Day 3

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  Its 3 am. When I opened the door to the knock I heard. It was Michel. I was speechless. He told me that je couldnt sleep thinking about what had happened. I told him I couldn't either. He asked if he could sleep with me or of i wanted to sleep with him in his bed. I said whatever felt comfterable with him. I just blushed and smiled kindly. He said he wanted me to sleep with him. I told him I'd get my blanket he said not to that we would share his blanket. I told him ok that I would just put my bra on he said no its fine that he wanted me to sleep comfterable. I told him ok. He said he wanted to carry me to his room. I told him no at first but changed my mind because I was getting tired already.  

  While he was carrying me I feel asleep. He layed me on his bed and covered me. He kissed my forehead and told me sweet dreams. He layed besides me and fell asleep. I woke up and he wasnt laying next to me. He came knocking on the door and aasked jf he could come in. I told him he could. He surpised me with breakfast in bed. He had made me eggs, oat meal,some sausage and orange juice. I guess he felt really bad about what happend between us kissing and me sleeping in his bed.

  He asked me if there was anything he could get for me I told him no, but I told him yes. I asked if he could bring me some clothes to change. He asked me what would I want to wear I told him anything would be fine. He went to my room and came back with white shorts and a black crop top. I told him if he was dine with brining me a bra and panties. He asked which ones I told him my red bra with my red panties if he didnt mind. He said its fine and he went to my room and came back with them. I told him thanks and if he didnt mind me changing in his room he said it was fine. So he left the room and took the tray he brought my food in. I thanked him for the breakfast.

  I finished changing and asked me if I was ready to go I asked him where were we going. He said he wanted to go to the zoo.I said ok. So he drove to the zoo. When we got there he did something he hasn't really done at all for me. He opened the door for me grabbing my ba d making sure I didnt fall. I told him thank you though I didnt want to make him think like he didnt need to do that. He didn't have to but I think he still feels guilty. Our first stop was with the lions they were all asleep with was a bit boring. We saw the pinguins, turtles, seals, monkeys, otters, and pandas. My favorite part was the pandas. I love pandas. I jad to use the restroom and i told Michel I'd be back. I came out and he wasnt there i though he had also used the restroom so i waited at the table that was near the restrooms and I was just on my phone. He came back but je wasnt at the restroom i guess he had went to the gift shop because he had a bad with him. He came towards me and sat down with me at the table. I asled him what was in the bag he said it was a surprise for me. I opned the bag and it was a panda on a necklace. I was so happy I hugged him and I thanked him. I think the only reason he was bwing so nice to me this day so far is because he felt guilty still.

  It was time to go I was worn out today. On the drive home I wanted to bring up about him being guilty and if he was. I was nervouse but I needed to know. So I talked to him and I asked him. I asked him if he felt guilty. He said yes that he regreted it. That made me feel bad. He said he liked me but that he felt bad because he was 27 and I was only 16. Then I told him ot was ok because I felt the same way. He looked at me shocked. He also smiled at me though.

  We got home. I went up to my room and changed. I went down stairs to get a quick snack before I fell asleep. I had gotten a 3 cookies and a cup of milk and I went upstairs. I looked down the hall looking at Michel's. I went to his room amd I asked him if he wanted me to sleep with him again. He said no that he wanted to sleep in my room. I told him ok. When he uncovered him self from the blanket he was shirtless. I blusjed and smiled and walked to my room as he was behind me.

  I ate my cookies sitting on my bed. Michel fell asleep on my lap making it kind of hard to fall asleep. I was on my phone for a bit then I knocked out.

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