family values

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dedicated to Chiadika_me bc they always read my uploads and wattpad didn't alert me that they were commenting on this collection!!! i'm sorry!!! and thank you so much, friend!!!!

so it's been a while bc i forgot about wattpad lmao, but here's the one fiction piece we actually did in our fiction unit (the fiction unit was tragically short and i'm definitely not still hella bitter).

prompt: interaction between Main Character and Character B should reveal some important aspect of MC's personality/nature, 1st person

"Do you think they'll let us walk through the drive-thru?" We were standing in the Taco Bell parking lot on a dismal April afternoon weighing our food options. It was prime time for lunch and the restaurant was bustling with hungry college students and workers from nearby fast food chains. The drive-thru, however, was empty, with only a few dusty cars idling with windows open. Unfortunately, we had walked. Alex vetoed my walking drive-thru idea:

"No, Katie, that's weird. Plus it's starting to rain." Technically, it was starting to drizzle, but I could see the logic. I could feel my curls starting to frizz.

"But do you really wanna fight a hungover twenty-something rushing for lunch between classes?" I asked, not wanting to admit that I knew he was right.

Alex scoffed, scrunching up his eyebrows at me. He knew I knew he was right and we started making our way to the front doors.

"Who's hungover on a Wednesday?"

I shrugged. "I dunno man. I've heard college is wild." Two boys holding hands pushed open the glass doors, talking and laughing, and we slid past them into the Taco Bell. I caught Alex glancing after the couple, expression unreadable, before we were smacked in the face by a warm gust of air smelling strongly of processed meat and nacho cheese taco shells.

The restaurant was too crowded, but hunger won out over claustrophobia and we pushed our way through the mob to the line. The women in front of us were having a heated discussion about the scores of last night's basketball game. One of them had a high ponytail that swung with every exuberant facial expression she made.

I squinted at the menu boards, trying to focus on prices and food and not my brother's personal life. Double Decker Tacos. Nah. Grilled Steak Soft Tacos. Hmm, tempting. Alex's repressed sexuality is slowly killing him, DAMMIT. Needless to say, it wasn't working out very well.

"So..." Alex ran a hand through his hair, tousling his curls into a casually messy look. Asshole. "What'd you get kicked out for?" Asshole! He must have known that I'd seen him watching the couple and was now just trying to get the attention off of himself.

I narrowed my eyes at him. He blinked innocent green eyes back at me, before turning back to the menu. "I didn't get kicked out," I grumbled, crossing my arms. "I got asked to leave for the day."

Alex snorted, "Oh yeah. Big difference."

"Oh bite me."

"Stop avoiding the question," Alex shot back.

Hypocrite. I scowled. "I punched a kid."

Alex made an impressed noise, and I jabbed my finger in his face threateningly. "So watch your mouth or you're next."

"I'm so scared."

The line moved up and so did we. Ponytail Woman said something loud and angry about "the stupid dumbass refs" and her ponytail sliced through the air like a whip. Her friend narrowly missed losing an eye.

"Nah, but seriously, Sis," Alex nudged my arm. "Why'd you punch someone? Who did you punch?"

"Travis Michaels and I hit him right in his stupid fucking face for talking shit," I said matter-of-factly, but my insides were already starting to boil just thinking about that kid. I wished I'd done more than just bust his nose.

"Travis Michaels...isn't he that senior kid who-"

"Dared you to jump in the pool last summer and then tried to shove you in when you wouldn't do it? Yeah, one and the same," I kept scowling at the food options.

"Wanna talk about it?" Alex ventured.

"Nope. Still too angry," I kept glaring at the menus. "You don't talk shit about people, especially not people I care about. You just don't do that. Unless you like having a broken nose."

A little kid with hair full of grated cheese and arms full of sauce packets tore past, her friends hot on her heels, all of them screaming.

There was no way I was letting shitheads like Travis Michaels win. I glanced at my brother. With blood still pounding in my ears, I made a decision.

I grabbed Alex by the shoulders and forced him to face me. He immediately tried to push me off, complaining loudly, but I ignored him. This was my brother and no one was gonna mess with my little brother. Not even himself.

"Hey, listen up, nerd. I know you're not ready yet, but I know that one day, you will be," He stopped struggling and slowly raised his eyebrows at me in confusion. "I know that you're gonna be able to be you one day, okay?" His eyes got wide with realization. I kept going. "And it's gonna be so beautiful and wonderful and you need to know that I will always love you and accept you and protect you from everyone and everything. Always. No matter what it is. No matter who it is. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere." I could barely see my brother through my teary eyes and I silently willed myself to keep it together. You are not going to burst into tears in a Taco Bell.

Alex cleared his throat uncomfortably, his face all blotchy and embarrassed. "Jesus, Katie, don't get all mushy on me, man."

I smacked him, "Shut up, you moron," I laughed, sniffling. "I'm trying to be a supportive big sister."

"You're only five minutes older," he automatically replied and rolled his eyes.

"Still older though," I grinned. He smashed his lips together, hiding a smile.

"Yo, c'mon! You gonna order or what?" Someone behind us yelled. Ponytail Woman was already halfway to the door with her friends, fountain drinks and takeout bags in hand, and the cashier was bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet, waiting for us.

Alex threw an arm around my shoulders as we stepped up to the register, "You're a pretty good sister, you know."

I squinted up at him, mouth quirking up in a smirk. "I know."

He rolled his eyes, "Brat."

We ordered.

my first year of college is done!!!! well, technically it's been done for like a month now since we got out in mid-may, but whatever. i've been really busy doing nothing and slowly becoming one with my couch and binging shows until my eyes bleed. ya know, productive things.

anyway, hope you enjoyed this teeny tiny story about a couple of twins waiting in line at a taco bell!!

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