Chapter Two

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I hardly got any sleep and; I have a deal with my mum today

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I hardly got any sleep and; I have a deal with my mum today. My goal is to stay in America for the summer and then go home for the rest of the time. Here I am not noticed as if I were in the U.K. You see my father owned every publishing house in the United Kingdom and also did real estate. Which made us a ton of money. He also was born into money.

So, even though he worked hard, he didn't have to. My mother was always throwing fits about his work. But I understand it now. I could quit work and travel, but I do it because I feel like if you do not work for it, then your life is rubbish. There is no meaning in spending it all on everything you could dream of when people need jobs and help. 

I have to work for my clothes, meals, and even for transportation. I only dip into my savings if the mother or my friends need it; with a legit case.

Now in L.A, I am at my beach home. When my parents divorced, it was because my mum cheated. They had a prenuptial agreement, which cost her everything. My father later left everything to me, so I stayed where I felt close to him. I have gotten used to being alone. Too used to it.

You see these days, my friends are married, and they only want to drink tea, and complain about each other. While I sit there and regret my life choices. The only real ones live in the States. And Winter, my sister got along well considering, she hated me because when my father died, I got rich. For a while, she was a mother to me but, when our brother was born she blamed me. At sixteen I told her 'I wasn't cheering them on' that was after the funeral. She told me, I would always be her baby sister only if I could get rid of a brother. So, I snapped.
Winter and I now get along well, and my friend; Sasha will fly in later next week.

I go downstairs to get breakfast and help clean up after last night's party. Most of it has already been cleaned up, by our staff. The wood floors are so primed and polished that you can see your reflection in them. I slide across the floor in my fluffy bunny slippers. Gliding across the smooth surface, I slide into the kitchen. The glasses from last night piled so high in the sink. You know what, I might as well do them, and save my staff some time.

I wash all of them and set them out to dry. I dance around listening to "Jealous" by Nick Jonas.

"I don't like the way he's looking at you. I'm starting to think he wants you too." She plays loudly from the stereo.

"So, this is what you do?" A breathtaking chill moves up my spine. As I feel his arms wrap around me. I also can smell his sweet cologne.

"I still get jealous." He says repeating the lyrics. A wave of fresh adrenalin hits me as I elbow him in the groin and say,
"You frightened me. How dare you walk into my kitchen unannounced!" Rather than caring if he is okay. I hurry out to head into the shower.

Ugh, the nerve of that man!

I wash. Humming to the song, I was just listening to. Why does he keep putting his hands on me, is he loony? Do not get me wrong, it feels right but, I hardly know the guy and, he is already trying to act like a positive boyfriend. Just the thought gives me the chills.

I get out and run, to the closet looking for something appropriate to wear. I found a nice blouse and a pencil skirt. Putting on my undergarments, and drying my hair. I get done drying my hair, and almost walk out the door in my knickers. Crap, I may have done some Victoria's Secret modeling but, I do not need to flaunt it today. I quickly throw on my clothes. Reaching for my makeup, I decide not to bother.

I open the door and head to the front door. I open it to see a horse-drawn carriage. It's like out of a fairy tale, kinda like Cinderella. I have never had a chance to ride one.  I feel warm hands being wrapped around me, yet again while I look at this rather spectacular contraption.

"Do you like it?" His voice travels down my exposed neck and causes my only reaction to be a nod like a bobblehead doll; as my mouth is still open.

He guides me over to pet the white horses, and I like Lily and Snowball. They are soft and have nice white-blonde fur with flowers embedded into their braided glory.

"Mr. Steele, are we ready to go, sir?" The driver asks as he opens the door. I am now guided in. I almost forgot the cake, I made after doing the dishes.

"Eric, I left the cake and wine in the house would you mind, going and getting it? If it is not too much trouble?"

"Anything for you," he says, and I am left looking at his goods. He is in a nice pressed suit, that makes my attire look like rubbish.

I made a simple chocolate cake, with white frosting, and a bottle of red wine with it; because it is rather fitting for the dinner. My
Job this dinner is wine, but I decided my mum can't bake well, but she tries when winter is around.

He comes out with the stuff. Before he starts walking, he winks at me. Slipping on a crack, the cake falls and he goes face-first into my cake. The bottle of wine was not bothered by his clumsiness. I quickly get out to help him up. The only thing that bothered me was my cake that is all over his face, and in his hair now.

After helping him up, I almost die of laughter, because of the way he looks. He starts laughing too. " I told you to bring it out not to, smash it in your face like a one-year-old."

"Oh, I am sorry. Old habits don't die hard, do they? How about this one-year-old kiss you." I start laughing again, as he chases me around the yard, we probably look like children running around like this. I do not care this is fun.

"Let's call a truce, and I promise to give you a kiss after we clean you up."

"Okay, deal guide me to your sink."

I almost mentioned the hose but I decided not to. We get in, and I have him sit in a chair as I wash his cakey face. I grab some shampoo, turn the kitchen sink on, and try to salvage some hair from the cake.
"Mmm." He hums relaxed, as I finish up.

"Done. Now let's go!" I say after drying his hair.

Shoot my family might like him because I am starting to.

Authors Note

sorry for the late update.

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