Chapter Three

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The carriage ride went well

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The carriage ride went well. We talked, and turns out we are into the same things! He likes to binge-watch; 'Friends' which is a keeper right there. Also, he is a coffee drinker like my father. We stopped and he drank it black. I got a cup of hot tea; with all-natural blackberry ingredients. He wouldn't let me pay for my tea, so I left the tip jar a hundred dollars.

We walk up the steps, the steps are made of rose-colored stones. For being millionaires they sure do have a big house here. My stepfather, Rick owns a limo company. They deal with high-end people. The rich and the famous, that is how I got Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's autograph. We did have a rough patch since I was sixteen when my father passed away. I could not have the money until I was an adult. I did modeling and other things to help my family stay afloat. I even got scholarships to pay for college. I paid my tuition too. My mum thanked me a lot, but then she and Rick found some money that she had hidden before my father and she got together.

They paid me back, but I didn't need it since I was working. Even though my job paid well it didn't pay what I needed.

"Are you ready?" He asks taking me from my thoughts. I just take a deep breath and say,

He pulls the doorbell rope. "Ding dong ding dong." The doorbell continues to ring. Outcomes winter, who engulfs me in a big bear hug.

"You look so great!" She pulls me to the side and then proceeds to ask me.
"Who is that hunk? Is he your man? Are you sleeping with him?" I am completely bombarded by all these questions so I just whisper,
"We will talk later, now shush"

She pulls away and hugs Eric. Eric seems to question it at first, but she questions him the same.

"Let's get inside, mom made our favorite crab cakes and salad. Oh, Eric, my dad got the best stakes he could find for you." For one I hate crab, but my mom tries to shove it down my throat every family dinner. She knows that Winter prefers it over everything.

I pretend to be happy, as she guides me into the house. I know this place like the back of my neck.
-I would probably get lost in this palace if it wasn't for Winter.

We walk into the candlelit dining room. The lilies were fresh, and the violets hung. There is something I have always adored about this room. The crystal chandelier has so many charms all over it, and Dad always told stories, by the charms on things. Like my charm bracelet, it has a charm for everything about me. My first lost tooth, my first karate lesson, my father would add on all the time, his last dying wish was for me to find someone who would add to my life.

A single tear tries to escape, but I wipe it away. I feel a strong arm wrapped around me as I notice a man by my sister. Very tall, lean, tan, and very in love with my sister.

Dan is Winter's high school sweetheart. They have been together through thick in thin. But, I hope that they seal the deal soon. I think Winter might be pregnant, she keeps holding her stomach every time she enters a new room.

I walk over to Winter, and this time I engulf her in a huge hug.

"Congratulations, does he know?" She shakes her head and holds me close.

"How do I tell him? What if... " She asks.
"What if nothing, Win he loves you to bits, and last time we talked he mentioned he wanted to start a family with you." She pulls away slowly, with a smile in her eyes that is now taking form on her lips.

She goes to her man and gives him a big kiss. Winter winks at me and then sits down.
I then sit down on the other side of her. She gives my hand a gentle squeeze, as Eric sits next to me.

I and Win will probably switch foods, she hates salad. So, we all win here. The dinner is served with the bottle of red wine I brought.

I slide the crab onto Winter's plate, she then puts the salad on my plate while my mother turns away and asks for some water to take her pills with.
"I saw that," Eric whispers into my right ear. He has sat down with his knife and fork. I see a piece that just calls for me, so I snatch it with my salad fork.

"Hey, that wasn't very nice." I place my hand on his thigh drawing circles with my thumb.

"So dear, how long have you been together?" He asks distracting me, from messing with Eric.

"About 6 months, we have been trying to keep it on the down-low." Eric interrupts my current and truthful response. I step on his foot very hard.

-I hope he feels that!

"Oh, so why haven't you told me?" My mother asks, tearing up a bit. It's not like we tell each other everything, I had to find out in the newspaper about my sister's engagement. If I tell her I am not with him, she will continue to cry and say I will die alone.

"Mum, we are trying to work out things ourselves. We are mature adults and we do not need our parents to buy in."

"I understand, How is Claire your mother doing?"

"Very well she is excited about grandchildren though." That causes me to spit my drink.
"Mum, may I be excused from the table? I have to pee, Winter can you join me, I can hardly find my way." I half-lie, wanting Winter to help me.

"Sure, but do not take too long." I practically drag my sister out of there.
"Winter, he will not go away. I have tried and tried but he knows how to bug the hell out of me!" I say enraged.

"Honey, please you like him, and trust me he likes you too. Also, he is hot as hell and has money. Go for it, he could be your prince charming after all he brought you in a horse-drawn carriage for god's sake. The only thing my man has brought me in is a half-price limo courtesy of Dad. That last part has me laughing so hard that my ribs hurt.

"Let's go back out there and torture our men with our hands."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"I saw the way he was trying to control himself when you were rubbing his thigh. Now move your ass, so we can get some tonight."

"What if I do not want some tonight?"
She gives me one of her mischievous grins.

"What if, girl trust me you are a woman and he is the hottest man I have ever seen you with? Fine then don't get some. See if I care if mom is getting more than you." She has pushed the wrong buttons. I am ticked off right now, and we will see who gets some.

let's do this!

Authors Note:
Do you think she will get some?

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