~Chapter 7~

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(I'm sorry for not updating in a LONG time!! It's been crazy for me, but thank you guys for your patience! I'm afraid it'll take me more time to get the next chapter out. But hey, at least you got something after half of year of nothing........ yikes, I suck.)  

(k/c) - keychain color

When Bon returned, he found you sitting at one of the benches along the path. When you spotted him, you gave him a smile and waved him over. A small smile slipped as he came and sat next to you. 

On your lap, you had a bento box with a cute (k/c) keychain, and its contents looked absolutely delicious. "I was starting to think that you ditched me." You jokingly teased. This reminded Bon of Shima and Konekomaru. He pushed those thoughts away and unwrapped his food. You two ate and talked in between bites. "So where did the name Bon come from?" You asked and Bon rolled his eyes at the memory. "Shima started calling me that because it's short for Bocchan. He calls me that because I'm going to take over my father's temple." Bon explained.

(The Bocchan is true, but the reason for it might be different than what I put)

"That's such a cute nickname, I rather like it." You said before you took a bite of your food. Bon's heartstrings were tugged when you said that. This then reminded him of how Shima said this was a date. A blush formed on his face, and you noticed this. It was rewarding to see Bon flustered because of you, however; you didn't know that the boy was starting to have a crush on you. By this time, Bon just realized that he didn't have anything to drink. You noticed this and your eyes flickered over to your drink.

"If you want, we can share my drink." You suggested as you held up the beverage. "If you don't want to because of germs, that's fine." You said as your hand faltered slightly. "N-No I don't mind at all, thank you." He said as he took your drink. He took a few sips before giving it back to you. You gave him a quick smile before you took a sip. It then dawned on him that you guys kinda swapped spit. "An indirect kiss." He internally blushed, scolding himself for such childish thoughts. You two continued to talk and eat. 

You even shared some of your food, saying how Renzo was such a good cook. "So who is Renzo?" Bon asked, making you realize that you never explained who he was. "Oh, sorry, here I am talking about him when you don't even know who he is. He's my guardian." You answered and Bon asked without thinking, "What happened to your parents?" You noticed that Bon immediately regretted his question, so gave him a reassuring smile. "You don't have to feel embarrassed or rude for asking," you started. 

"But I'd rather keep that to myself." You explained and Bon said that he completely understood. It was quiet now and Bon felt bad for even asking because it made everything awkward. Before anything else could happen, the bell signaled that it was time to go back to class. You blinked, not realizing how much time had gone by. "Oh, we better get back to class." You said as you stood up and then looked down at Bon. "Yeah," Bon said as he slowly stood. "Again, you don't need to feel bad for asking, I wasn't offended by it at all." 

You said as you gave him a light pat on the shoulder before walking away. Bon only nodded and stood there for a moment to recollect himself before he went inside. But as he was walking, he noticed something familiar on the ground. When he got closer, he realized that it was your (k/c) keychain for your bento box. He quickly picked it up and stuffed it in his pocket, telling himself that he was going to give to you at the cram school, or whenever it was convenient for him. He continued on inside. 

Shima and Konekomaru later appeared and Shima held a disappointed look. "Bon sure messed that up. Hopefully (m/n) really doesn't mind." Shima said and Konekomaru nodded in agreement.


When school was finally over, you were about to leave for Cram School, when you heard someone call out your name. You turned around to see Rin smiling and waving at you. You gave him a smile in return and waved softly at him. "How was your first day?" Rin asked as he came to stand next to you. "It was great, everyone was really nice" You replied and Rin wasn't surprised by this. I mean, you're good looking, nice, and a foreigner, of course, everyone treated you nicely. "Do you wanna walk to Cram School with me?" Rin asked and you said that would be cool.

He grinned as you two walked away from open view. Rin pulled out his key and opened a locked door for you. You thanked him and walked in, Rin quickly following you. While you two walked down the hallway, Rin would ask you questions about yourself. You would reply, asking his opinion about the question. Right now, Rin was telling you that he had a big noodle phase and ate the stuff for a month straight. You laughed and Rin grinned, happy that you found it funny. "What about you? Anything weird you were or are into?" You smiled shyly.

"Yeah, but you can't tell anyone, got it?" You said, catching his interests. "I kinda have a thing for...dancing." Rin wasn't expecting that since he thought you would just say something dumb. "What, that's awesome!" Rin said and your face lit up in surprise and joy. "Really? Some people usually write it off as boring." Rin shook his head, "No, I think it's cool that you like to dance. People think it's boring that I cook, but I love it. You like to dance, and that's all that matters." You gave him a closed eye smile and thanked him. 

It was then that Rin realized how close he got to your face. This gave him the chance to really look at it. You had no blemishes at all and not even a scratch. And your smile was perfect, not crooked or uncomfortable to look at. It made him wish that you smiled more, but he knew that you opening up to everyone. You guys soon reached the classroom and Rin opened the door for you. You thanked him and walked over to your seat. Rin followed you since he wanted to continue your guy's conversation. 

Rin stood close to you as you two talking about other interests. Bon noticed this and frowned, not liking the small distance between you two. He debated whether or not to give you your keychain. I mean, it was practically the only thing that would allow him to talk to you. He doesn't know how to approach you because you're well...you. He shook his head, telling himself that that's pathetic and to just return your property. He then remembered the nickname you gave him to call you, and a smirk appeared on his lips.

You were talking to Rin about a pair of socks you bought when Bon came to your side. "Hey Bon," You greeted the tall male and he smiled politely. "Hey, (n/n). You dropped your keychain outside and I found it." He said as he held up the trinket. You gasped and quickly took it, thanking him. Meanwhile, Rin just realized that Bon had called you something that was not your full name/name. Bon only nodded, sending a smug look to Rin before he left. Rin huffed, catching on to what Bon was dishing out.

Bon was close enough to you to call you a nickname. Well, he certainly wasn't going to be the only one. "(n/n)?" Rin innocently repeated and you hummed, saying that was your nickname. "Oh, I like it!" Rin complimented and you chuckled. "If you want, you can call me (n/n) too, since we're friends." You said and Rin said that was great. You reattached you keychain back to your bento while Rin sent a victorious grin to Bon, earning him a scowl from the said male. 

"Alright everyone, please get to your seats." 

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