2 ~ Not so perfect day

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Gajeel p.o.v

Most people would call this a good day I guess. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping some random annoying song, people were smiling and kids playing.

Perfect right? Yea not! Aside from all this 'happiness' the guild was surprisingly solemn. The idiot flame-head wasn't starting fights as usual. The ice-pop wasn't stripping randomly. The bunny-girl looked like she just lost her dog. Even the cats were sad but Happy made a joke every now and then.

I just couldn't figure out why Lily wouldn't talk to me. He'd been ignoring me since this morning. It was frustrating seeing everyone not being themselves. The really annoying part was that I knew the reason.

The shrimp didn't show up for 6 weeks. The old man hadn't come out of his quarters for at least 2 weeks. To tell the truth though, I felt incomplete, with the shrimp not here. Even though I had Nodoka it just seems like she isn't enough, don't get me wrong she was a great girl. She had back length dark purple hair. She had long beautifully tanned legs so she was tall but not too tall. She had cocoa brown eyes that I could just get lost in for days. She had one dimple on her left cheek that looked absolutely adorable, and her smile would make the angels sing.

The problem was that she wasn't my shrimp. Yes I realize I said my shrimp, but it was true and it still is. She is my shrimp. 

"Hey Droy, you wanna go on a job?", Jet asked in a monotone voice. 

"I'd rather stop eating than go on a job without Levy.", Droy replied on the verge of tears, again. 

"Yea I agree." Jet sighed as he sat down next to Droy. 

I decided out of the 'kindness' of my heart to say something to the two dolts in hopes of lightening the mood. "Tch you two idiots can go on a job without Levy you know. Even you two can accomplish more than flame-head." I said it as a joke but apparently they all took it the wrong way.

"YOU DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO TALK RIGHT NOW!!!" Natsu said yelling across the guild as Lucy tried to calm him down. But I guess she realized who he was talking to because she started to yell too.

"HOW DARE YOU EVEN SAY THAT!!YOU ACT LIKE YOU DON'T EVEN CARE THAT SHE'S GONE WHEN YOU SHOULD BE THE MAIN ONE FEELING GUILTY!!!" She said her face turning red and everyone was either glaring at me, backing away from a pissed off Lucy, or trying to restrain her from getting any closer than five yards of me. I was going to counter with my own choice of words but the doors of the guild suddenly slowly creaked open.

There she was. The talk of the hour even though we all hadn't done much talking. Right there in front if everyone was Levy. But something was different about her. I'm pretty sure everyone noticed because instead of bursting into cheer they all carefully made they're way over to her asking her if she was okay and if she wanted to talk about it. 

"Trust me I'm fine I just needed some space and time to think." Levy said smiling. 

But I could see right through that little facade of hers. She wasn't 'okay' and both she and I knew it. But unlike her I didn't know the reason. She walked right passed me when I said hi. Something was definitely wrong. So whether she liked it or not I was going to find out what it was.


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