My CEO???

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Sana POV

I was busy doing my paperwork till someone notify me by calling my office phone. " Yeobuseoyo? Sana-ssi, CEO wants you to be there , in the meeting room"

DiD hE SaY ThE CeO wAnTs me??? Wae- Aish.. How can I forgot im her P.A?

I tidy up my table before heading the meeting room.  It sounded like its super inportant so i took the stairs instead. I take a big gulp before knocking because it was hella tired that i took the stairs from 20th floor to 10 the CEO's penthouse was the 21st floor. I knock onto the door and open the door by myself.

My leg led me to the CEO's side, my head was glued to the floor, "n-ne Sajangnim..... did.. did you call me?" I pant. The CEO didnt speak but her action, she's offering me a plain water for me to drink. I take the bottle , eyes looking to the floor, thanking her for the drink and drink the water first.

"Give me an opinion for this dress for Wedding theme" The CEO spoke. I choke on my water but without her knowing. I swallow the small amount of water that is left when i drink and give my opinion, " i personally think that the Left one is better than the Right one but if the Left one, starting from the knee and below , if it is see through it look nicer with it"

" Project done. Meeting is dismissed." The CEO stood up ,walk past me and walk away which make me move back a little bit , feeling stunned . She actually put the trust and hope on me.

When the CEO was about to open the door , she turn to me, " Hey Sana-ssi, get me another americano and a drink for yourself." She walk back to me, gave me the money and walk away.

Again, i didnt get the chance to look at her face again because my body automatically look down on the floor, like i am a slave. She went out followed by me, going in the same lift and we went in to the back. I feel her hand slide through mine, intertwined  and holding it tight before she went off to the other level. I felt uncomfortable at first because i still dont know who is my CEO but soon after, i feel like i miss holding her hand.

I continue going down straight to level 1 after she left and went to get her drink and mine at the Cafe. I didnt want my CEO to think that im stepping over her or what so ever, so i get myself a plain water and head back to the penthouse. I knock the door before going in, putting her drink on the table. " so what drink did you get for yourself?" The CEO speak up. " a plain water, sajangnim." I bow slightly.

The CEO chuckle before continueing, " are you serious? Wait nevermind. Sit over there and wait here." She head out.

Walking past me, her scent... It smells like Jeongyeon. I obey her instruction and quietly wait for her to come back.

"Here" the CEO appear infront of me with my drink in her hand. "O-o.. Kamsahabnida" i took the drink , thanking her without looking at her and she went back to her sit. I took a sip like a kid, trying to taste.

Isnt this my favourite drink? And how did she know?

"Sajangnim.." The CEO 'hmm' in response. " how did you know that this is my favourite drink?"

She went to my place, putting her hand on my chin. I wanted to pull my face away but i feel like its rude to do that. Slowly she pull my chin up, make me panic so i close my eyes. I feel her breathe going closer to my face, making me close my eyes tighter and give me a kiss. I didnt dare to look or even pull away, i only manage to be shock on that spot.

She pull it away, " why are you scared of me?" I look away, still didnt get to see her face, " because you are my CEO and i should respect you"

"Silly" she talk to herself and squat infront of me, " hey look at me". I dare myself to look because she commanded me to. I jump out of my seat and hug her, sudden tears roll down my cheeks.

Looking at her explains eveything. Her scent, her kindness, how she know my favourite drink, why did she suddenly hold my hand being intertwined, why she call me out to say my opinion for the project and even My Position of being Personal asisstant of hers. " i know everything from the start, before you went to my company, i saw your name on the list but i did not believe it at first. I saw you being bullied while you were an intern thats when i believe it was you, making you as my P.A and make others respect you more." She give me warm smile while caressing my cheeks and wipe my tears off. "Dont cry, a pretty girl like you shouldnt cry" she chuckle. "How can i not? You leave me without letters and gone just like that!" I squint my eyes in suspicion. Jeongyeon sit beside me, " i dont want you to wait for me while im away... and it is also hard for me to let you go that time"

I smile, "Pabo.. Even if i need to let you go, i still can wait for you but I miss you, do you know that?" She pinch my cheeks, "i know, being my P.A , you can see me more often now. You will also encourage me by being by my side always. "

I smile in ease, " now that i have confirm that you are back in my arm again, let me pinch you real hard" i pinch for few second and she have groan in pain. "What is that for??" Jeongyeon rub her pain spot. " you see, as much as i can meet you always...i have a lot of paperwork to be done!" I pout. "Mian.. 😬😅 i just miss you so much " she grin.

Once more, i smile, " alright.. I'll get going" i give her a kiss on her cheeks before heading back to my office. Opening the door, i saw a few staff eavesdropping, " Oh kamchakgiya!" I jump. " why are you guys eavesdropping?" I continue. They pull me out of the penthouse and ask, " what did the CEO say?" I sigh, " its nothing.. I did not get any scoldings from her.. She just said that she likes my suggestion and hope that i can help her a bit more in stuff like this" i make an excuse.

"Good for you then.. Because the first time i work with her, she always going to be mad at small things but she didn't throw attitude or tantrums at us. But shes pretty cool.." I smile because Jeongyeon didn't scold her staff just that easily, at least she try to calm herself down without me being there. "Alright.. Let continue doing our work" i walk away.

I went in the lift, alone. Reaching to my office floor, i talk to myself , feeling ease that i see Jeongyeon again. "Welcome back Jeongyeon" i smile and walk to my office.

------------To be continued------------
Hi guys!!! I really have uploaded the opening of the TWICELAND in SG!!
(IG: Jngmn_1nce) Although it is few days after, i have keep my promise with my followers. I posted it few days after because i still have my PCD.

And have you heard about their new comeback??? I cant wait!! And it seems like Chaeng deco the pic abit hahaha

Alrite!! See you in the next chapter!!

Do vote and comment! (I really do read comment though, so dont be shy to comment)

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