It's Time to tell the truth

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It was time for them to go back to school

Crystal and Maya haven't talked to anyone else but each other

Tiffany walked up to Crystal when she was at her locker

Tiffany: wassup

She ain't respond

Tiffany: what's wrong

Crystal:I don't wanna talk about it

Maya walked up to her

Maya:the funeral gonna be next week

Tiffany:for who

Maya: our dad

Tiffany:oh I'm sorry for your lost

Crystal: it's fine really

Her and Maya walked away

Tiffany got a text from someone


Unknown number: your best friends a slut

Tiffany:who the fuck is this and my best friend ain't no slut

Unknown number:you don't know her like I do

Tiffany:I've known her for years

Unknown number: that doesn't mean you've seen every side of her

Tiffany:like what her suicidal side

Unknown number:yes I'm trying to warn you don't let her.....

Tiffany: don't let her wat

This user is off line

End messages

Tiffany saw Andrew and walked up to him

Andrew:hey have you seen Crystal

Tiffany: yeah

Andrew: well do you know what's wrong wit her she hasn't talked to me in a week

Tiffany:her dad died but that's not the case right now look at this

She showed him the messages

Andrew:what the fuck, we need to show someone

Some kids was walking by

Girl:did you hear she's a total whore

Other girls: it not Crystal fault she pregnant

Tiffany:wat the fuck you just say

Girl:oh shit here's little miss sucker

Tiffany:you mean your self Chloe

Chloe was a bitch that was always trying to be all over Andrew and her friend Avery always followed behind her

Avery:oh trust me it's just you

Tiffany: I will never trust you,so yo ass doing this shit

Chloe: doing what

Tiffany:the unknown number calling her a slut

Chloe: I never texted you I don't even have your number

Tiffany:then what the hell is this

She shows her and Chloe looks like she freaking out

Chloe: your being threatened

Tiffany: by who

Chloe: I don't know but I wouldn't mess with it

Lolana walked up

Lolana:what she do Tiff

She handed her the phone

Lolana:wow let's got to the guidance counselor

All them:ok

They went to their counselor Ms.Grey

Ms.Grey:well do you know anyone who would do this

Tiffany:no I don't

Ms.Grey: ok well come to my office tomorrow all of you and bring Crystal

Tiffany: okay

Then next day

They all went to her office

Ms.Grey:can the rest of you leave for a second except for you Crystal

The rest left

Ms.Grey: ok so Crystal do you know anyone who would do this to you

Crystal:no I have no Idea

Ms.Grey:so about this suicidal side have you had suicidal thoughts ever


Ms.Grey:ok then why are they saying that

Crystal: I don't know

Ms.Grey:are you sure


Ms.Gery: well has any thing happened lately

Crystal:well my dad just died

Ms. Grey:I'm sorry for your lost

Crystal: it's ok umm I need to go

Ms.Grey:but Crystal

She had walked out that room and went to the bathroom

Lolana & Tiffany: Crystal

They went into the bathroom

Lolana:are you ok

Crystal looked like she couldn't breathe and started crying

They both hugged her

Crystal always thought about suicide but never said anything cause she never found the right words to say so she sat quiet in silence

Crystal loved poetry and quotes if anything that's how she got away from the pain of life

If only that could see that it would of stopped her

When they walked out that bathroom everything went wrong

Andrew:are you ok

Crystal:I don't know anymore

Andrew:what you mean

Crystal:I mean have you ever just thought of life being useless
,like it just one life gone and know one will miss it right

Andrew:what are you say

Crystal: nothing just a thought


After school

Maya:they told me what happened...are you okay


They where walking home

(Crystal P.O.V

Know one knows what going on I wish they could understand stand me and what I meant

I know we don't have much time left and this Could ruin a lot of peoples life but...I just have to)

When they got home Crystal went to her room put her phone down and fell asleep think about what was about to happen to everyone and their lives because of these secrets

Four poems she writes

  1.She got a on her past
Can't let go of it
She don't really smile
  But nobody ever notices

2. If you knew my secrets I wonder what you'd say, I wonder if you leave and I wonder if you'd stay, I wonder if you see me in a different way it's hard to hold this in think about it everyday

3. I search but I can never find can't seem to leave the past behind because all the ones I wish who would stay are all the ones that fade away

4. What I mean when I say loving you never helps cuz I can never decide between loving you or myself

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