Chapter 1

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  This is my last chance to prove myself to my parents. I don’t want to go to summer school, but I’ll have to if I don’t pass my classes. I’ve been distracted lately. So distracted, that my grades went from straight A’s, to straight C’s with the exception of 1 or 2 F’s. The source of my diversion isn’t a mystery,  but for some reason, I don’t want to get away from it. It’s the feeling that I get from being around him. My sleepless nights thinking about him. Him. He’s just a boy, I try to tell myself. Nothing more.

  “Stop daydreaming, Mag.” Frightened, I jerked back, stopping what I was doing and looked over my bed frame to see who was in my room.

  Oh God, she’s here.

  “I hate when you call me that, Brim,” I snap “Why are you here, anyway?”

  “Okay, calm down Ivy. I just think Mag suits you better. Anyway, I’m here to pass on a message to you,” Brim states with an almost-smile on her face. “Oh and sorry for barging in on you like that.”

I hate her. I told my parents not to let her into the house anymore, but I guess she manipulated them like she does to everyone else. I sit up, and watch her walk around my room, stalking every object she sees. She stands in front of my mirror, and ties up her long, ombre styled hair with a scrunchie that she found on my dresser.

  “Are you going to get to the point, or do I have to kick you out now and get it over with?” I question her semi-sarcastically. Not a word was stated by her for the next five minutes. She just looks in the mirror, and dolls herself up. Did she come to my house for free hair supplies or something? Whatever the reason, I want her out.

  “C’mon, Ivy. I just want to be friends,” Brim states, putting the last pin in her hair. Friends? Does she not remember how she intentionally pushed me down the stairs causing a large scar on my left cheek? Does she not remember how she brainwashed all of my friends into hating me to this day? Or is she just here to taunt me? It’s because of her, I ended up in the hospital for 15 days, since she ‘accidentally’ hit my side while driving her car. I just stare at her in awe, shocked by her stupid statement. I don’t want to be friends with her. Ever.

  She makes her way towards my bed, and sits at the edge, crossing her legs. “Whatever, we don’t have to be friends,” she says, on the verge of yelling, but still low enough so that my parents wont hear the conversation. “I just have to tell you. Tell you that-.” She pauses for a second and stares at her fingernails. She doesn’t seem nervous, but at the same time, she isn’t calm either. She almost seems excited. Like she’s reading her acceptance letter to the best high school in the state. “Lisa is planning an attack. On you. All because of a silly little rumor that someone, maybe me, I don’t know, spread about you and Eric.”


  “You heard me loud and clear, I’m just giving you a heads up. That’s what friends are for, right?” Brim stated with an evil smirk on her face.

  “What’s your problem? This is just music to your ears, isn’t it?” I yell out of frustration. “Get out of my house! And don’t come back!” I try to keep my voice as stern as possible, but my frustration makes me studder and tears start to build up in my eyes. It’s not the fact that someone is going to attack me that makes me upset. It’s the fact that Lisa, my best friend since third grade, is planning to attack me.

  Without a word, Brim gets up from my bed, still with the same smirk on her face, and walks toward my bedroom door. Her eyes meet mine, and I quickly turn away. I could feel blood rushing towards my cheeks. Like all the blood in my body has made its way to my face. When I look back up, she’s already gone, but I wish she wasn’t, so I could knock the smile right off of her face. I never want to see her again. I never want to see anyone again. I lay back down on my bed and try to relax. With one hand, I pull my beige blanket over my body, and with the other I turn off my bedside lamp. It’s Saturday, and only 2 in the afternoon, but I figured that sleep would help me calm down.

  “Ivy! Wake up.” I hear a voice say, but I still keep my eyes closed. Ugh, I groan when I feel my room lights turned on.

  “What do you want?” I question, my eyes still not opened.

  “Come on, we’re going to the store.” Finally, I open my eyes to find my mother standing on the side of my bed. I turn to see the time that I have on my alarm clock. 2:07. Only 7 minutes passed from when I fell asleep. Ugh. I wanted to stay home to relax, but I figured since I’m already awake, and I doubt that I’d be able to go back to sleep, I might as well go.


“I heard you yelling earlier. Is everything alright?” There are a lot of different responses to this question through my head. Why did you invite her in, I should ask. But I don’t.

  “Yeah, everything’s fine. We were acting, but she had to leave when I ‘kicked’ her out.” Usually, I would tell my mother the truth, but I wasn’t ready to play 21 questions with her at the moment. The thought of Brim spreading rumors about me wasn’t wasn’t something that I would like to talk to her about right now. Eric? Me? Who would ever believe that I did something, anything, to Eric? He’s my best friend's boyfriend, for Gods sake! I don’t know what the rumor was, or what I allegedly did, but whatever it was, it couldn’t have been true. Me and Eric hasn’t talked since the day him and Lisa got together, only because Lisa doesn’t talk to me anymore. Ever since she’s been brainwashed by Brim, she hasn’t spoken a word to me, but I still consider her my best friend.

    I rummaged through my pocket, to get my phone as I heard an embarrassing ringtone go off. My face begins to turn red as I feel the glares of strangers looking in my direction as they pass. When I look at the caller ID, everything around me no longer matters. Collin. At least I still had him. I slid my finger across my smartphone to answer the call, and put it on my ear.

  “Hey, Poison. Did you hear what happened over Twitter today?”

  “What? No.”

  “Well, a rumor was spread about you and Er-.”

  “Oh, yeah, that,” I interrupted. “I don’t know what it’s all about. You don’t believe it, do you?

  “The rumor wasn’t exactly stated, but I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t believe it if it were anyway.” I can just imagine how he looks right now. Telling by the way he sounds, I know he’s smiling, probably running his fingers through his quiffed up, sleek brown hair.  Colin was always there for me, and I’m glad that Brim didn’t take him away as well. “Hey, but I have to go. My mom is yelling at me to clean my room. Love ya’ kiddo.”

  Wait. Love ya’?  The comment caught me off guard, and I find myself unable to move. That’s the first time anyone, besides my mother, ever said that to me. My mother passes me a look, while putting cans of lord knows what in the cart. I glance at her pure blue eyes, and quickly turn away.  Based on her expression, I can tell that the crimson red that made it’s way to my cheeks is clearly visible, but we remain silent. I push the thought of him saying that out of my mind and continue pushing the cart forward.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2014 ⏰

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