Chapter One

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We carefully walk through a crowd of people we might know, trying our best to avoid every single one of them. He keeps his arm fully wrapped around my waist, squeezing me every time he says, 'Excuse Me' trying to control everyone for our convenience. Watching him do this is rather entertaining.

This guy's plan is probably to bed me, and leave. Also, he has no pockets on his jacket or pants. So, no protection, and I am allergic to birth control. So, no condom means, no entry. He has been on one date; and a few of these parties with me. I don't even know his last name.

I sound like a pop-country song now gross.

As we reach the stairs, we walk up. He has a hard time keeping up, thanks to my cardio lessons twice a week.

Points to the super fit girl. Me.

We walk up, and as we reach the top step, I go to get a glimpse at my late-night snack. He licks his lips, leaving a glossy cover. Almost tempting me to give in, and claim them as mine. He notices me looking at his plump and kissable lips. It is like the world seems to stop around us. I lean in to grasp his lips, and he completely takes hold of me out of uttermost shock, leaving me breathless. He holds me close to his delicious body; as I grip onto the hairs on the back of his neck. Clutching onto them as I hear a deep growl, and his excitement slowly rising on my stomach. Causing a fresh drip of arousal dampening my panties, probably completely ruining them.

I clutch his hair harder, almost yanking it out. I pull away so I can unlock the door, the key seems to need a little more pressure than expected. I can hear him impatient as ever behind me. He rubs himself on me, causing me to suppress a moan. His member already throbbing to be in me.

I remember, why I haven't fixed this door.

My father and I were playing hide and seek. He is sick,(at the time I did not know) but my childish self thought I could lock the door and hide. I hid and stood by the door, as I could hear him try to open it. He starts to cough and I can hear him crash and then fall to the ground.

"Dad, are you alright? I ask, with worry.

"Yes, princess, Daddy just needs some cough sweets." He replies. I shift through the medicine cabinet. Looking for the cherry-flavored cough sweets. I find them and then grab the whole package hoping this will help.

I unlock the door, to find him leaning on the door, as the handle falls completely off and onto the floor.

"We can fix that later." He says breathlessly. I know he is not a handyman but we attempt to fix things all the time. We never actually fixed things completely. So just like this door handle, many things look great but are not great. But later, I went back to the cabinet and found a box of rubbers. He gave me the whole 'Birds and the Bees' talk in this room.

~End Of Flashback

We stumble into the room, and I push him onto the bed. I notice the door ajar so, I carefully undo my dress. Causing a low growl to escape his lips.

I go over to the door and open it, looking at the party below.  I need a fresh start, not this.

I look back at Eric and decide to take a run from him. I look back at him, and give him a mischievous grin that says 'I am not that easy.' I turn the corner and run into a not-so-very-happy mum. My mum.

ice escape plan right? (Note the sarcasm)

"Who did you just leave in that room?" She practically screams at me. I look down at my feet, which seem to have lost my shoes.

"Answer me this instant! Don't act like a child!" She says getting a little louder, causing me to feel 6-years-old again.

"Mum it's just a friend," I say firmly. She gives me the 'oh really' look, at a man who now stands behind me.

I almost die turning around to see my 'not so night and shining armor.
"Oh, Eric I hope you found the other bathroom rather well." I give him the 'you better play along' glare.

"Yes, sweetheart I did find it rather excluded, although that handle needs some manpower." He smirks. My mum almost throws her purse on the ground to give him a bone-crushing hug.
"I hope to see you tomorrow night at dinner. You can call me Mum or Susan. Also, Chloe, your sister Winter will be coming in tomorrow." My mouth almost proceeds to hit the floor as my gut twists into a knot.

"Yes, Susan I will be there." He says confirming plans I didn't initiate. My mother walks away with a proud smile; I turn back to glare at him, and the biggest screaming fit ever.

"What is your plan?" He plays the whole 'what do you mean banter', and that completely pisses me off.

I poke his very broad chest with my pointer finger. Causing no damage to him or his suit.

"You Mr. know how to throw a spanner in the works. I am not dealing with it."

"Sweetheart, I haven't thrown down anything, but my undying want to be with you." He says while moving his hands on my hips.

"And we also don't want to disappoint Mom and Dad do we?" The dad part stings a little bit because now I do not want to disappoint, my father or mother.
"Fine Mr?" I ask for his last name. For further research and my uttermost pure curiosity.

"Mr. Steele that is." It takes a little to get in, he is part of the only family, who is richer than ours causing me to feel faint.

"I will call your assistant tomorrow to make arrangements to pick me up," I say looking into his royal blue eyes.

-Shoot what would I do while looking in them while he pleasures me? Drowning in pure pleasure. His eyes seem to change color, first hazel, now a dark blue. Interesting they are just as dark and mysterious just like him.
"So you will let me accompany you?" He asks not sure If I will let him.

"Yes you can accompany me but, that is it if you need a place to stay here is my guest house key. Also, I will send Ann to help you with anything you wish. I am really tired and I'd love to head for bed." I say turning my heel to go.

"Goodnight Mr. Steele," I say turning back to look at him.

"Goodnight, Chloe." He replies. I love the way my name slides off of his tongue.
I figure why not swing my hips a little while, I walk? I like the attention I get from him. He makes me feel wanted until I realize I have to deal with him and my parents and don't forget Winter.

What did I get myself into?

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