Chapter 8

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3rd person pov

Taehyung and Yoongi were sitting on the couch, both on their phones. Things between them were still tensed, the younger refused to start any type of conversation with the other.

Yoongi's head suddenly turned to Taehyung, a frown evident on his face, deepening with every second the younger refused to make eye contact with him.

Of course, Taehyung felt the older's stare, but still being stubborn, he refused to give him attention.

''Taehyung...'' at first his voice was calm despite the anger that was slowly building up.

''Taehyung!'' he repeated louder. He couldn't bare the silence, he couldn't sit there with so much space between them, without hearing the other's voice, without being able to touch him, to hug him... He hated it.

''What?'' the said boy replied in a bored tone despite how nervous he actually felt, despite the fear...

Fear for what?

No, Yoongi would never hit the younger. But the fear that Taehyung felt couldn't be denied... In his eyes, the older was unpredictable, one second sweet and innocent and the next one cold-hearted and indifferent. Someone that appears to be good, the nicest and most generous man alive, but turns out to be the devil in disguise.

''Did you change your instagram password?'' he asked trying to stay calm.

Taehyung looked at him in disbelief. Did he really try to log in my account?

''Yes, I need privacy... I never asked for your password, and even if I did you would've probably refused,yet here you are having the password to all my social accounts and even the one for my phone...'' Taehyung would have continued, but seeing Yoongi narrowing his eyes and his lips pressed together creating a thin line, stopped him.

''Taehyung, I want you to tell me the password this instant.'' he angrily ordered.

''No...'' the younger simply answered.

''That means you're hiding something... Are you fucking cheating on me?'' at this point Taehyung was totally shocked, how could the other have so little faith in him...

''Yoongi, what do you take me for? I would never cheat on you!'' he was supposed to be angry, to shout, to yell... Yet he felt hurt.

''Then give me your password!'' the older kept insisting knowing that in the end he'll convince Taehyung.

''Yoongi-'' he tried to say but was interrupted by no other than Min Yoongi.

''Just give me your password goddammit, Taehyung!'' he shouted.

After that it was silent, the younger was on the verge of crying. Yoongi knew the other hated to be shouted at yet he kept up with his 'tough act'. He tried to hide how much he regreted shouting and resisted the urge to hug the younger just to make him submit.

Taehyung mumbled the password, defeated letting a single tear fall.

This was all it took for Yoongi to stop, he went to hug him and to apologize only to be shoved away. The younger ran in his room and locked himself.


I love writing this story, even though it takes me quite some time... Hehe

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