Silent Night

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It was silent as the moon glowed brightly, casting a mysterious light across the palace. Most have turned in for the night, exhausted from another day at work. It was quiet, as if there was an unspoken rule that went against breaking the silence that accompanied the night. The Blood King's bedchambers doesn't seem to be an exception.

Asukai Katsu really didn't expect that he would be sharing his bed with Kihara Mei tonight. Though, it wasn't exactly the first time Mei slept in his bed. It wasn't the second time either.

The first time was the night of their first fake dinner date. Katsu knew he was cold and distant towards her the night. He was trying not to get attached after all. But considering the fact that she was currently asleep in his arms, he wasn't exactly succeeding.

That first night Mei discovered that he could play the guqin. He remembered the smile on her face and the look in her eyes when she asked him to play for her. Her smile was a beautiful thing to see and the way her eyes shone was just...mesmerizing.

He learned that night that Ryusaki had Mei join the Core. The Core had no place for those who are weak. Katsu knows that Mei is a strong woman and has the potential of being one of his fiercest warriors but he wasn't fond of putting her in danger. Danger that she can't fully comprehend. Not with the amount of secrets that are being kept from her.

A part of Katsu wants to tell her everything. She has the right to know and he couldn't help but feel guilty for keeping secrets from her. Katsu sees how Mei is still living in the dark and he knows she hates it. But the other side knew that once the truth is revealed, there would be no way to stop the backlash that was sure to come. Besides, it was not his place to tell her.

Katsu sighed and gazed at the woman in his arms. Mei's head was laying on his chest, right where his heart was beating. Her raven locks was sprawled around her, a few strands fell across her face. Katsu gently brushed the misbehaving strands behind her ear. The arm that Mei had wrapped around Katsu's torso during her sleep tightened its hold. Still sound asleep, Mei snuggled even closer to Katsu.

Katsu barely repressed a groan at the feeling of her body pressed against his, no space between them at all. This felt very familiar to the second night Mei slept in his bed. Except this time she was sober.

Katsu continued to fix his gaze at Mei's sleeping form. Her eyes were closed but Katsu vividly remembers bewitching clear-blue hues staring at him. His eyes drifted down to her slightly parted lips. Images of the night he stole a kiss from her while she slept ran through Katsu's mind. Guilt immediately stirred in him.

He knew it was wrong to do such a thing when she wasn't conscious. But Katsu found that she was just too tempting. The night he kissed Mei, she was wearing the hairpin he bought for her. For some reason, seeing her wearing it made him feel...something. Something he never felt before. That something caused him to give into his desire and kiss her. Katsu could still remember the feeling of her soft lips and the sweetness that came with them.

The thought of that feeling didn't help stop the rising desire in him. Fantasies began to play in Katsu's head, all revolving around a certain raven-haired female. He shook his head slightly, trying to rid the impure thoughts in his head. It didn't work.

However, once his eyes caught the black ink on her neck, his thoughts turned murderous. Angry didn't even begin to cover how he felt at the moment. His fury wasn't directed at Mei. It was aimed at the man who dared to lay a hand on Mei. Katsu was almost absolutely certain he knew who that man was.

Kozuke. The crime lord must have a death wish.

Katsu tightened his arms around Mei. His blood boiled at the mere thought of Kozuke looking at her. He meant it when he told Mei he would protect her. Somehow, at some point in time, this beautiful, bold woman had managed to gain a place in his heart and was slowly breaking the walls he spent years building. And Katsu will be damned if he allowed Mei to be harmed. Katsu knew that he won't be able to always be there to be a shield between her and all the dangers of the world. But, Mei was strong and he also meant it when he said he'll strengthen her. Katsu will do what he can so that if it ever came to it, Mei would be able to hold her own against a deadly opponent who can easily overpower her.

"Katsu..." Mei's quiet voice broke the silence that surrounded the room.

Moving his gaze from the tattoo on her neck to her face once again, Katsu saw that Mei's eyes were still closed with her lips forming a gentle smile. Katsu couldn't help but smirk. It appears that she was talking in her sleep and apparently she was dreaming of him.

Without realizing what he was doing, Katsu's finger gently traced her check and found its way to Mei's bottom lip. His finger remained there as did his gaze. Flashes of the previous times she was here passed through his mind again. The same desire from those two nights welled up inside him once again.

Even when she wasn't conscious, she still was able to tempt him. Katsu somehow found the will to look away, taking deep breathes to try and lessen the want he was feeling, Katsu knew that it was going to be a restless night. He wasn't going to get any sleep. Not with his imagination running wild with his desires of Mei.


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