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     The next to arrive were Chanmi and Gina, accompanied by Gina's older brother, Sicheng. This is both Sicheng and Chanmi's second year in college while it's Gina's first. Chanmi has been showing her around the campus and giving her tips about the people and fastest ways to the classes, making them become friends. This is my first time the rest of us are actually meeting Gina.

     "Hey, Johnny," Chanmi greeted, pushing up her big glasses. "I'm sure you already know of her, but this is Gina."

     "Yeah, it's nice to meet you."

     "You too," she greeted back.

     "I want to introduce you to some people," Chanmi told Gina, leading her to a group of girls in the back that consisted of Jihwan, Jisoo, Chunja, and Daerin. Chanmi and Daerin are in the same year as me while the others are in their second year.

     "Now that we're unbothered," Ten started, walking closer to me. "Where were we?"

     "Oh, I think about here." I leaned down to Ten as he tilted his head up to me. Though, yet again we were interrupted.

     "Hey, Johnny," Lucas started, "do you mind telling us one of those ghost stories you said you had? I'm really wanting to hear the one at the Halloween party."

     I sighed, resting my forehead against the top of Ten's head. "Sure, Lucas." I then stepped back to look at Ten's disappointed expression. "We'll pick up later after the party is over."

     "Everyone!" Lucas announced. "Johnny is going to tell us about that creepy Halloween party he went to."

     "Didn't you say that there was a ghost at the party?" Kun asked.

     I nodded. "A pretty vengeful one, I should add."

     Doyoung turned off the lights while leaving just a small lamp on. People piled onto the couch, seeing how many could fit even if it means some had to sit on laps or the back. A few gave up and took the floor. Ten sat next to me on a small futon.

     "I can't tell this story without Mark and Hae—well mostly Mark because Haechan wasn't much help during this party." I gave a teasing smile at Haechan, remembering his stubborn actions at the Halloween party. He rolled his eyes, though still giving a guilty smile. "Yuta was also there and if it wasn't for him, we might not have been able to escape alive." I lifted up my drink as a cheers to him. Yuta smiled and raised his cup back to me.  "It was Halloween night and we were going to a party hosted by G-Dragon."

    "You mean like Jiyong G-Dragon?" Taeil asked. "I'm pretty sure everyone around here knows of him. The guy's a legend."

     "Yeah, he was a senior when I was a freshman at my school," I added. "I had the biggest crush on him. Then, he dropped out, made a few songs, and is pretty well known."

     "A crush on him?" Ten asked me.

     "I mean, obviously not anymore," I told him while linking my hand with his. "I love you."

     "Awe, I love you too," Ten cooed tilting his head and giving me a wide grin.

     The crowd in front of us began to give fake gags. "Are you going to tell us the story, or just stare into each other's eyes all night?" Doyoung questioned.

     "Alright, alright," I laughed. "Back to the story..."

     A clap of thunder echoed outside that caused us all to jump just a bit. "Wow, a perfect atmosphere for a story," Daerin mentioned while scouting more into the small section she had on the couch, squished between Jisoo and Taeyong. Taeyong wrapped his arm around Daerin to bring her closer to him.

     The one lamp that was on started to flicker while the wind got stronger. Then, it completely shut off along with the sound of the air conditioning in the building. The only sound was the wind and rain pounding against the building with occasional claps of roaring thunder.

      "The power just shut down," Jungwoo stated the obvious. Lightning flashed outside. It lit up the world and most of the room while giving me a clear view of the forest behind the college campus. It always presented an eerie feeling to me, especially now with this brewing storm.

     "Maybe we shouldn't tell a story right now," Chunja put in with a small voice.

     "Are you scared?" Yuta asked her in a teasing way.

    "No," she quickly answered defensively. "I mean, It's just a little weird that it started to storm as soon as Johnny was about to tell the story."

     "Plus it's getting late," WinWin added. "We still have stuff to do before school starts in a couple days."

     Mark peeked out the window to look at the bad weather. "I hope Hyunji and Soomi are making it back okay. I'll send Soomi a text since Hyunji is driving and ask her if they're okay."

     "Sounds like a good idea," Haechan agreed.

     "I think it's time to call quits on this party," I declared. "I'll see you guys later."

     Everyone started to filter out of my dorm. Ten leaned his head against my shoulder as we looked out the window. Whenever the light flashed, it was almost impossible to see out anyway because of all the heavy rain that was now cascading down the glass, blurring everything together.

     "We should go to bed," I told him, kissing the top of his head.

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