The Possibilities...

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I swiftly ran out of the school. Maybe my teacher was right. Maybe my mom would let me back in. I wouldn't know. So I powered through, using all of my energy to keep running until my legs felt like literal jelly, succumbing to my nature of defeat. But I kept running anyway. I could feel my chest burning up, my need to stop, but I ignored it. I wanted to be back home. Deep down, I know they cared for me, and that's where I wanted to be. 

I came up to my house, with all of my belongings still on the front porch. I slowly crept to the door.
"Ok..." I hear coming from the inside," it's your will Mr.President..." my mom says as she ends a phone call. She's still inside.
I knock on the door,"Hey mom, I'm home!" I say, expecting a response. 
No word.

I knock again,"Really mom, you can stop this game now."
Nothing is replied.

She won't let me back in, but I know dad won't let this be. I remembered he was headed towards the information center, so I crossed the street and headed there. I dashed from the sidewalk, pranced through the street, and safely made it to the other side.

Just then, a red car filled with 4 men creeps up beside me. Both men in the back of the car peer out of their windows, as well as the passenger, and the driver, and start rapidly firing bullets into my chest and body. The bullets quickly tearing into my skin and leaving a pulsating burn, felt like I was getting medical shots of fire that snapped at me like 1,000 rubber bands. My chest felt like it was compressed inwards. I felt and knew where every bullet was.

I could no longer stand, I fell backward and collapsed on the ground. Blood was oozing from my body and staining the ground nearby. And then, the car reversed and started rapidly shooting at my nearly dead body. There wasn't an inch they didn't cover. Not an inch I couldn't feel the pain of their weapons, ripping my flesh. It hurt so badly all I could do was close my eyes. And a couple seconds later, I couldn't open them again.

"Oh, no honey..." Jill said, bursting out of the house and running up to Damon. "I knew this was going to happen..."
She pulls out her phone and rapidly dials her husband, Baxter, but no pickup. She calls him again and he still doesn't pick up the phone. One more time she calls, and he still will not answer. She resorts to texting. 
"COME HOME NOW!" she texts, but it doesn't seem like enough," WE NEED YOU BACK HOME NOW!", she follows it up with.

She walks up to Damon's body, lifting his head and crying into his shirt. She felt guilty for what had happened. She moves her arm and checked for a pulse, but there was no pulse. He was gone. 
She picks up his body and brings him into the house, and lies him down on the couch. All she can do is wait for her husband.
"Baxter is approaching the house..." the automated computer system declares.

"What's wrong?" Baxter says, walking in, panting.
All she can do is point to Damon, who is lying on the couch, dead.

"Oh my gosh..." he says,"I'm so sorry..."
"Don't be..." she says,"Damon no longer needs to feel the pain of this world. Damon is pretty much in a better place now. The President is good..." she says, wiping her eyes.

"What do you mean by that?" he burst up.
"The President has a plan for everything...this was his plan..." she says, tearfully.
"So the President had a plan that you Damon would get shot like this? Violently?"

"And you're sad about that?"
"And yet you still dare to call the President good, even though he directly ordered the death of your son?" I yell.

"You just don't understand-"
"No, I don't think you do!" I burst out in complete anger. "No matter what scenario was given here, you'd still be saying thanks to the President!"
"That is not true!" she retorts.

"Oh yeah?!" I yell. He walks towards her angrily, grabs her arm and yanks her to the basement. He brings her down there and walks towards the supercomputer within the house. He immediately starts bringing up a computer software.

"What are you doing?" she asks.
"What are you, stupid?" he yells,"the President has placed security cameras literally everywhere. There is nothing he doesn't see. Using that, we can use the data monitored before the shooting to predict what alternate outcomes were possible. Or most likely probable."

And just then, the monitor goes black, and begins displaying the alternate scenarios. 
Baxter sits in his chair.


Damon walks down the same street he was on, and the car rides up beside him just like it had previously. The men peer out of their windows, aim their guns, and rapidly fire bullets at Damon, but every single bullet missed. They drive away. Damon runs back home for protection.

"Every single bullet missed Damon..." Jill says once Baxter arrived home later, from a text that she sent in blind happiness and shock. 
"Obviously, the President saved his life. It's a miracle. The President is good."

The room gets warm as the next scenario plays.

Damon walks down the street, the car pulls up, the men peer out of the window and rapidly fire bullets towards Damon. The bullets mostly missed him except for a couple that tore into his shoulder, leg, and lower stomach. He collapses forward on the ground and his mother runs out to aid him.
"Damon was struck in several places but the bullets missed all of his major organs," Jill said,"It's a miracle! He's gonna make a full recovery! The President saved him! The President is good!"

The room is starting to get unnaturally hot.

"Do you see what I'm talking about Jill?" Baxter says,"look at yourself!" he yells in anger.


Damon walks down the street, the car pulls up, the men peer out of the window and rapidly fire bullets towards Damon. The bullets strike many places, often having some shoot straight through his body instead of infesting certain parts of it. He falls and collapses onto his back chocking and spitting up blood into the air, only letting on falls back onto his face. His mother instantly runs out to aid him.
"Damon has some lasting damage...his spinal cord was struck, and he's suffered some brain damage but those wounds should've killed him, the President saved his life. The President has more plans for Damon. The President is good."

Baxter jumps up, slamming his fists into the table, and spins around to face Jill and says,"And now look at you! Your son is literally dead, because of this self-righteous bastard, intoxicated by power, and you still have the bitch in you, to dare call whatever this cock-juggling, Captain skinny-dick cunt is, a good man?! What the hell is wrong with you! Do you have no reason?"

His eyes, reflecting the anger he feels. Beaming them onto her, and making her feels the full weight of the situation. Right then, the supercomputer behind them blows up launching them away from it and instantly catching the house on fire, while causing piles of wood and debris to fall on their only exit, keeping them locked in.


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