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Edge of Dreams

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to," I'm crying and I can't stop. "It was supposed to change colour." I hold the chunk of blonde hair out to show him.

"It's okay. Everything's going to be okay," my father says rubbing my back soothingly.

"Mummy's angry," I sob out. "I wanted to have brown hair like you. It worked before,"

He sighs before pulling away and looking at me. "Was this real or a dream? Did you wake up?"

"I woke up," I look down ashamed and wipe my nose on my sleeve.

"You have to remember that your dreams aren't real. Look at me." He shakes me slightly, and I look into his brown eyes, so different from mine. "They aren't real."

"But it felt real."


I am too afraid to ask the others what is going to happen to us. I shake with each step we take, knowing I am going to my impending doom.

Punishment within school outside of Sector 6 was as simple as staying in during lunch or after school for detention. Here, it seemed something to fear. Would they physically harm us? Surely it's not legal. I come to the realisation quickly, that we are their property now.

They can do whatever they want to us.

We're in a part of the level that I have not seen before. There are adults walking around and stood outside rooms. Not as many as when I went to Lucy's level, but enough to make me feel unsettled. It is completely unfamiliar to me. When I see somebody being carried out of a room unconscious, with bloody scratches across their neck and face, I'm glad I have never been here before.

The blonde boy is dropped off to some man in a black top and trousers similar to our own but in grey. My eyes widen at his muscles which ache to rip out of his shirt. Ms Hawk does nothing but give him a number, and the blonde boy awaits his fate.

Taylor is next to be dropped off, a man who is dressed the same stands outside a door, with evident muscles. Ms Hawk gives him a different number than from before.

I frown, and take the risk. "Aaron," I whisper. He doesn't respond at first, until I poke him in the back.

"What?" He snaps quietly.

"What do the numbers mean?" I question whilst keeping an eye on the back of Ms Hawks head.

"It's the level of dosage strength they use."

"What are they going to do to us?" The fear is clear in my voice.

Ms Hawk stops outside a room with another man outside. She mentions the number 5. Higher compared to Taylor's 1, and the blonde boys 3.

Aaron turns to study me, and from his fearful facial expression, I know to expect the worst. Any confidence I have previously seen from him is gone, but his voice is loud and clear with sincerity. "They're going to put us through hell."

I follow Ms Hawk to the next room, anxious and miserable at the same time. The man outside the door is tall and imposing, and seems much more intimidating to me than the rest.

"We have a first timer, give her a 4."

The door slides open and inside it's completely shrouded in darkness, except for one spotlight on a chair. The chair is just plain and normal, though it's bolted to the floor. Even with the walls outside shining inside, the room is still half a mystery. I hesitate afraid of what's in the dark, which leads to the man shoving me into the room. I sit on the seat, knowing there is nowhere else I can go.

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