Chapter one: Izunami Kazue.

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Theres fire. Theres destruction. I can hear faint screams of agony in the distance. But why am I here? I forgot. Looking around I see nothing but burning buildings. The flames.. The intense heat.. It's messing with my vision. Everythings going, its fading. Is my hearing gone too? Or have the screams just stopped? Am I the only one left? If so does that mean I'm alone? My legs are covered.. In blood? Where'd this blood come from? Is it someone else's? But who? I don't remember anybody. Anything? What am I doing here? Where am I? Who am I? I need help...

Isamu franticly sat up panting in a cold sweat. The first thing he did was wildly rub his face, all over. He lets out a sigh of relief when he realizes that his mask was still on. He turns his head a little over to his side to his teammates sleeping. He looks down to let out another sigh of relief.

"A bit relieved your mask is still on eh?"

Eyes wideneding Isamu quickly turns to the male thats adjacent to him with an arm up across his face, his reflex. Seeing its only his teammate he lets out yet another sigh of relief.

"Leave me be, Hidan."

Hidan leans back using one arm to prop himself up and uses the other arm to pat Isamu on the back harshly while chuckling to himself. After a cough or two Isamu slaps Hidan's hand away to prevent himself from being manhandled.

"Hidan. I don't like to be touched."

"Oh yeah. I forgot about that." Hidan says rubbing his chin recalling the very first time Isamu spat not to touch him.

Isamu gives only a heavy sigh of annoyance as his reply.

"You're not quite the talker you know that?"

Isamu huffs and gets up to dust himself off. The dirt was starting to get in his eyes and it was really irking him. He turns around and squints to look into the forest that surrounds them. Or rather to look past it. He glances over his shoulder to his teammates, and starts to walk off.

"Where are you going? You can't just leave?" Hidan says standing up as well, while dusting himself off.

"Theres a river. Gotta wash out my eyes. The dust and yeah." mumbles Isamu lowly, yet loud enough for Hidan to hear.

"I still can't just let you go running off by your fucking self? Leader-sama will fucking kill me." Hidan says completely turning his body towards his partner.

"No talking to anyone. No running off, I promise." Isamu says, his words sounding muffled.

"You don't keep promises, Isamu."

"I know. Words don't mean shit of your actions contradict." Isamu mutters as he heads off into the woods leaving Hidan to figure out his little riddle alone.

Isamu stares up in the dark sky, watching the thunder illumate it for a couple moments. Walking around alone in such an isolated area and not being deep in thought is clearly impossible. Isamu knew almost everything. He knew Leader-sama was having second thoughts about his membership. He knew that. He knew that Leader-sama has told everyone to watch him. He knew everyone was suspicious about him. He knew everyone was dying to find out more about him, about his family, past, and about himself. Well he was dying to find all that out also. All he really knows is a few things about himself, and those few things being that 'he' wasn't acutally a he. He was a she, and behind this mask is not some male by the name of 'Isamu', but a young woman, that goes by the name 'Izunami Kazue'. A young woman who can't help but dread the fact that she knows absolutely nothing about herself other than her gender and name.

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