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I walked out of the dome court, towering over the city and reaching out into the dark cloudy sky peering down at the miserable people lifelessly moving through motions. You would think this was some freak accident, but this is how it is every day. The clouds are dark and gray, but puffy and big like cotton candy. The sky beneath it looks as if all the color was slowly drained from it like a bowl of noodles, and the sky, now impecunious, emotionlessly hangs over us like a man just freshly strangled to death. 

I dart down the long fleet of cracked marble stairs, slowly leading me to the street with cars driving to and fro as if they have nowhere to go or wonder as if why they are going in the first place. Why does anyone do anything? Because the President told us to. That's it. And it seems to be good enough. The President handpicks what time we wake up, what we wear, what we eat, and directly orders us what to do exactly that day. I often lay back and wonder if we do it simply because he says so. What's our motivation?

I walked the lonesome streets of Brooklyn, hugging the space clawing itself away from the road itself, and before I knew it I was standing right in front of my doorstep. Standing there. Hesitant to move. Did I really want to just do the same thing I do every day? Normally I simply just wash through the aged motions, but for some reason, I didn't want to. Why does the President rule like he does? Who even chose the President to lead?
All of these questions dawned in my mind. It just seems weird that he just assumed power, and nobody questioned why. So I turned myself around and briskly started walking to the center of town. I needed to know, anything about the President. And if anybody knew anything, it would be the very people who follow his commands thoroughly and are always seemingly trying to convince others to start working for the President. And they do a pretty good job. I don't know now in days, who isn't working for the President. It's gotten so bad that those who refuse to are literally called,"Anti-Pres" simply because they don't want to work for him. People follow through what he says blindly and don't even take into account what he actually says.

I pace myself until I make it to the Information Center. The President declared that all political information be public, and created a place for you to get the information. All of it is stored inside the Information Center, and if anyone could show me anything about the President I didn't know, it would be someone inside there.

I get to the automated doors that shove air out of the way and welcome me inside. I breeze over to the front desk.
"Hi, I'm here to see the political documents of our current President. I really just want to know how he came in power, his motives, the general stuff just about him. Simple things, I'm sure you'd be able to provide. I was wondering if I could take a look at such information."

"Of course you can," the tall bald man in a blue suit jacket said. I looked around anxiously trying to find as of where I would be directed to find this information. I saw the long and tall bookshelves placed emphatically around the room, completely lavished with books and documents. But when I returned my eyes to him, he did nothing but sit and stare at me for what felt as if a couple minutes.
"Please sit down..." he kindly said.
"I'm sorry, but I don't have all day," I state back slightly aggravated. "If you could please just show me the information then I'd-"
"What are you saying?" he quickly interjected as if I had just slapped him. "Are you saying, that you don't believe I have the information?"
"What?! No, I just wanted to read the information." I said, defensively trying to ignore the accusations popping out of nowhere. 

The man nods his head in understanding, reaches his head under his desk while fumbling around for something, returns up and drops a large stack of folders filled to the brim with papers. 

"What's all of this?" I ask.
"Historical evidence, that proves the information exists."

I peer into the papers and see fully detailed reports of how many users requested information, how many got it, and how many were pleased with the information they received.
"Yeah, there definitely is a lot of data about the information here."
"Great! Now you can leave." He states back coldly.
"What?! I didn't agree with that! I haven't even seen the information yet!" I blurt back.

"Ah, here we go again, have a little trust, will you? It's my documents you want to read after all. I have a close, personal relationship with the very pages you want to skim through. I know all about it. I mean, I literally couldn't even think about the information simply because of my lack of positive ratings I had, how do you think I got here? Taking people's requests to get the information hands on?"
"Well, you could've had people give false ratings because you wanted to move up the ranks, or done them all by yourself, or people could've simply given you better ratings than they meant to by accident-"
"Ridiculous! You actually believe that?! The only way I could've gotten here was from people giving me good ratings!"
"Unbelievable!" I stomped my foot in anger, my arms waving furiously at my sides. "I don't care! Just show me the damn information already! I'm not going to step a foot outside of this facility until I can actually see this information on paper for myself!" 

