Part 3 - Training

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-previously on Cursed By Fate-

Being saved by someone, who looked after you since you blacked out, not really understanding his motives. He knew more about you than you thought, you found it scared but you trusted him.

"How do I call you?"

"You can call me Kim Seokjin but just Seokjin is good for now."

You get to know him and the meaning behind why he saved you as he made a silent promise to himself, To protect the daughter who got the curse. He learns you the beginning to understand too use your powers to use it for the good. His revenge for his wife and you Red Dragon the name he gave you, to protect the once you need. And you made a promise for yourself.

"You said he is the one who plays at his own rules, that means he is responsible for the death of a lot of innocent people including my mother and who knows how many girls or woman he has rapped just as your wife. I don't mind seeing him bleed to death, after I see the fear in his eyes that I bring him." You say, he sighs at you.

"I can't change your mind now can I?"

"No you can't." You made a promise to yourself. The power that you hold can be used for a lot of things bad and good, the journey you are beginning would make you to choose between these two a lot. But what ever happens don't forget who you are, don't let your emotions play a roll in what you do. You are the one who is going to protect your home from the things that are bad, you will kill the once who are not playing by the rules, you will take jobs if it means peace and you will at all cost trust one man and his name is Kim Seokjin.


Dairy day 48

I am beginning to hate him so much, these days I have only been training all kind of things and I suck at all of them! How in the world am I going to survive the outside if I can't even handle this, he always is the one who is defeating me. The blade is my strongest ally till now, it's the only weapon I can uses probably. As for my fire training or how Seokjin likes to call it my "Dragon training"as he laughs really hard about his own joke, that's one of his talents as he calls it himself. He calls himself the master of jokes and I laugh mostly because of his laugh than on the actual jokes.

But back to my "Dragon training" it's going better than the weapon training, that's one thing for sure. I have most control over the fire, only when I have a lot of emotions going around it is a little harder. Well he was throwing stones and other things at me what I think he enjoys doing. Today I needed to hold fire above my head, yes not safe and all but I managed to do it and I am still a life so that's something right? If I have completely control over my powers, I am going to learn how to burn myself if that's sounds correct. It's about setting things on fire as in objects or my body, without burning myself or someone else. Well I can burn them if I want to but let's not go there yet, for now I am training to be not scared of what ever happens and be strong. I need to be strong, this is not for revenge. This is about giving them a piece of there own medicine, I can't stand by and watch them doing what they want to do. If no one is going to stop them, who will. Right now I am not in the right shape to do anything but General Min Bon-Hwa, you won't read this but you are going to know this name very well in just a few days Red Dragon. Yes that name stays, and also for a advisor for the king he is good with his hands. He is making me clothes that are light but can't catch on fire, I would end up naked if it wasn't. It would definitely distract the enemy but it's a big NO for me.

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