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Mei woke with a start. Her heart was racing with fear. A few droplets of sweat dripped down her face. Her breaths were quick, short gasps. The fragments of the dream she had lingered in her mind. Though, nightmare would be a more accurate description.

She still could see the dark, fiery red hair of the man who haunted her in her sleep. The man's eyes were hidden behind his hair but the tattoo below his right eye was visible. A cruel, sadistic smirk graced his face. Mei could feel his cold hand wrapped around her neck. The man's face was a blur but Mei knew who it was. Kozuke. That's who was in her nightmare.

Mei's eyes darted around the room, seeing nothing out of place. She gently placed her hand, which was slightly shaking, on her neck. The feeling of Kozuke harsh touch still lingered. Her heart was beating rapidly and loudly against her chest.

"It's just a dream." Mei whispered to herself, her eyes shut tightly. "Just a horrible dream." It does nothing to calm her. The blurry image of the man is burned into her mind.

Suddenly, another man crossed her mind. Katsu. Mei remembered how safe she felt in his embrace. She needed to see Katsu.

Before her mind could realize what she was doing, she was standing outside of Katsu's room. "I need to see the King. Is he busy?" Mei asked the guard. She noticed the dim light coming from the room.

"Your Majesty, Lady Kihara wishes to speak with you..." The guard announced to the person inside.

Not a second passed when they heard a response. "Send her in. You're relieved of your post."

"You may go in, Lady Kihara." The guard said before leaving.

Mei entered the room to see Katsu at his desk, working. His silver hair was tied up and he was wearing a white robe. "Good evening, Mei." Katsu greeted her.

A strong sense of deja vu came over Mei. She heard him but barely registered what he was saying. Her mind was all over the place and her nerves were still going a bit awry. She wrapped her arms around herself, whether it was to protect herself from an unseen assailant or to keep herself together. Maybe it was both.

Hearing only silence from the woman, Katsu turned to face her. He took in her slightly disheveled appearance. Her raven-black hair was down with a few strands out of place. The robe she was wearing somewhat creased at some areas. Her face was partially covered by her hair. Her eyes were casted downwards. Something was wrong.

Katsu frowned with concern clear on his face. Rising from his desk, he made his way towards Mei. He stops a few feet away from her. "Mei?" He said softly, "Is there something troubling you?"

Hearing Katsu's voice, Mei was pulled from her restless mind. Her crystal blue eyes looked up to meet his emerald green ones. Mei found his gaze to be just so...intense and disarming. A part relished in it while the other cursed how exposed she felt at the moment. Neither pulled their gaze away from each other. As she was about to respond, she realized how it sounded if she said that she came here just because a dream unsettled her. 'Gods, I feel like a child, coming here for that reason' Mei thought to herself.

"I-I just feel so uneasy and restless tonight...and I just can't seem to have any peaceful sleep." Mei finally answered, leaving out the details of the nightmare she had not too long ago. She wrapped her arms tighter around herself and her eyes darted to the side, breaking eye contact with Katsu. "I'm not really sure why I came here," Mei continued honestly with her head slightly turned away from him, " I just thought- I don't know what I thought actually. I shouldn't have came here. I'm sorry for bothering you. I'll let you go back to whatever you were doing."

Before Mei could turn around and leave, Katsu decided to close the distance between them. There were only a couple of inches between them now. One of his hands gently held Mei's arm while the other tilted her head to face him. But Mei kept her eyes on anything but him. "Mei, look at me."

His voice was not filled with authority  or commanding but there was something about it that made Mei met his green hues once again. A red tint colored her checks while her heart may have skipped a beat. Though, Mei tried to look as if her mind and nerves weren't currently just a mess, her expressive eyes couldn't hide a thing. Katsu could clearly see the uneasiness and turmoil that swirled in Mei's eyes. Mei held her breath, waiting for Katsu's  next move. They stayed like that for a few heartbeats, just staring at the other's eyes, trying to read each other.

"I honestly don't think I'll ever completely understand you," Katsu said, a subtle teasing smirk appeared on his face. " You attacked me one day then the next days after that we had quite civil conversations. I asked you to dinner then you rather flatly turned me down. It's obvious that for the past few days you've been pushing me away. If I'm not mistaken, this is the second spontaneous night visit of yours. You really know how to keep a man guessing, don't you Mei?"

Mei's checks turned a pretty shade of a red rose at the mentions of her fickle behavior lately. She narrowed her eyes at the man before her. " You're one to talk about my ever changing actions towards you. Must I remind you that you're not exactly innocent in this either." Mei retorted.

A low chuckle came from Katsu, relieved to see the fire back in her eyes. "I'll admit you have a point." He remained silent for a few seconds before changing the subject, "You've been having trouble sleeping?"

Reminded of why she came to his room in the first place, Mei became a bit bashful. She gave a small nod. " There's been a lot on my mind recently" technically true " It's like my mind doesn't want me to rest."

Katsu mentally debated rather he should push for her to elaborate or let it go for now. Deciding that now wasn't the time for questioning, he let it be." You're welcome to stay here and rest on my bed. I've got some documents to work on but I could play for you until you fall asleep," Katsu offered, referring to the guqin.

Mei's response took both of them by surprise.

"I want you to lay with me."

A/N: So, I'm honestly suprised that I finished the second chapter. The characters may be a bit OOC. Anyway, hoped you enjoyed chapter 2 and please let me know what you think of this chapter.

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