~Chapter 3~

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(I wanted to update early because of reasons, so here ya go :))

(c/n) -  country name
(c/l) -  country language

You felt all of them stare at you so you walked a little taller. You made eye contact with a certain blonde haired girl and gave her a smile. Her eyes widened in surprise as she stared at you. You turned your attention forward again and continued walking. "Shiemi, there you are." Shiemi heard Rin's voice so she turned around to look at him. "What's everyone talking about?" Rin asked and Shiemi smiled.

"This boy with (m/n) hair walked in and he was really cool! He even smiled at me!" Shiemi said and Rin rose a quizzical brow. He looked up and caught a small glimpse of you before you disappeared. He deduced that you were going to Mephisto. "Maybe he's a transfer student." Rin heard one of the other students say. 

"He better be, because he was freaking hot!" Rin's eyes widened and he turned his attention back to Shiemi. "Hmm, Rin? Is something wrong?" She asked and Rin shook his head and gave her a reassuring smile. "Nah, let's go eat." Shiemi nodded and started walking while Rin followed her.

Back with you, you and Renzo had just reached Mephisto's office. You took the honor of knocking and you two heard a come in. Renzo opened the door for you and you thanked him with a nod before you walked in. Mephisto was sitting behind his desk and was staring at us with an intrigued expression. "Johann Faust V, it's a pleasure to see you again." Renzo greeted, kind of confusing you but you rolled with it. "Renzo Akada, the pleasures mine and what an honor! I thought you told me I wouldn't see you again for a while." Mephisto said as he stood up.

"Glad to see you too, but I come here today for business. Remember that favor you owe me?" Renzo asked and Mephisto smirked and turned his gaze to me. "This is (m/n) (l/n). I'm his guardian and I want to enroll him here at Cross Academy." Renzo said and Mephisto chuckled as he studied me. "He'll be a regular student, but I also want to put him into Cram school. Kosuke might actually remind you of another student." Right when Renzo said that, he gave you a look, and you nodded. You removed your power, revealing your horns.

Mephisto arched a brow and walked over to you. You stared at him with an unreadable expression. "I see, well then, let me get those papers for you," Mephisto said as he went behind his desk again and pulled out some papers from a drawer. "Tell me, (m/n), what is your goal coming here." He asked and you smiled. "I have no real motive. I guess I'm here because fate wanted me to be." You said and Mephisto chuckled, not fond of your answer. He handed papers to you and said that you could fill them out right now.

You thanked him and started writing down your information. Renzo helped with some of it, like your address etc. When you finished, you handed the papers back to Mephisto and he quickly scanned them. "Wonderful, I'll get you a uniform and you can start school tomorrow if you'd like." You nodded and said that was perfect. He smiled and you smiled back. "Well then, I guess you're finished here, but I must say, you're quite a mystery, (m/n)," Mephisto said and you laughed softly. "I get told that a lot, Johann, or would you prefer Mephisto Pheles?" You asked, slightly taking Mephisto aback.

He smirked and then said, "Mephisto will do." You nodded and looked back at Renzo. "Wonderful. I was wondering if you could give me a tour of the school before I officially start attending?" You asked and Mephisto jokingly gasped. "Where are my manners, of course, I'll give you a tour!" Mephisto said as he started towards the doors. You smiled and thanked him, letting him lead the way.

Mephisto showed you where every class was and what it was about. It was still school hours, so you three would be caught in the halls with the students. Mephisto would smile at his students with an air of "I'm-better-than-you-all-but-you-already-know-that". Renzo smiled and had an air saying "I-acknowledge-that-you-all-exist-and-smile-out-of-politeness". While you would give everyone a small smile and your air was saying "I-am-as-bright-as-the-sun-but-as-mysterious-as-the-moon".

