in we headed to the office to get our schedules. There was a kind of slutty look woman at the desk, so cliche. I walked up up to here and said “Hey I’m Jade Evans and this is my brother Trevor, we’re new here and we need to get our schedules and lockers and all that good stuff.”

She politely smiled at me and looked as if she was trying to look seductive at Trev, I wanted to barf. “Sure darlings hold on a sec.” She got up swinging her hips as she went.

When she was out of the room I looked at Trev and we couldn’t hold it back any longer, we both burst out laughing. “Oh my.....God.... Did you....See the... Way she looked...At me.” Trev struggled to say in between laughing and trying to get back his breath. After a good minute of us just laughing Trev was on his knees while I was leaning on him to keep myself up. Soon we were able to control ourselves just in time as the lady walked back in smiling at us.

“Well here ya go all that you need is right here.” She gave us each a stack of papers and we were off. We found our way to our lockers which luckily were right next to each other. At this point class had already started so we were the only ones in the hall. After putting our books away we compared our schedules. Mine was:

1. AP Studio Art

2. AP Calculus

3. AP Physics

4. Lunch

5. Gym

6. AP English

7. Free period

Trev’s was the same except instead of AP Studio Art he had Forensics. Yes, we are nerds deal with it. We said good luck to each other and we were off. I was really excited because I love art and I’m good at it too. I was also nervous because I’m not the best at meeting new people. Arriving at my classroom I took a deep breath and opened the door heading in.

The room was huge and there were a bunch of artsy looking kids scattered throughout sitting behind easels. As I was scanning the room I heard a cough and turned my head in the direction of what I’m guessing is the teacher. He looked older like mid to late forties and he was practically bald but he seemed like a good guy. Noticing he had my attention he spoke up “Hello, may I help you?”

Smiling I said “Yes I think you can, I’m new here, are you Mr. Davies?”

Getting up from his chair he came over to me and said “Why yes I am, and who may you be?”

Taking his hand I told him “Jade Evans”

“Well Jade Evans today is a free day so just grab a seat and get to work.” I nodded smiling still and headed to the back taking an empty seat and getting right to work. By the end of the period I just made some random sketches on paper planning out what I would later paint on the canvas. Mr. Davies came over to look at it and applauded my work saying he liked it a lot. I thanked him, picked up my books and headed to calc.

I met up with Trev on the way there so we went in the room together. The teacher, Mr. White noticed us and had us introduce ourselves once the whole class was there. As we waited I thought over what I was going to say. I didn’t feel like going into the whole I’m a girl and I play football right now. When it was time to introduce ourselves Trev went first. “Hey, I’m Trevor but you can call me Trev if you want and I love to wrestle.”

Everyone in the class turned to me expectedly even Trev “Umm, hey I’m Jade as you probably already figured out me and Trev are twins, I also love sports.” Trevor looked at me knowingly and I just gave him the ‘shut the hell up’ look. We took our seats and class began and ended with nothing significant happening. Soon enough it was lunch and we had to find somewhere to sit. Turns out that in Forensics Trev meet some wrestlers so we ended up sitting with them. The all seemed fairly nice and soon we were laughing and talking like we’ve known each other for years. Sitting at the table with us were Charlie, Gavin, Anthony and Connor. They were nice guys and let me tell you I think this place had something in the water because they were all smoking hot.

After lunch we went to Gym where we were playing soccer. I love soccer, if I didn’t play football I would definitely be playing soccer. At one point the gym teacher had people go head to head. I went up against this huge guy who according to a girl named Megan in the class was the captain of the boys soccer team. He was one cocky SOB he thought just because I was a girl it would be an easy win. Boy was he wrong. We stepped up to the teacher and shook hands. On the whistle we were off. I kicked the ball up over his head, twisting around him easily. Then as the ball came down I jumped up twisting in the air, so that when my foot connected with the ball I was practical upside down. Finishing the twist I landed on my feet just as the ball hit the back of the net.

Everyone one was just staring at me like I was superwoman or something. Well everyone except Trev he was on the rolling around laughing so hard he could barely breathe. He thought it was hilarious how everyone assumed I would lose when in reality I didn’t even let the guy so much as touch the ball. A large smile overcame my face as I let out a chuckle while watching Trev as he tried to calm down.

The teacher seemed to snap out of it first. “Wow you must have been the best soccer player at your old school”.

This only seemed to make Trev laugh harder. “No, That was my brother Barry. I didn’t play soccer.”

The gym teacher gave me a confused look and said, “Well why not? You're obviously amazing at it.”

“I was doing something else.”

Again the teacher looked at me like I was crazy. “What could you possibly be doing where you could not play soccer?”

Sighing seeing no other way out of it, but to tell the truth, thats what I did I mean they would know by tomorrow anyway. I could still hear Trevor’s muffled laughter as I said  “I Play football.”

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