
36 4 1

I'm so tired
Of continuing to allow myself
To become a target
To be victimized
By those who are stronger than me.

But when I try to speak up
My voice is drowned out by your

There comes a point in time
When we become so tired
So drained
From the negativity that surrounds us.
And yet somehow
You feed on it.

At what point in your life
Did you decide that hurting others
Was what you enjoyed?

Because I'm at my wit's end.
And I'm tired of keeping myself
Under control
But god damn
You are a bitch.

And I look forward to the day that
You fall.
The day that you are finally stripped
Of this so-called power
And see for yourself
That you are no better than
The rest of us.

And I may not believe in hell,
But there is a special place in hell
Saved just for you
And I hope you suffer
The way you make everyone else


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