pissed or happy

10 1 0

Terrell woke up way before Crystal and decided to go live on Instagram

Terrell P.O.V

I woke up before Crystal and was bored as hell so I decided to go live and wake her up

Me: babyyyy wake up" I said shaking her

Crystal: what boy" she said in a sleep voice

I started looking at the comments and views was 2.1k btw

@JJ4life: y'all back together 😏 good luck my friend

@LilTiff: well I see my bestie got a new man but what about @T.J.realshit

@T.J.realshit: we got things to figure out but I guess she found what makes her happy already

@bri4real: you seemed to find what happened you happy so why can't I

I rolled my eyes at the to of them aguring and started making with Crystal get up

Me: you said you wanted me to go to school with you so get up" I said rolling on top of her with my phone in her face and not realizing it

Crystal: fine but move that out my face

Me: ight well I'll be posting later and shit peace

I got off live while she sat up and walked to the bathroom to take a shower and did her hygiene and so did I

When we went downstairs we started playing with the kids and Jalen

Me: hey lil boy

Jalen: hi, hi sissy

I moved back and he ran to her I couldn't help but smile when I looked at her holding Jori

She put Jori and Jeremiah in the crib and we started walking to school with Justin, and Tiffany

Justin: wassup

Me: watup my nigga

Justin: so y'all back together now

Crystal: it depends

Justin: ok well what happened to you and Andrew

Crystal: I guess you could say we taking a break till I figure things out

Justin:oh I get it

Tiffany: so who is this exactly?

Justin: this my homie Terrell and he Crystal ex but they always get back together

Tiffany:oh well nice to meet you

Me: you too

We walked and talked about some old stuff

Me: so when is we getting back together

Crystal: who said we was

Me: you confessed yo love for me and we had made love

She blushed trying to hide her feelings

I grabbed her chin and kissed her not even realizing that we was already at the school and everyone was looking at us

She pulled away and smiling hard then went inside

That made me laugh and go after her to her locker

Then someone girls came up to us making me confused

???: Hey girl

Crystal: hey Destiny

???: Who this

Crystal: destiny this my boyfriend Terrell this destiny she Tiffany sister

When she called me her boyfriend for the first time in a long time I felt some type of way she always putting me in my feelings

Me: oh nice to meet you

I felt like like I was going to be saying that ALL day

Destiny: you too

She walked away then Crystal saw Andrew I mugged him and we went to class

After school we went to my house cause my dad still wanted to talk to Crystal

When we went in he hugged her immediately my dad's name was Terrence btw 

Dad: hey Bri

Crystal: hey

Dad: well lets get to talking

Me: ight

We sat day and started talking

Dad: ok so Terrell why yo dumb ass go saying shit

Me: what you mean

Dad: that girl you told me about she up to something

Crystal: what girl

Dad: Alexis her dad was our rival and she's gonna try to do something since y'all fought

Crystal: that b....we only was fighting because she disrespected me and tryin to bring my man to her room

Dad: Terrell told me he wasn't there

Crystal: before we got back together

Dad: then we can use your ex to find out more information

Crystal: we well I did already

Dad: what'd you find out

Crystal: my dad's alive and in hiding

Dad: why would he.... I'll be right back

He left and went into his office and I tried to start a different conversation

Me: so what you doing for yo bday

Crystal: I don't know I kinda feel like I might go to the beach or something but what about you yo bday a week after mine

Me: I feel like I might just have a party

Crystal: okay

Me: wassup wit you

Crystal: I just gotta headache

Me:ight" I pulled her over to me so that her head was on my chest

She curled up into a ball and I put my arms around her as she started to full asleep we started there for a while but then I carried her home

Crystal: bye babe" she said in a sleepy voice as she yawned

Me: bye baby"I  kissed her and the kids then left and went back home then to bed

So do y'all like Terrell or y'all want Andrew back? let me know

Btw I know this is short and a lil boring but I need to update

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