Past Romance

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Kozuke. A crime lord. The Blood King's foe. Leader of the rebellion. He's the enemy.

But before he was Kozuke, he was Yuuta. Years ago, he was more innocent, less vengeful and corrupt. Katsu and Shibsaki were his companions before they got their titles and fell into the darkness. Yuuta was happy and content. Until he had nothing. Yuuta had everything taken away from him. And that was when it started. That started a change in him that began so small that he didn't even notice. But that change was there and it would only grow as the days go by. It was the death of Yuuta and it would later be the birth of Kozuke.

There was a time though when he was niether. He wasn't Yuuta. He wasn't Kozuke. He was just a boy who wanted to escape the place that was his personal hell. He was a boy who ran away and had no home to go to.

That was when he met her.

He was being chased by soldiers and needed something to defend himself with. That was when he saw a girl a few years younger than him carrying a kodachi. Sneaking up behind the girl, he snatched it and ran. He didn't expect her to give chase. He definitely didn't expect her to throw her purse at his head.

When he turned to look at her the first thing he noticed was her eyes. They were the most beautiful shade of blue he ever saw. Her eyes shone with innocent and he swears that he saw a spark in them. He felt heat from his cheeks and for a second felt like he was in a trance. But the moment ended when he heard the soldiers.

Without thinking twice, he muttered a quick apology and pulled the girl in for a kiss before she had time to react. She remained completely still, frozen in shock. When he heard the soldiers leaving he broke the kiss. Relief came over him like a wave. It worked.

Noticing that the girl had turned as red as an apple and steam could be seen coming from her ears, he quickly tried to explain his actions.

"So, um... about that kiss. I was just-" Before he could finish his sentence, he was hit in the face with something that felt like bricks.

"How dare you!?! That was my first kiss, you cretin! Preying on a defenseless young virgin's lips!" She screamed at him.

"Defenseless?!?!" He retorted. This little girl was currently smacking him in the face with her hard as hell purse. How can she possibly can herself defenseless!?

Finally, she stopped but what she said made his blood run cold. " I'm going to got those soldiers-!"

Panic set in and the next thing he knows he's pinning her down, begging her not to.
He explains the basics of his situation as much as he can without revealing too much. Though still a bit annoyed, the girl seemed calmer. He apologized again and turned to leave but the girl grabbed one of his sleeves.

"Can't I at least help you?" She asked. The offer surprised him. Only a few minutes ago she was beating with a purse and now she wanted to help him. Deciding it was probably best not to get involved with the girl, he declined and began to walk away. But the girl was stubborn. "Well, I'll still come back here tomorrow! I'll bring food! Same time!"

As tempted as he was, he didn't turn back and kept walking. He thought that was going to be the last time he saw the feisty young girl and for some reason there was a slight ache in his chest.

The next day came. He couldn't get the girl out of his head. Was she serious when she said she wanted to help him? Why? What did she get out of it? Everyone does things for their own benefit. He couldn't help himself and the next thing he knows he's returned to the spot where they met. He went back to her and she was there waiting for him.

It became a routine. For the next two weeks, they met up at the same time, same place. Mei (he learned her name their second time meeting) would arrive and he was there waiting, eager to see her. He doesn't know exactly why but he began to crave her presence. What he does know is that within the two weeks of knowing each other, she has become a very important person to him.

He can't begin to describe the feeling he gets when Mei would look at him with those big, sparkling eyes and that gentle, genuine smile. A selfish part of him wishes that he was the only one who can see this side of her.

Sometimes he would find himself just staring at her, committing her features to memory. The way her raven locks would gracefully dance in the wind. The spark in her blue eyes that is always there. The rose color that would spread across her cheeks when she blushes. The sweet smiles that she sends his way. The soft, smooth sound of her voice. There are moments when he is truly mesmerized by Mei. Mei was a cute twelve year old and she would grow to be a beautiful woman.

From an early age he learned that the world was a cold, cruel place. He learned that people were selfish and merciless and take whatever they want without giving a damn about who got hurt. But Mei came along and she gave him hope. She made him hopeful for something more. When he was with her, he doesn't feel alone. In his eyes, Mei was proof that there's still some good in this twisted world. She became his home.

It scares him. He knows that he has fallen in love her. It's clear that she feels something for him too. But is what she feels for him just infatuation? Or does her feelings go deeper than that?

He remembers the last time they met.

"Marry me, Mei." It may have been sudden but he had no doubt that she was the one he wanted by his side. He wanted her to be the one he came home to everyday. He wanted her to be the one who would carry his children. He wanted a life with her. And he knew he would take care of her like she as taken care of him. "Will you become my princess?"

When he heard her answer, he felt something that he hadn't felt for so long. He felt happy. With a blush and a smile on her face, Mei gave an answer that would have more consequences than she realised.


Kozuke remembered the day when Mei agreed to be his. But it seems that time has made her forget who she belong to. Apparently, she has found her way into the arms of the person that he plans on destroying. Angry bubbled inside of him at the thought of Mei being intimate with another.

Though he couldn't really blame her. Certain circumstances caused them to be separated all these years and he couldn't contact her. But he'll correct that soon. He told Mei that she'll be his princess and he fully intends on making good on his word. Except now, he wants Mei to be his queen.

A/N: So, I know that it's been awhile since I updated and I'm sorry for the wait. This chapter was kind of all over the place and isn't exactly my best work but I hope that you enjoyed it. I'm going to be honest and say that I'm experiencing some writer's block so it may be a while before I update again. Leave a comment and tell me what you think of the chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2018 ⏰

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