Chapter one: the last good scientist (in chicago)

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Deep underground in the city of Chicago lives the last good scientist in, above or under Chicago. Wait a second... now he is (again) a plane with a scientist looking for the cure for cancer just flew over Chicago. That could get pretty confusing so let's just say he is the last good scientist inside and under Chicago. Better. His name is Andrew Simmons. (Not the British profesor better known as Andy boy Simmons) (yeah look up Andrew Simmons, I did to be sure there wasn't a scientist under the name) why is he the last scientist, well because some douche released a evil chemical into the air that only infected really smart important scientist dudes and female dudes. Luckily for Andrew he was working on robots in his basement when the gasses flooded the towns air supply. His emergency what if an evil guy infiltrates the air supply with foreign materials and or gasses alarm went off and he stayed underground. His oxygen filter in play. I need to find a way to stop the air intoxication! He thought. "I need to find a way to stop the air intoxication!" He said. Something really smart, to outsmart his or her enemy's, something strong, and something immune to toxicity. "A robot!" Andrew thought aloud. But he had no fuel, he had his food and five years worth of orange juice to keep Hydrated but no fuel. In order to fuel this robot he would need something high in vitamin d and calcium, orange and tasty. Something truly yummy and pulp free because ew your not supposed to chew drinks. Then it hit him, his orange juice! Merely one fifth of it was enough to power his robot for a year! Klanks klanked all night and day for like, a while. Maybe a week or so. An finally a slim oval like figure with a huge thruster on the bottom, two arms one having a orange juice powered laser and one a orange juice super heater and launcher. (He used the thruster to move around, it's like a one engine jet pack) he was very shiny, "well, I'm done. He do a have slight artificial intelligence allowing him to make precise unpredictable and precise decisions on a milla second." (In English that means he can think on his own) "but he also has a strong good morale chip to keep him from Turing evil." It was full proof, Andrew had made the best robot. Soon he took a lot of orange juice and poured it into his fuel gauge. System

*O.J. Bots POV*

Powering up... life form detected. Scanning... life form = my creator Andrew. Status: weak and passive (weak in strength not in well being) protocol 0094 engaged: small talk, "Hello Andrew, hows the weather?" Life form displeased engaging protocol 0034: console/therapy, "is something the matter?" Life form nickname = Andrew. "Oh no! I-I'm just exited!" Updating human emotion telltales.

*my POV*

Jeez robots can narrate very badly. What was I thinking?! Anyway, O.J. Bot look at the scientist and asked, "my programming has multiple yet questionable reasons to exist. What is my ultimate purpose on this dimension plane of existence?" Andrew looked at O.J. Bot with a look of pride. "To save Chicago!" Insert awkward moment of silence here. "Understood, engaging protocol 0001: overall completion of mission." After that O.J. