Chapter 9

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Wanda just sniffed and looked down again in defeat. "I was angry, so I punched a mirror". Steve didn't look angry, not disappointed this time. He just took her hand a kissed it before laying it back down and kissing her forehead.

The next few days ran smoother. Wanda had seen Shuri again and they had ended up talking for hours, she enjoyed the girls company. Wanda still had trouble sleeping due to the flashbacks of the raft but the closer she cuddled Steve, the closer she came to sleep.

Things were starting to look up again for Wanda, they had put her on medication that helped to ease her mind and relax her.

"Steve, you know how I love you and you love me and I'm really hungry and cravings your pancakes" Wanda spoke looking up at her boyfriend.

Steve rolled his eyes and got up, walking to the fridge. He grabbed something out of it and placed it in the microwave.

"YOU PREMADE PANCAKES?!" Wanda yelled across the room. "I seriously freaking love you" she shouted, smiling. Steve laughed at her and continued waiting for the ding of the microwave.

Wanda looked up from the book she was reading and glanced at the TV. There she saw something that caught her off guard.

It was an announcement from Tony Stark himself. "Steve, if your watching this we need your help. I don't know how much news you've been receiving but we suspect upcoming conflict and.. and I need your help" he spoke.

Steve looked up form the counter he was leaning on, his eyebrows scrunched together, Tony needed him? So soon? Did he know the trouble he was going to get them in? And most of all how did he know that Steve was in Wakanda and manage to hack the television to broadcast that.

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