Law and Order

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When people tell you of the land of the free, what do you think of?

Most people probably think of a paradise, where people can be whatever they want to be and do whatever they want to do.
But that's not the case for us.

When I wake up, I wake up because a machine tased me awake. When I get dressed, it's because a machine clothes me. When I eat, it's because a machine feeds me, and when I go to work, it's because a machine takes me there.

I didn't even want to be a lawyer. I was just assigned to be a lawyer. But they don't care about that. 
They don't care about anything.

All of these thoughts were dancing in my head as I walked into the giant dome court, with a ceiling made of glass. I stood next to my client, who looked anxiously at the defendant. 
The defendant simply stood there, angrily staring down the plaintiff. Before I even knew it, the President marched inside the courtroom.

No one even knows who elected him, or how he came to power. All we know is that one day, he was just suddenly in charge. And with no congress, he was the only person left to make all of the rules. 

With such power, he made himself the head of everything. There was only one court now and he was the judge for every case. And with security cameras everywhere, I don't know why he needs lawyers anymore, but he decides every job that exists, and who gets them, so it was probably for some economic reason. 
But who knows?
That's just law and order. In this society at least. Other nations don't seem to have the same standards we do, but they don't dare interfere with how we live, for some reason.   

The President sat down in his giant marble throne, that he requested to be set in the center of the court.
"You may begin," he said, as his voice echoed throughout the room.

"Mr.Smith," I stated, questioning the defendant," all the evidence shows that you brutally raped Mrs.Thompson! DNA evidence confirms this, video footage of the parking lot of the grocery store of you forcing her into your van exists as well and to top it off, when you were arrested, the police found enormous quantities of GHB in packets, so tell me, Mr.Smith, what a supposedly innocent man such as yourself, need with a date rape drug?"

"Alright enough!" he blares into the court. "Yeah, okay, fine, I admit it, is that what you want to hear? Yeah, I did it..." he says, in full acknowledgment of what he's done. "Yeah, I raped her..."

The courtroom gasps and mumbles at this shocking information, he admitted to being true. 
No one knew what to say. I definitely didn't. I thought they are usually supposed to deny they did anything wrong, but he just admitted that what he did was wrong. 

And for a few minutes, the courtroom sat in silence. I turned to see Mrs.Thompson who's eyes were unable to stay in one place. They were looking all over, trying to absorb as much information as possible. 

"Ok counselor..." Mr.President says,"we've heard all we needed to hear, I'm ready to make my judgment," he says. "Mr.Smith, do you have anything to say before I sentence you?"

"Yeah judge, I do," he says, trying to keep the tears from rolling down his face,"Look...I feel, kinda bad about what I did and look, Mrs.Thompson, I'm really sorry... Okay, you think you could forgive me?"
"Forgive you?!" she bursts,"Hell no I won't forgive you! I'll have you rot in hell for what you've done to me!"
"Okay, okay, enough of that..." Mr.President says, diffusing the conversation.

"Bailiffs," he says,"Go get my son Jessie."

The 2 guards nod in understanding and walk off into the other room off to the side. A minute later, they drag out a tall looking white man with long hair in a fancy tuxedo, by the arms. 

Once they arrive in the center of the room, one guard kicks him in the face getting blood on his shoes while the other rapidly punches him in the face and the other guard soon copies him. They smash his head in with their elbows and then kick him down onto the ground, then grab his neck before he can fall down and picks him up into the air and body slams him onto the ground, then continues kicking him over and over and over, stunning the entire congregation.

I can only sit and watch. I'm not even allowed to make a facial expression. If I do I could be next. 

Soon they stop beating him up. His blood, flooding the floor and staining the clothes of those nearby. 

"Mr.Smith," the President says,"My son Jessie has been punished on your behalf. If you accept this gift, you will not be held accountable for your crime."

"What?!" Mrs.Thompson bursts once more, as the entire congregation mumbles loudly in disapproval. 
"He admitted to raping her!" one yells
"He should burn!" another one screams.

"Really?" Mr.Smith says,"you're just gonna let me go?"
"Yes," the President says.

"Okay, I-I accept! Thank you!" He stampers out of his mouth, as he runs out of the court. 

"I can't believe this!" Mrs.Thompson yells in anger. "You're just letting him go for raping me! What's to stop him from raping another?!!"

"That's not important," Mr.President yells,"You better believe it!" 

The room is shocked at what they witnessed. 
"Next case..." Mr.President says as another man is walked in.

"Okay, here I go..." I whisper to myself.
"Mr.Clark, isn't it true that while you were making love to your wife Tina, you, shouted out the name, "Jessica'?"

"Ok, yes, at the time, I was thinking about my high school sweetheart," he says,"But honey, I swear, I never, ever cheated on you."
"Oh you cheated on her..." the President says,"In your heart, Mr.Clark."
"Okay, you got a point judge, and that's something to think about, but honey, honey look, I am really sorry about this... I am..."

The room awws at the sheer affection being displayed in the room. 
"I have to admit..." Tina says,"I was very mad at first, but I forgive you!" 

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Mr.President says,"My forgiveness is all that matters here."

"Look, judge, with all due respect, this is between me and my wife," Mr.Clark says. 

"I've heard enough, I'm ready to rule," Mr.President says. He simply nods to the guards.

The guards, once more, proceed to body slamming Jessie and kicking him repeatedly, over and over. 
"Mr.Clark, as my free gift to you, my son Jessie has been punished on your behalf," Mr.President says. "If you accept this gift, you will not be held accountable for your crimes."

"What?!" Mr.Clark screams," Judge, this is barbaric! I really wished you had asked me before you had the living crap beat out of your son! Look, judge, I'm responsible for my own actions and in the eyes of the law, if what I did was so wrong that you feel that I need to be punished, then you go ahead and punish me."
The congregation simply gasps. No one had ever stood up to the President like Mr.Clark was doing. 

"Bailiffs, burn him..." Mr.President says. "Hey, Mr.Spin, I want you to watch this, you've done a great job as a lawyer."
"Ok...thank you, sir..." I said, nervously. I walked into the other room with Mr.President and the two guards as they chain up Mr.Clark.

Soon, Mr.Clark was burning on fire and screaming at the top of his lungs. He was jumping around in his chains and squirming, trying to find some relief from the unbearable stinging tearing into his flesh like a vicious bear but no matter what he did, he couldn't find any escape.

"Baliff's..." Mr.President says,"put the fire out before he dies, give him a few months to heal, and then burn him again, I want this torture to last as long as possible. Oh, by the way, Mr.Clark," Mr.President says,"I love you."

I and the President walk out of the chamber as Mr.Clark does nothing but scream, his wife standing in horror.
"Go home Mr.Spin..." the President says,"You've done a great job."

What can I say?
That's law and order.

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