Holly was jumpy all day before the concert. She recited what she was going to say when she would meet the boys. I rolled my eyes and pretended not to notice.
"Ash! Maybe when you meet them aswell, you could fall in love with one of them and live happily ever after" Holly said, pouncing on me like a playful kitten.
Yeah right. Like I would want to marry ANY of them.
"Ow, Holly, would you mind getting off me" I said.
Holly got off me obediently. "I'm glad you're taking me to the concert Ashy."
I nodded. "Yeah, only because Mum, Dad and Jeremy won't"
Holly ran out of the room, in a hyper mood.
I checked the time. 4 hours till the concert. 4 hours till I die.
I groaned and went to my room, flumping on the bed.
"Kill me now.." I mumbled to myself.
* * *
I wore my black sequined pencil skirt with a Slipknot t-shirt and my favourite Pink pumps.
Hell, I might not like this boyband, but Hey, I'm meeting them in person, better look impressive.
I put thick black eyeliner and put a teensy bit of foundation on.
Holly came prancing into my room, wearing a leather jacket, a shirt she got specially customized for her saying Vas Happenin'?, red velvet jeans and Tarten Doc Martens.
"Very well dressed" I said, impressed at my sister's fashion.
Mum and Dad came in admiring the sisterly vibes.
Mum looked me up and down.
"What?" I spat.
"It's a nice...outfit..." Mum said.
"Thanks" I said, before Holly grabbed my arm.
"Lets go! We will be late!" She said.
We both got the car.
"No drinking!" Dad said.
"Fine...." I rolled my eyes.
"I mean IT Ashley Snow, NO ALCOHOL"
"I'm seventeen! I know!" I shout.
The age doesn't stop me though. The thought of killing my sister, even of shes evil and mischevious, would be horrible.
"Have fun you two!" Mum shouts as I pull out of the driveway.
We get there, already a bunch of screaming, sweaty girls waiting in a line that probably went on for a billion square miles.
Holly held my hand, so as not to get her 4 foot 9" body lost in the crowd and I held onto it tightly because I was bound to get sucked in the sea of fangirls aswell.
Finally, after an hour of waiting, the gates opened. Holly squealed and almost dragged me in.
We found our seats, which were right next to the stage, Holly was jumping up and down excited.
I sighed. This was going to be a LOOOOONG night.
One Direction came on stage and 10,000 girls all screamed off the edge of their seats. Holly jumped on her chair and sang along to their first song, which I recognised, from Holly overplaying it, Gotta Be You.
"Girl I see it in your eyes your disappointed, cause I'm the foolish one that you annointed with your heart, I tore it apart" Holly sang along, tears in her eyes.
Bloody hell. The curly haired one went to sing his solo. I had to admit, he was pretty good.
"Holly" I asked. "Who's the curly haired one?"
Holly looked at me as if it was the dumbest question in the world. "Harry Styles"
Harry Styles? It sounds like a cheesy stagename to me.
"Oh right" I said.
It went to interval.
I bought Holly a white magnum and myself a ego caramel one, then I spent the rest of my money on a 50 dollar One Direction t-shirt from the merchandise stand for the begging spoilt brat.
"Thank you Ash!" Holly went to the toilets to put it on.
I sighed, once again and followed her.
Holly came out of a cubicle, wearing the t-shirt proudly. It had their faces on it and ONE DIRECTION sprawled on the top.
"Well it looks nice" I say awkwardly. "Lets go to our seats now"
They finished the show with their most popular and well known song What Makes You Beautiful. It was so catchy, I had to stop myself from humming it. The boys went off the stage and every SINGLE girl screamed. Jesus Christ, save me.
Three band officials came to our seats.
"Are You Holly Snow?" They said to me.
"No, its my little sister" I said.
Holly grinned. "Ash's coming anyway"
The band officials took us backstage where Holly was exitedly jumping around like a ADHD on drugs
"Please wait here"
Holly started hyperventilating and I had to calm her down.
"Holly!" I hissed. "Holly, snap out of it!"
Holly gasped and pointed.
"What?" I snapped, turning around to see 5 pairs of eyes staring at me.
"Hiiii" Harry smiled.
"We're One Direction!" They all chorused.
* * *
Hello Berryfairys, (hehe)
Wow, hope ya enjoyed :)
Fan, comment, anything :)
HumorAsh absolutley hates a certain typical boyband. One Direction. When Her little sister Holly wins backstage passes to the bands concert, one problem. Ash has to take Holly to the concert, and to meet One Direction backstage. The boys seemed nice alri...