First Kiss

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—-Flashback, No POV —-

Yuya watched in awe from the 2nd floor classroom as Yuto continued to play soccer with the other class. He let out a heavy sigh as he walked over to his desk. For a year now he's been in love with his best friend. Every time they were around each other Yuya would get lost listening to Yuto talk or lost in his beautiful grey eyes.

"If you're so love struck just tell him," came Yuri's voice as he leaned onto the desk Yuya now sat. "You might lose him otherwise."

"It's not that easy Yuri," Yuya whined throwing his head onto the table. "He wouldn't want me."

Yuri smirked lifting up the younger boy's chin. He leaned in closely, too close. Yuya panicked and pushed Yuri away. "Well if you push people away like that no one will want you," Yuri shrugged. "He's hanging out at yours tonight right?" Yuya nodded a blush clearly visible on his cheeks. "Then try and drop hints, brush against him, touch his hand. Fall on him by mistake. Just don't let him get away."

Yuya nodded, he knew Yuri was right. He was a playboy afte and knew how to get any girl, or guy, he wanted. Perhaps dropping a few hints tonight would work.

"And that's another win for me," Yuto grinned as he beat Yuya in another round of the fighting video game.

"Why are you so good at everything?" Yuya laughed as he nervously placed his head on Yuto's shoulder.

"Say Yuya," Yuto started placing the controller on the bed. Yuya lifted his head to look at him. "Have you ever kissed anyone?"

Yuya blushed deeply and his instinct took over pushing Yuto. "Why ask that?"

Yuto rubbed his head pulling himself back up. "Okay, ill explain," he laughed nervously. "The guys on the soccer team where talking about it and well I don't know what it's like to kiss anyone." Yuya watched as Yuto blushed deeply. A lot of teens their age had already kissed a lot of people, some having even had sex. Yuya would have though by now Yuto had kissed someone. "Well I want to know what it's like and I figured who better then my best friend to help."

Yuya blushed deeply, grabbing a near by pillow and covering his face. No, no no this could not be happening? "Sorry I guess it was to much to ask," Yuto sighed.

Yuya shuck his head, this was his chance. As Yuto got up to leave he grabbed his wrist. "We- we can try it," he whispered in a hush tone.

"If you don't want to," Yuto started but Yuya interrupted him.

"It fine, so take a seat and we can try," Yuya moves the pillow behind him as Yuto sat back down. Yuto gulped grabbing each side of Yuya's face. This is it, Yuya thought as Yuto leant in. Yuya closed his eyes as he felt the warmth of Yuto's lips on his. It lasted only a couple of seconds but felt like an eternity. "Mind if I try a longer kiss?" Yuto asked nervously. Still in a daze all Huya could do was nod. The older boy leant back in moving his hands from Yuya's face to his back and pulling him close. It felt like a dream to Yuya. One that he hoped to never wake up from. Yuto turned the kiss into gentle open mouth kisses, Yuya tried to keep up but some of the kisses where a bit sloppy. After a few minutes the two pulled away, a string of salvia connecting them. "That was,"

"Amazing," they both breathed as they went for another kiss only to be disturbed by Yuto's phone. "Crap, I forgot I got to get home!"

Yuto quickly gathered his bag, trying to get all his belonging. "I'll come see you out," Yuya blushed standing up and getting some of Yuto's books for him.

At the front door the goodbye wasn't awkward. "If you want to practice some more," Yuto began with a blush, "only do it with me okay?" Yuya nodded. He knew what Yuto meant, he was about to go away with his dad in a business trip for a week and he guessed that maybe Yuto felt something in that kiss. "I'll see you when I'm back."

Yuya told Yuri everything that happened the next morning at school. He received nothing but praise from the playboy and encouragement to tell Yuto his feelings on his return. Yuya agreed, this was his chance.

A week flew by for Yuya, that morning in the mirror he practiced his confession and made sure he looked his best. Today he was going to do it. He was going to tell Yuto he liked him!

Yuya sprinted to The classroom knowing that Yuto would be there early. He took a deep breath, reaching for the door. "So will you go out with me?" That voice. Yuya choose not the open the door and leant his ear against it instead. That was Lulu's voice.

"Well I'm flattered," Yuto? Yuya felt tears in form in his eyes. "I guess we can give it a go."

Those words tore Yuya's heart in two. How could he face Yuto after hearing that? That was meant to be his words to Yuya not Lulu. Yuya ran away to the direction of the toilets. How could Yuto do that to him? After kissing him, after taking his first kiss? "Yuya,"Yuri called out grabbing his arm. Yuri frowned seeing the tear stained cheeks. He pulled Yuya into his chest and let him cry, "it's okay. It'll be okay."

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