"Woah, Woah, Woah lady..." a man looking identical to the bald one sitting in front of me but instead had a full head of black hair and beard said as he kept his glasses from falling off his face said, as he ran up to me.
"I'm a man," I said.
"Doesn't matter... I'm going to have to ask that you calm down. You're causing a scene! Jim, what the hell is going on here?" he said looking at the man at his desk.

"It's just that this man wants to see the information-"
"Ah, the informational packets? Lots of information talking about General Hill, you'll love it."
"What?!" Jim said,"It's blue colored documents talking about President George!" Jim said angrily back.

"Are you kidding me?" the other man retorted,"I used to own those documents! I know how it looks, I know what it's about, I've got a close and personal relationship with those documents!" he said.
"What the hell is all of this bickering going on over here?" A lady decked out in the same uniform, marches over asking. 

"Jim here thinks that the information here is about President George!"
"It is," she says.
"Bam!" Jim says back tauntingly. 
"It's on red paper and everything," she says once more.

"Wait, what?" Jim says,"No it's not, it's blue paper!"
"Jim, C'mon, not even close, it's obviously red," she says.
"Prove it," she says with a grin on her face.

"Just look at our website, it states we offer cool information! Obviously, blue is considered a cool color." Jim says. "Whereas red is considered a warm color."
"No, no, no," she says,"you misinterpreted the website. Obviously the word,"cool" wasn't meant that way. The writer meant for the word to mean trendy and hip, cool, like, red is a cool color" she said, emphasizing the last word cool, with a slicked-back tone of voice.

"Excuse me?!" I burst in anger,"We could settle this all right now if we actually just looked at the information!"
"What's his problem?" she says.
"Oh, he doesn't believe the information exists," Jim says.

They all start chuckling as if everything happening is just hilarious.
"Listen," Jim says,"You can't prove the information doesn't exist!"

"Yeah, where is your proof of evidence that your disbelief in the information is accurate and correct?" the other man asks.
"Well for one, none of you can show me any of the information. If you really had information to give me, I would've seen it by now." I say.

"Woah, Woah, Woah, look at all this," Jim says,"I've given you historical evidence, and I've given you testimonies of people who have read the information as well!"

"Yeah, they've had experience with the information," I say looking down and actually reading the information,"But they can't even agree on what color it is... Or even what type of information it is, are you kidding me?! And now that I take a look at this data you've given me, a lot of this information seems to be jabbed and pulled from other pieces of information as well! Not just perfectly originated from statistical data of your users!"

"So you're going to not trust the information we have, just because of a few tiny disagreements on some paper?" Jim says.
"Are you going to show me the information, or not?" I state, my voice increasingly shifting away from patience. 

"Sincerely believe that we have the information, leave satisfied, and maybe one day, the information will reveal itself to you," Jim said.
"Ok, I've heard enough, thanks for wasting my time! I ask you to show me the information, and you show me arguments for its existence! Good day!" I yell.

I turn around and prepare myself to leave and then,"Sir," I hear muttered from behind me,"here's the hard truth. If you don't believe that we have the information, then you will be burned in the President's torture chambers for violating the law. You have a choice."
"WHAT?" I yell,"you're threatening me?!"
"No, it's not threatening. You have a choice."
"What the hell kind of choice is that?! It's a threat!"
"Call it whatever you want," he says,"but if you don't believe in the information, there's no one else to blame but you."

"I'm done here," I say as I walk out angrily.
"Did you tell him the information is also constantly updating itself on paper, doesn't require any energy, knows everything, can heat your house, and makes you invincible when you have it?" the other man says.
"Oh, geez, I forgot to. Then I would've really had him." Jim said.

"Too bad people are just stupid," the woman says, returning to where she came from. 

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