~Chapter 4~

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During class, you could feel everyone staring at you. It was break time when almost everyone came to your desk to talk to you. "Hey, (m/n)," you looked up to see Rin's smile. "Hi, Rin," you greeted back and he grinned, pleased that you remembered his name.

"Rin, get out of (m/n)'s face!" You heard Bon scold and Rin frowned as he stood up to look at Bon. They started bickering with each other, giving Shiemi a chance to come and say hello. "H-Hi, (m/n)." She greeted and you smiled softly at her. "Hi, Shiemi, I remember that I saw you in the cafeteria." You said, making her very happy. "You do?" You chuckled and said yes. You continued to talk with everyone until break time was over.

Everyone was wondering if you would not know some things since cram school started two weeks ago. However, they were surprised that you did know and more. Some students also couldn't help but think that you were the most beautiful person they've ever seen. You're (h/c) hair and mesmerizing (e/c) pink eyes. One, in particular, was quite taken by your appearance and just you in general. You were kind and gentle, just so peaceful to be around.


Classes were finished and you barely stood when you felt someone sling their arm around your shoulder. You looked over to see Shima's easy going smile. "Hey, (m/n), wanna walk with us?" He asked as he motioned towards Bon and Konekomaru. "Sure." You answered. He patted your back and started walking out of the room. You smiled to yourself and followed him and the other two boys. You had barely just got out of the room when you ran into Bon. You weren't that much shorter than him, in fact, your face goes perfectly into the crook of his neck.

Which is exactly what happened, explaining why you now knew such information. Your lips brushed Bon's neck and he felt his heart beat faster in his chest. He felt his face become warm and he looked down at you in surprise. "I'm sorry, Ryuji, I didn't mean to run into you." You apologized as you got a hold of your footing and moved away from him. Do notice that you never said you "accidentally" ran into Bon. You planned this all, just to get a kick out of his reaction.

What can ya say, you rather like making people flustered. In fact, you consider it a hobby, a pastime, if you will.

"It's fine, just be careful next time," Bon said as he averted his eyes from yours. "Hm? Is Bon blushing?" Shima asked in mock shock as he grinned and laughed, while Konekomaru sniggered to himself. Bon moved his attention from you to his two friends, an angry expression now on his face. "I didn't pin you to get easily flustered, Ryuji." You said as you gave him a playful smirk. Shima laughed and said nice one to you.

"C'mon guys, let's get going," Konekomaru said and Bon immediately agreed as he began walking. Unknown to you though, a certain someone saw everything that had just transpired. Anyways, you walked down the halls with the three boys, mostly listening to whatever Shima was talking about. He was currently talking about a model and Konekomaru was reminding him that he was training to be a monk.

Shima's face was too good and you laughed, surprising the trio. You had such an angelic laugh, finally were they seeing some real emotion. "(m/n), why are you laughing at me?" Shima asked, your laughter dying down as you wiped an invisible tear. "Your face was just so priceless, that I couldn't help myself." You explained as you gave him your signature smile. Shima blushed slightly, not knowing how to respond to that.

"It's nice to see that you're comfortable with us, (m/n)," Konekomaru said and you blinked when you looked at him. "Oh, uh, yeah I guess you guys are growing on me." You said as you gave them a shy smile. Bon once again felt his heartstrings being pulled by how adorable you were being. He hated this, not like the power you had over him. He didn't like how he wasn't in control, that he couldn't make you feel like this. After all, you guys had just met, what could he possibly do.

You four soon came to the door that you all had entered from. It didn't matter which door you used to get out, of course, but coming to this point meant that it was time to leave. Bon was already opening the door and you thanked him as you walked through. The three boys started for the dorms while you pulled out your house key. "(m/n), what're you doing?" Shima asked and you smiled. "I don't live in the dorms, I have my own place." You answered as you put the key into the lock.

"You have one of those keys for your house?" Bon asked and you chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, do you wanna see it. You guys can just look through the door." You said and they all walked over quickly to look. They saw your house and Konekomaru complimented that it looked nice. You thanked him but was interrupted by a yawn mid-sentence. "It's been an eventful day for me, thank you guys for being so kind." You said as you gave them all your signature smile. They all blushed out of embarrassment and you chuckled softly.

"I better be going, I'm sure Renzo has missed me." You said as you started to walk through the door. The boys wondered who this Renzo was. He clearly wasn't your parent since you called him by his first name. "See you guys tomorrow." You said and they all nodded and you gave them one last smile before you closed the door. The boys turned around and started for their dorm. "I like (m/n), he's a little formal, but I'm sure he'll let loose soon," Shima said and everyone agreed.

While Shima and Konekomaru were talking, Bon was stuck in his own thoughts. He was both angry and confused at himself. He was confused as to why you made him feel so weird and angry because he didn't know why. Meanwhile, back with you, you sighed and rubbed your face before you started for your front door. Before you could grab the handle, the door opened and you came face to face with Renzo's chest.

"I'm guessing I was missed?" You asked and Renzo nodded and pulled you in. He led you into the kitchen, where you saw a tasty looking table set up. "We're gonna celebrate everything that has happened today!" Renzo cheered and you were surprised. Your expression then changed to a genuine smile as you looked up at the grinning man. Renzo was giving you a closed eye grin when he felt arms wrap around his torso. He blinked and looked down to see your soft, fluffy hair. "Thank you, Renzo." You muffled into his chest.

Renzo's expression softened as he returned the hug, making you smile into his shirt. Renzo liked this feeling, holding you in his arms and you embracing him back. He brought his large hand to your hair and slowly caressed it. You closed your eyes and fell into his touch, leaning into him. "This is wonderful, thanks again." You said and Renzo felt pride and said that it was his pleasure. Sadly, you pulled away, much to the displeasure of the tall demon. "Let's eat." You said and Renzo grinned in agreement.

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