Chapter 2 - Up Rooting My Life

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After I was released from the hospital I get on the bus to go home. As I sit on the bus I think of everything I need to do. First I need to call my parents' landlord and inform him of what is going on, and hope he allows me two months to clear out before he sells the house. Second I have to clean up the mess that has always been my house, so that is sells better when the time comes. Third I have to pack everything I am going to need for two months. Forth I have to decide what I want to sell. Fifth I have to put a price on everything I want to sell. Sixth I have to ask my friends Mickey and Donna if I could use their garage to store my stuff and their yard for yard sales of the stuff I don't want every Saturday. Seventh I have to say goodbye to Mickey, Donna and the soup kitchen they own where I volunteered all of my time. Lastly I have to drive the two hour drive to my Aunt's house in Tulsa Oklahoma. It is going to be a long twenty four hours.

As I got off the bus and walked to the house I could never call home I think 'It's time to be happy, but that takes hard work'. When I get into my house and looked at the trashed living room with a spot of what looked to be a big puddle of blood that is now dried, I can't help but remember all the pain that I have ever endured in this house. It's time to start my to do list. First I called the landlord and luckily he understood the situation but he is only allowing me two weeks to clear out. Second I start to clean. I pick up all the beer cans and bottles that are scattered all over the house. I pick up a lot of broken glass. As well as I clean up the dried pool of blood as best I could. I dust, vacuum, and was all the windows. I scrub all the walls, counters and toilets. In the end I am proud to say that only took me three hours, so between my commute here and the first two items on my to do list it has been four hours.

Next I have to pack. I pack all of the clothes I own which consists of; seven shirts, four pants, two sets of pajamas, ten pairs of underwear and one bra. Next I pack my journal I write everything that happens to me in it that way if I die I will still get justice. Next I pack my toothbrush, hair brush, toothpaste (duh), underarm deodorant, pads, and my makeup. It never looks like I'm wearing makeup but I wear enough to cover any and all scars I ever received. The next thing I grab is my photo album, it's very small but it has pictures of me, my mom, and my dad from way before my family broke. It also has pictures of me with my friends from the soup kitchen where I volunteer and with my friends that I met while racing. My favorite thing to do is build cars and race them. Which reminds me I have to pack extra car parts just in case. Once I was done packing I threw everything into my car and locked it.

Next I called Donna. Donna and her husband Mickey own the soup kitchen I volunteer at  They are also like my second set of parents especially after my family broke and my real parents wanted nothing to do with me. While I was on the phone with Donna I asked if I could store things in their empty storage building on their property as well as use their yard for yard sales for the things I didn't want or need. Donna and Mickey agreed as long as I helped cover the dinner shift at the soup kitchen when I would come up for the yard sales and I agreed instantly. Donna also said she and Mickey would come by to help brig everything over tomorrow morning.

Once I was off the phone with Donna I got the color circle stickers that I found along time ago to color code what i was going to do with everything. If it has a green sticker I am keeping it. If it has a red sticker it needs to be thrown out. If it has a yellow sticker it is for sale. I went room to room going through everything. I started in the garage where I found garbage bags and boxes that could help take care of small things. After the garage, which was just a bunch of garbage and my car stuff, I went to the living room. Since once I turn eighteen I was going to be on my own I would need furniture so I decided to keep some furniture. For example I decided to keep one of the two couches as well as the two bookshelves. The rest in the living room was either garbage or to be sold. In the kitchen the only things I decided to keep were some plates, bowls, cups, mugs, silverware, pots, pans, and some other basic things one would need in a beginner kitchen. Throughout the rest of the house the only things I am keeping is my bed and a couple of miscellaneous things like books, picture frames and decorative pieces. Everything else in this house is either being sold or going to be sold or thrown out. The only room where everything is being thrown out is the guest room or what my father called my 'office'. This is the room where my dad sold me to his friends and other guys for sex. It is a very disgusting room.

Once I was done I decided it was time to get some sleep. I fell asleep around three in the morning but I didn't get much sleep because at six, three hours later,someone came knocking on my door. I got up thrown on some clothes and went to answer the door. it was Donna and Mickey. They came with breakfast so after we ate we spent the next six hours moving everything over to their house. If it weren't for them I don't know what I would have done.

Once the house was empty Donna and Mickey went home so that I could say goodbye to the only place I ever lived. This house used to always  scare me since this was the place I was raped a minimum of five times a day as well as beaten everyday. Although now that it's empty it's not so scary, it's an almost weird feeling of being free seeing this house completely empty. After I said goodbye to the house I could never call home I got in my care to drive to Donna and Mickey's house. When I got there we had lunch and I asked if I could use their bathroom to freshen up.

Since I was doing a lot of moving I just threw on sweats and a t-shirt, but since I am going to see my aunt and cousins for the first time in a long time I wanted to be a little bit more presentable. So i decided to put on a pair of dark was jeans that were distressed, a deep red tight fitted t-shirt, my black leather jacket, and my favorite pair of converse. Next I curled my long brown hair into nice big curls. Las was my makeup. I put on foundation and concealer to not only cover any scars I have accumulated over the years but to cover any imperfections I was born with. Then I used a small amount of bronzer, highlighter, and blush to give my face some dimension and make me look normal. Next were my eyes I did a bold yet natural look with brown and gold eye shadow, and lined my eyes with winged eyeliner, and finished the eye look with mascara to make my eyes pop. Last I put on a nice deep red lipstick. I wouldn't say this is my normal look but it's the one I used in order to not be seen as soft. I remember in Tulsa you need to be tough, so I want to look like I belong at least until I create a name for myself there.

After I was all ready I went to Donna and Mickey to say goodbye. They wished me luck and gave me a lecture on how I shouldn't shut out my family and not to rush to be on my own just yet. I told them I will try to become close with my cousin again and that I will keep them updated on everything. We agreed to see each other for part one of the yard sales on Saturday, exchanged a couple hugs and then I was on my way.

I got into my car and took a deep breath. Time to make the two hour drive from Oklahoma City to Tulsa. I really hope I am ready for this...

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