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The fiery hot platinum-haired beauty walks elegantly down two flights of stairs. Her dress name brand and her heels were personally designed. She wears a shadow of a black dress, as it fades down mid-thigh.
Her heels are shinned perfectly grey. Nails that are so perfect that, nobody believes they are really real, looking like white pearls hanging onto her hand, making whoever owns those hands look completely priceless.

Her nude makeup, making every feature on her look even more stunning. Her blue eyes surfing the crowd as her ocean blue gaze hits the crowd, like high tide.
Everyone in the room should notice her presence, but she gets a chance to grab a glass of champagne.

"Anything you've got," she says slipping him a couple of hundred dollar bills. She hesitates as she goes to sit, but once she notices the crowd she motions for him; to leave the bottle. Sitting with her ankles crossed while sliding off her killer heels, he pops open a new bottle and leaves it with a glass. The man grabs a napkin and hands it to the young 24-year-old. One of her 'closet friends' shows up at the table looking amazing in her borrowed dress.

"Chloe, darling you look great." She says taking the champaign tube right from Chloe's range.

"Mmm. 1957, real exclusive grape." Sophie now, explaining the contents of the glass.

"Sophie, I am so glad you could make it!" Chloe says with an overpowering smile, that could make anyone melt.

"I can't stay long. Dads got a new shipment of barrels coming in and I can't get caught here again." Sophie's dad is a winemaker and their family has been making beverages, since the late 1800s.
She has been forced to run her father's work until he returns. He ran away after losing millions due to gambling with; Chloe's awful existence of a con-man half-brother.

Since Chloe's father passed when she was 16, she has run his company since 18 knowing the workplace so well, she graduated high school and then college in a shorter period than most. The only ones she is allowed to hang out with are people in their wealth range or there is the 'Tommy fucked you over' end of friendship fazes. Which ruins any chance of hanging out with, the good people.

Her mom and dad split up after his work became the center of attention. Turns out he was sick, and he didn't want to show it. He put on a brave face for his daughter every weekend until he died.

Chloe is hiding behind her brave face too, knowing she has two years to find a suitable husband, that will benefit her father's company. If she doesn't the company gets sold to the highest bidder. Killing all she has left of her beloved father.

This party is the first of many to come, in honor of her relationship status. Rich men and women; pawing at their next victim.

Her body clenches as she sees Mr eye candy. Chloe has met him before and every time she has to control, the amount of dampness coming from unwanted areas. He is off limits so instead of playing with their playful banter, she throws back a few shots, of expensive whiskey. The cool burn slides down her throat, leaving a warm and satisfying taste.

The man with the dark eyes and strong stance walks up behind her. Pressing his front to her back getting a good feel of her naked flesh, on his suit. The barrier is rather uncanny. His scent is sweet like lavender and his breath smells like mint, as he leans forward to the bartender; buying her two overpriced beers. He then proceeds to sit down and says,
"Let's give this a try before we end up getting put into a forced marriage." She takes a moment to think.

-This again?
He has tried to buy her company so many times she pities him. He can't just ask her out on a normal date?

"Okay so to escape my parents, I have to fake date you?!" Chloe screams now getting disgusting looks from everyone. She grabs everything and walks away leaving a tip and as she goes, she gives him one last discussed look that could make anybody not want a part of her. Mr. Steele just carries a wicked grin, he pulls her close to him just as her mother comes to find her.

"Who is this dear?" She asks as Chloe breaks apart from his grasp; to hug her beautifully dressed mother.
In a black silk dress, that is rather fitting for her.

"Honey who is this young man?" The glimmer of hope not being unnoticed by Chloe, causing her a slight mental cringe.

"He is just a friend mum and that is his female companion over there." She says pointing to the brunette with the cheap knock-off dress.

He whispers delicately into her left ear. "She is hired to help, thanks to dear old dad. He wants you to be with my younger brother, that is why I can't bring my own. According to the company we bought her from she is supposed to be stellar and straight, but she has had her eyes on you all evening. Can't say I blame her; we were both looking in the same direction." He backs away.

Chloe storms over to the woman she just judged; hoping she can help her out. Trying to dismiss a cold shiver that went down her spine.

"Hey, Miss?" She shouts, trying to get her attention.

"Miss. Klein!?" She asks with a lot of wonders.

"Do you need help with anything?" She says,
saying anything to not hurt her. Her voice is so angelic it could make anyone poor out their souls.

The women's phone rings and she hesitates to answer it. Until she notices the caller I.D saying, Nanny.

She picks it up and you can hear a baby crying. "Mommy will be home soon, don't cry," she coos.

"Yes, my name is Kate." She says to the woman on the phone.

"I can't leave work, it isn't over yet." She pleads. She hangs up and then looks at Chloe.

"No," She says whilst looking at the ground.

"Too bad, because, I need a new secretary. We provide daycare and medical for your children." Kate's eyes start to tear up as she goes to hug Chloe.

"OMG, that would help so much. Then I can see my daughter more than a few hours a day." She hugs Chloe yet again.

"There is one thing I would love for you to do. I will pay you to double what Mr. Steele is paying."

"Anything." She nods in agreement.

"Okay Miss Kate, how would you like to throw your drink at your date?" Kate grins evilly.

"How about two." She walks up to him with the drinks in her hands. Just as she is about to hand it to him; he has it in his face. He looks over at Chloe who raises her drink and winks.

Steele walks over to her and says,
"I still want you. You do know that right?" She nods. "You know what I want?" She leans in closer to get a fresh wave of minty breath on her face.

"A nice hot and steamy bath?" She asks looking into his now hazel eyes. "Yes, that would more than compensate my suit, Miss. Klein." She leans in a little closer. "That would be nice but I would rather pay for the suit Mr. Steele."

His eyes begin to darken, and he seems to like her teasing method. She cups her hand on his right cheek, loving the smooth sensation of skin on skin. The slight touch causes her to clench her thighs harder.

He leans in to give her a peck, but deciding to do more so, he does and she lets him. The tango music starts to play as the two of them continue to tongue tango, the song away. When they stop they both have their needs to take care of, and after that mind-blowing kiss, those needs should, without a doubt get filled.

Who knew the two of them could take classical music into the term 'Grind Fest' but they did!
Mozart would be proud! The drinks adding more effect; cause for their dancing.

"Let's take this to bed." He whispers. His breath feathers over her hot, tender skin. Chloe figures she can blame it on the wine. Just for one night do something she, would never do. He takes her hand and guides her up the staircase, to an empty guest room of hers.

Authors Note
Closet Friend
It is a hidden friend that you sneak out for special events. Like a coat or jacket/blanket you hide. Seeking it, when you need comfort or warmth in a cold situation.

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