𝐢𝐢 | 𝐆𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐍𝐚𝐦𝐞

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It was strange. The people in the village appeared not to care that she was amongst them. She was not one of them, that was most identifiable, yet none shared eye-contact with her for long.

Walking throughout the village made her think of home. Not how lively it was and how beautiful the trees looked covered in silky snow in the wintertime-- although those are fond memories-- but instead how she would never be able to set foot there again.

From what she could see during the raid, many of the men were slaughtered. Vividly she remembers seeing some raiders violently dragging women behind longhouses whilst the children cried. Even at such a young age, they understood what was happening to their mothers.

Between her episodes of unconsciousness, she noticed the declining number of horsemen riding alongside her captor. And once they arrived in the village there were already many horses in the stable. This makes her believe that there were many more Vikings than the ones she had seen.

Perhaps she was not the only one captured. Even still-- although relieved to think that she was not alone-- she would not wish for any of the villagers from her home to be taken here. She has no inclination of what will happen to her.

And, a bit cowardly, she does not want to find out.

Although Hiccup had led the men to one of the longhouses in the village, it was the Viking named Snotlout who opens the door and enters first. As soon as she is dragged inside, she can hear the voices degrade to a quiet whisper.

It took a moment for her eyes to adjust to how dark it was inside, but when they did she could see other Viking men standing around the fireplace in the middle. Their features were hard to distinguish if not lit by the flames, but all looked much older then her raiders.

"Hver er hún?" One man asks, stepping towards her and Hiccup.
"Who is she?"

"A stúlka frá þorpinu." Hiccup replies, his grip on her tightening slightly.
"A girl from the village."

"Hvers vegna koma henni hingað?"
"Why bring her here?"

"Selja hana ef þú vilt ekki hana."
"Sell her if you don't want her."

Hiccup pushes her to one side, releasing his hold on her, and walks over to the fireplace. The Viking whom he stands next to eyes her for a moment then exchanges words with him with a slap to the back.

The Viking who had asked of her identity now steps directly in front of her, looking her up and down. She feels violated under his gaze. When his eyes focus back on her face, he smirks faintly.

"Ert þú með systir?" He almost laughs, "Kannski eldri en þér?"
"Do you have a sister? Perhaps older than ye?"

She doesn't speak.

"Stop pestering her, þú gamla uxinn." Hiccup speaks, walking over to the two of them, "She doesn't understand a word you're saying."
"You old ox."

"Oh, so now she's not one for sale?" The Viking hums.

"Cut it out, father. I do not want to hear the words you spoke while I'm here." Snotlout grumbles, arms crossed at his chest.

"I was only teasing."

The Viking, Snotlout's father, shrugs his shoulders before looking back at Hiccup.

"I have to ask, though. What is it you plan on doing with her?"

Hiccup's eyes meet hers for a moment. He stares her down with such a harsh expression she cannot understand if it is from displeasure or thorough thinking.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2019 ⏰

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