part 4

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"Me? Im Hatake Kakashi. Things I like and things I hate... I don't feel like telling you that. My dreams for the future... Never really thought about it. As for hobbies, I have lots of them."
"All we learned from that was his name..." Sakura says. Naruto agreed. "Ok, you now. Starting at the right." Kakashi says. "My name's Uzumaki Naruto..." He went on a rant about ramen. Jeez, we get it, you like ramen. "... and my future dream is to become Hokage so that everyone will have to respect me!" Naruto grinned. "Alright, next." Ugh, I hate this one. "My name is Haruno Sakura And my likes are... I mean the person I like is... *Squeal* hobbies are... *Looks at Sasuke* ...and my dream is... *Squealing*" I just sigh. "So what your saying is that you like Sasuke, your hobby is stalking Sasuke, and your dream is to be with Sasuke." I say, making her glare at me. "And I hate Naruto and Akari!" She yells. Naruto looked depressed at this. "Ok, next." Kakashi says, I feel bad for Kakashi, having to go through this. "My name is Uchiha Sasuke, I hate slot of things, and I don't particularly like anything." Sakura looked Abit sad at this. "What I have isn't a dream, because I will make it a reality. I will restore my clan, and kill a certain someone..." Sasuke just made things so depressing, jeez. "So what your saying is that you want to have babies and you want to go be a murderer. Thats nice." I say into the silence. Sasuke glared at me as Kakashi cleared his throat. "Last person."
Oh, yay! My turn. "My name is Akari. My hobbies are the same as my likes. annoying Sasuke (glare from him and Sakura) training, and shopping. I dislike many things. My dream is to figure out who I am and what I'm doing here." Silence! Eventually Kakashi spoke. "Good... Your all unique and got your own ideas." I mentally clapped at this for random reasons. "We'll have our first mission tomorrow." That's nice, totally not gonna utterly fail. "What kind of mission are we gonna have?" Naruto questions, grinning happily. "It's a task that the five of us will do together." Kakashi Said. "WHAT what what what what?" So impatient Naruto... "A survival exercise." I just sit their, watching everything unfold, spacing out. Blah blah blah, I know this so I'mma just not listen. He's gonna scare everyone by saying only 9 people pass and yatta yatta. " at the designated training spot at 5 a.m. and bring your ninja gear." Oh yay. I would sleep in but Duckbutt would just wake me up. "That's it, your dismissed. Oh. Tomorrow you better skip breakfast, or you'll puke." Everyone but me is effected by this. I'mma still eat breakfast.
Time skip
"SASUKE!!!!" I tell as I look in the mirror. He cut and dyed my hair! He freaking did to much. I mean, shoulder length hair can still be tied up atleast... Damn him! I don't want silver hair! "YOU BE DOING TO MUCH! ALL I DID WAS DYE THE TIPS OF YOUR HAIR, NOT ALL OF IT!!!" He finally appeared in the doorway of the bathroom. "...It looks nice." Sasuke says, looking at my hair. "I will get you back..." I glare at him. He just smirked at me. "There's still more to come." Shit, what did he do??? I walk into my room and open my closet. "What the fuck Duckbutt!!!!" All my clothes were replaced with boys ninja clothing. I glare at my doorway, but Sasuke isn't there. " I'll just have to costomize it." I say with a smirk, pulling out my sewing kit and working quickly.
(New clothes in top image)
I slip on my new set of clothes and rush downstairs. But not before paying a visit to Sasuke's closet...
I slap Sasuke on the back of the head and he turns on the couch, glaring at me. "You can never get me with clothes!" I smirk at is obviously shocked face... well obvious for Sasuke atleast. I turn away and walk over to the kitchen, swinging open the fridge. "Sensei told us not to eat." Sasuke said as he walked over to me. "That was so he could make us starve Abit. If we don't have food, we're weaker. And it makes for a good bribe." Sasuke just hned in return. I finish making some pancakes and put one infront of Sasuke on the table. I start eating while Sasuke just sits there. "Eat it." I tell him. Hesitantly, he starts to eat. When he's done, I grab his plate and stuff and drop it in the sink. "Lez go!" I say, grabbing his wrist and dragging him to the front door. I slip on my boots and run in place.
We're the first ones to the little bridge. Finally Sakura and Naruto arrive. They both look at me blankly. "Who's this?" Naruto questioned. "I'm me." I say. "That's not what he meant, we want your name." Sakura said. "I'm Akari! God..." Sakura gasped. "You changed your hair!" "I didn't, Sasuke did..." I mumble. "I've been wondering, where do you get your outfits? I've never seen them before and their beautiful." Sakura questioned. "Oh, I design and create them." I tell her, nonchalantly. "I can make you an outfit if you want one." She literally had twinkles in her eyes. "You would?" She questioned. " Of course! Your like the perfect model for my clothes!" I tell her. If she wasn't a fangirls, I'd totally be her best friend. "I could totally start a business..." Me and Sakura stood around talking about designs and creating a business, I even started creating a clothing design for her.
Since I'm to lazy, I'm ending the chapter here! I'll post a line of fashion created by Akari tomorrow.
I create short chapters and I've got a life, well actually, my life is just drawing, reading, and writing.... (Sigh) just don't expect much from me.
Author coming in with a notice! I had somewhere to be so I didn't get to draw all the clothes so there has been a delay!!

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