Chapter 4

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Jhope's POV

I woke up early today, I don't know why, but I beat my alarm clock, I don't usually wake up this early. I remembered yesterday, when I was with Lisa, I got to see her dance and I got to admit, Jungkook was right, she was good, I can tell she was having fun, I don't know why I didn't notice her before, I also don't know why I'm taking an interest in her, I don't usually care about girls like that.

I shook off that thought, and got up, I looked at my right, Jimin was still sleeping peacefully. Jimin has been my roommate ever since we moved here. I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower, then unchanged into my school uniform. After getting ready, I went down to the kitchen where I saw a cooking Jin.

"Good Morning hyung" I said, he looked at me shook, that he almost dropped the pan he was holding.

"Gosh! I thought you were a ghost! And why are you up so early?" He asked and continued cooking.

"I don't know, I just woke up" I told him.

"Well at least 1 out of 6 people won't hear my loud waking up routine today" he said that made me chuckle.

I sat down at the counter, and looked at his cooking figure. He really does act like a mother, he even looks like one, if only he had longer hair?

"Hyung?" I called out to him.

"Yeah?" He responded.

"Did you ever have this feeling, whenever you ever see this particular girl, you want to talk to her and never want her to stop and leave?? And when you see her laugh or smile, your heart beats fast and your stomach flutters??" I asked him.

He immediately stopped what he was doing and turned around to face me, with a shocked expression.

"Jhope, are you in love?!?" Jin hyung exclaimed, my eyes widened in shock.

"What!? Jhope hyung is in love?? Never heard that before" Jimin suddenly said, rushing to the counter.

Jin hyung nodded, "He just asked me that whenever you ever see this particular girl, you want to talk to her and never want her to stop and leave?? And when you see her laugh or smile, your heart beats fast and your stomach flutters??" jin hyung repeated what I said.

"Daebak! Hyung, you are in love" Jimin said patting my back, while I just sat there confused.

What?? Me?? In love??

"Who's in love?" V asked, lousily entering the room, cutely rubbing his eyes like a baby.

"Jhope hyung" Jimin said, V immediately stood up straight and rushed towards me.

"Hyung! You are?" He asked me both shocked and excited.

"What? I just, uhmmm..... I.... I-" I nervously started, but V interrupted me.

"Come on hyung, just admit it, we'll support you with this, cuz this is the first time I heard of a conversation with love and you, both involved" he said to me, smiling widely.

"But, I'm not in love, they're just exaggerating stuff, I just have a little crush on someone" I defended.

"The two are basically the same thing, that 'crush' will eventually turn into like, leading to love" Jimin said.

"How do you know so much about this anyway?" I asked Jimin.

"Cuz I've experienced it before?" He said, "And who's the lucky girl by the way?" he continued changing the subject.

"Yeah, tell us" Jin said, I hesitated, and I think V noticed cuz he pleaded at me.

"Pleaseeeeee, hyung" V pleaded.

I still hesitated, then suddenly RM entered the room followed by Jungkook and Suga, now everyone was here.

"What are you guys talking about?" RM asked.

"Jhope hyung was about to tell us who his crush is" Jimin blurted out.

What?! No I didn't!

"Wait, hyung, you have a crush?!" Jungkook said, straightening up.

I gulped and nodded slightly.

"Daebak!" RM said.

"Well, who is it?" Asked Suga.

"Uhmm...... uhmmm...... " I was hesitating like crazy.

"Come on hyung, spill the beans" V whined.

Aish! This alien!

"Yeah, we're your friends, you can tell us" Jin said.

They're right. I should just tell them.

"Well, you're not gonna like it when I say this, but it's... " I paused for a moment and took a deep breath, "Lisa.... " I said.

Everyone gasped, "Really?!" Jungkook asked, I nodded.

"And why won't we like that?" Jimin said confused.

"Because she beat you guys?" I said uncertain.

They laughed at my response, while I just looked at then confused.

"Hyung! We wouldn't dislike her just like that, we actually respect her, because she's such an amazing dancer" Jimin said.

I sighed in relief, "Don't worry, we won't take her from you. Instead we're gonna support you" RM said.

"Yeah, and just tell us if you need help or advise in winning her over" Jin hyung said, I smiled, "Oh and I'm also thankful for all of you, cuz you woke up to your alarm, now I don't need to wake your buts up" Jin said, then the room was filled with laughter.

I'm such a lucky person to have them as my friends, but I wasn't really planning on winning her over though, but I do like her. Maybe I'll just give it a try, and if it doesn't work out, I'll just keep liking her in secret.

A/N: Guys! Don't you think his hyungs are so sweet to support him like that? Anyways, I know it's a short chapter but, I wanted a BTS moment, hehe. Cuz usually on the stories I read, it's the girl, who's usually getting the pet talk, so yeah, I wrote this instead. Vote if you like the chapter and Comment your thoughts on it. Bye! Bye! 💖💖💖

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