8 ~ Sweet Nothings

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What the heck is that?

I groaned as I struggled to force my eyes open. "Lily?"


"What in the- wait a minute." I squinted my eyes and stood up lazily but tiptoed to the makeshift door I made.


I soon realized the sound was coming from the door. I face palmed myself for my stupidity.

Of course it came from the door. There were monsters chasing us before we got here. They must have smelled the dry blood and tracked it down to us.


I've got to wake up Lily before the cave cave's in, how ironic. A cave caving in. Why am I only funny when nobody hears it?!

I sighed to myself and half runner half walked to Lily, considering i was trying to still wake my body up. "Lily!! Wake up!"

His eyes quickly flew open and he transformed into his warrior self, i think on instinct. "Oi, Levy what's wrong?"

"Something's trying to get in. We have to get out." I said putting it simply while I frantically looked around the cave.

I didn't notice this last night but there are apparently crystal diamonds outlining the walls. I guess they only truly shine like this during the day. I'm not quite sure why but I knew I would figure it out later.

"Levy how exactly are we to escape? There's only one way to get out. And that's the part they're at."

I smirked and turned towards him, "Lily, if you know me like you do then you'd know there's always a way."

It was good to keep his spirits up but honestly i had no idea how to get out. I could make a hole with my script magic and escape through the ground but the, whatever it was, would smell or hear us digging. Which would automatically signal them finding us before we reach the end of the hole.

"I can tell they're almost through. It's starting to shake the cave." Lily said putting out the fire and barracading the door with the giant logs I gathered.

I could ask Lily to punch a hole through the roof or the back of the cave then we could fly up to a tree or the other side of the forest but that would completely drain him of his energy. Plus there's no telling if the other side of the forest is worse than this one.

I sat down on a rock and began to think more, why is this rock so spiky?

I looked down and noticed that it wasn't a rock. It was a silver box with a red diamond in the middle and a rusted gold lock. I looked closer and saw that it had the letter M on the lock but the rest was looked to be scratched off, wait a minute-

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