When Mephisto finished the tour, we went back to his office and there was a nicely folded uniform. "Ah, here it is, your uniform, (m/n)," Mephisto said as he picked it up and handed it to you. You thanked him and then marveled at your real, True Cross Academy uniform. "School starts at 8 am and ends at 3 pm. Crams school starts right after regular school ends. In fact, why don't you go today, since it starts in twenty minutes?" Mephisto explained and then asked.

"Sure, it only makes sense that I go and check it out." You said and then looked back at Renzo and said, "Let's get going, it was nice to meet you, Mephisto, and thank you for your hospitality." You said and he nodded. You smiled and walked out of his office with Renzo in tow. "Renzo, you have some explaining to do." Mephisto murmured and Renzo grinned. "In time, Samael," Renzo said back before the doors closed shut. Mephisto sat back in his chair and brought his fingers together.

"My, my, my... this will be interesting."


While walking out, you felt Renzo's gaze on you. "Is something wrong?" You asked you looked up at him with a concerned expression. "I didn't believe you at first about how I'm lucky that you're not cold to me, but after seeing what just happened, I guess I am lucky," Renzo said and you blinked before you laughed. A pink hue dusted Renzo's cheeks, caught off guard by your cute expression and laugh. "Cool it, man." Renzo thought to himself.

"Let's quickly go home so that I can change." You said and Renzo nodded and you pulled out your key. You walked to a random storage closet and put your key in. You walked out first and closed the door once Renzo was out. When you guys went inside the house, you went to straight to your room. Meanwhile, Renzo took it upon himself to make you something quick to eat. You walked out of your room, looking like a stud. "Here, I made you a quick snack," Renzo said as he held up a piece of toast with an avocado spread on it.

"Woah, thanks, Renzo. I'll see ya when I come back." You thanked him and he nodded. You walked out the front door and then turned around to put in the key that Mephisto gave you. You opened the door and appeared in the familiar hallway. You grinned internally and closed the door before you left to find your classroom. You still couldn't believe the fact that you were here, in this world, as a demon and attending True Cross Academy. You'd get to train to be an exorcist and hang out with everyone.

Your thoughts cut off when you now stood in front of your classroom door. You took a deep breath and opened the door. Everyone's eyes were immediately on you, but you walked in like you didn't care and sat at an empty seat. You sat right in front of Konekomaru, which surprised the small boy. You felt his stare on the back of your head, so you turned around to look at him. He gasped slightly when his brown eyes met your (e/c) ones.

Before he could say anything, your attention was stolen by the door opening. You noticed that it was Yukio and it seemed that he noticed you too. "Hello class, how are you all doing?" Yukio asked and everyone who answered said that they were fine. He made eye contact with you for split second but then turned his attention back to the class. "I'm sure you all have noticed our new student. Please, would you come up to the front and introduce yourself." Yukio said and you nodded as you stood up from your desk.

You walked to the front and turned around. "Hello, my name's (m/n) (l/n) and I transferred to True Cross Academy today." You introduced yourself and everyone was pretty interested in you, albeit most of them didn't show it. "Thank you, Mr. (l/n). Can everyone please state your name, starting at the front." Yukio said and you saw Shiemi open her mouth. "My name's Shiemi Moriyama." You smiled and looked over at the next person. "My name's Rin Okumura!" Rin said rather enthusiastically.

You listened to everyone say their names and when everyone was introduced, Yukio asked if anyone had questions for you. "Where did you transfer from?" Izumo asked and you replied, "I transferred from (c/n)." Everyone was surprised. "So you know (c/l)?" Shima and Rin asked and you smiled and said, "Yeah, I know (c/l)." You said perfectly in the language. Renzo not only gave you his demonic power, but also his language abilities. "Why did you move to Japan?" You looked over at Bon, who asked the question.

"I came here to attend this school to become an exorcist, like most of you. I just traveled a lot more to get here." You answered and Bon seemed to accept your answer. "Thank you, (m/n), you can go sit down now." You nodded and walked back to your seat. 

You sat down and class began.

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