The Room

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I was outraged. All of that effort coming over to the middle of the city, and I got no information like they said I would've. What are they hiding that's so important, they can't give me a single piece of information, although, to me, it seemed like none of them have even read it. But they have to have something.
I pulled out my cell phone and dialed a contact," Jill...yes, this is me, listen, I want you to know I'll be a little late coming back from work."
"Ok," Jill said,"Did you hear about what Damon did at school today? You have to do something about this, he is your son."
"I don't know what happened, but I really don't have time for this." I said anxiously,"You come up with his punishment, whatever you pick I'll agree with. Ok, I love you, I have to go..." I said, as I hung up the phone and dreadfully slipped it into my pocket.

I began walking, my shoes clicking against the sidewalk, behind the information center. I walked behind the building and saw a backdoor labeled,"Administrators Only", so it must have been important. Whatever it was, I wanted to know.
I frantically lifted my hand and placed it on the doorknob. I twisted gently, but couldn't open the door. It must've been locked. But I needed another way in. I backed up as far as I could and ran at the door with everything I had. I rammed myself into the door, with my shoulder facing it and busted straight through the middle of the door and landed in a cold and dark room, with nothing but a bunch of tall rectangular blinking computers, all synced together forming some kind of online server.

In the background, I heard a bunch of yelling, followed by a bunch of pauses. As I walked closer to the origination of the sounds, I stepped into a highly lit, circular room, where the closer to got to the center, the lower it was in the ground. Like a theater, but it completely wrapped around the room, and bathed the room in its bright lights. 

"Get down..." a voice next to me called out as he dragged me down next to him. He was wearing what looked like potato sacks for clothing, he had no hair, and his skin was tattered with cuts and bruises. I looked around and there were a bunch of these men, simply just kneeling.

A couple of men entered the room, with the same blue suits on as in the information center, and walked around with whips. They walked around and started whipping people violently in their necks until they died.
"What's going on here...?" I ask.
"We're learning..." he says back quietly.
"Learning what?" I ask out. 

"Ok, that's enough." a voice, loudly blares from the center of the room. "Let's try this again."

The men in the suits kick a man in chains down to the room until he lands beside the centerman, who picks him up by his hair and showcases him to the crowd.

"Johnny is an anti-president who happens to be wealthy. He likely attained his wealth through unethical business practices. Or, he was a spoiled brat with rich parents.  Foolishly using material possessions, Johnny tries to fill a President-shaped hole, in his heart. The President probably allows Johnny to be wealthy now because he knows that Johnny will suffer forever in the torture chambers. So because the President is kind, he is letting Johnny experience happiness during his life with us."
Just then, a guard walks down wearing a white sweater, and a blue scarf wrapped around his neck. 
"Billy is a pro-president here, who happens to be wealthy. It is obvious, that the President has truly blessed Billy's life. He is reaping the rewards of a Pro-president lifestyle. Billy probably pulled himself up by his bootstraps, and is no doubt, a pillar of society. Providing employment, and support for his community."
"Now look at Johnny once more," he said, tightening the grip on his hair,"Johnny is an impoverished anti-President now...Where did his wealth go? Johnny's poverty is likely a direct result of his Anti-Presidentism. He's probably a lazy liberal looking to leech off of the system. He suffers this lot in life, this condemnation because he rejects the President. Moreover, he doesn't believe that there's a torture chamber, so why should he care about anything? Life for him has no meaning, so it's no wonder, he's a bum."
Billy then takes off his white sweater, and reveals, he's wearing the same clothes as every other prisoner in this room.
"Billy is an impoverished Pro-President. Worry not, Billy, in the White House, the last will be first and the first will be last. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the Earth, and it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for someone who is rich to enter the White House. So in the end, you will have the last laugh. Won't you Billy?"
Billy's face lights up with a smile.

"Johnny is an anti-President who has been stricken with cancer and has lost loved ones. Anti-Presidents are naturally miserable people, it is very apparent that the President has given up on Johnny. Johnny has nobody to blame for his hardships except himself. The President has punished him, and the President is always just. If he converted, if he genuinely sought the President and allowed the President to work in his life, then his life would be turned around."

"Billy is a Pro-President who has been stricken with cancer and has lost loved ones. Billy is such a good-natured person, but he has had to endure hardships because the President is testing him. The President is giving him an opportunity to prove his faithfulness and the President is helping to build Billy's character through the tribulation. Happiness cannot exist without sadness. Good cannot exist without evil. Remember, the President works in mysterious ways, we should all talk to the President for Billy, to help him out."

"Johnny is an Anti-President who talks about his beliefs openly. Therefore, he is disrespectful and bigoted against who trust in the President. If Johnny leads a sad life with many troubles, then it is likely he blames the President and hates the President, which is why he openly mocks the President. But if Johnny lives a good life with few troubles, then he has no fear of the President which is why he openly mocks the President. Deep down, Johnny knows he's a depraved "sinner" and he uses his unabashed 80s evangelism typed communication to pull others down with him, so he will have an audience for his hate speech."

"Billy is a Pro-President who talks about his beliefs openly. He boisterously spreads the good news, is a proud Pro-President and is not afraid to show it. Billy feels free to use blanket statements that begin with the words," you Anti-Presidents" and "Anti-Presidents are always like this or that". He may feel free to use Anti-President stereotypes and generalizations without fear that he will ever be considered bigoted. He may feel free to make fun of Anti-Presidents and even show open hostility towards them. That is what is known as, righteous indignation. He is to be commended."

"What is this?!" I quietly ask the slave next to me,"You shouldn't be learning this! All of this information has a double standard! Does no one else see this but me?"

"There is no double standard here...this is just the way it is for Pro-Presidents..." he says.
"Hey, you!" the middle man yells. "Stop talking or I'm gonna give your ass something to talk about!"

The room goes quiet.
"Billy is a teenage Pro-President. He's such a good boy. To be this smart at such a young age, he's destined to do great things. He's a fine example to his friends, and he's the pride of his town."
"Johnny is a teenage Anti-President. He's just rebelling against his parents. His distrust in the President couldn't possibly be sincere. Anti-Presidentism is just hip and trendy at the moment. It's just a phase, and he'll grow out of it soon enough. He's probably just trying to fit in with his juvenile delinquent friends or impress some girl, or god forbid, some boy."

I look down at my phone, that is suddenly starting to vibrate, and not stop vibrating. 
"COME HOME NOW!" My wife texts.

"I have to go..." I say as I jump up and run out of the room as fast as I can without trying to be noticed.

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