Chapter 15

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Jaehee P.O.V

"Are you my Appendix? Because i have a weird feelings in my stomach that i should take you out tonight."

How bout we meet at the cafe XXX, tonight, at 8pm.

I'll be waiting.

O f-

Why did he put this memo inside my phone case.

What if i never found this memo and doesn't go to the cafe.

He will be waiting for me till the cafe close just because i doesn't found this memo.

Did he use his mind when he placing this notes?

"He thought that girls always changed their phone cases that's why he put the memo in there." Jungkook explained to me like he knows what am i thinking.

"What! Really?" I looked at him dumbfounded. He replied me with a poker face.

"I told him that he shouldn't put the memo there and that girls doesn't always changed their phone cases but he insisted. Saying that he know girls better than me." Jungkook continued.

He scoffed while mumbling " know girls better."

"So you do know him." I raised my left eyebrow.


"Who is he." I asked. My upper body getting closer to him since we have separate bed.

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