Confusing Christians

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Why christians always seems so happy and peacefuly ?

What is their secret ?

Is it the inexistence of problem ?
Is it the abundance of blessing they gain ?
Is it the promise of protection and care from the Almighty Father ?

I don't think so ...

I've seen christian lady with life like a game level, every problem solved brings bigger problem along.
But somehow she still happy and strong ..

I've seen a Christian man with no wealth, no shelter to stay, no food to eat, no clothes to wear but still smiled looking into the sky and be thankful for every breath he has.

I've seen many of their kind lost in the middle of mist of doubt, the times when the promise of their God seems impossible to rely on.

But still somehow the faith on their
heart glows brighter, dismissed the mist and guide them toward the happiness and peacefulness that no words can describe.

Happiness and peacefulness that require no reason whatsoever.

Feeling of safety when the path ahead seems to dangerous to walk.

Faith which makes them stand strong when the other falls to the ground.

How could you all do that ?

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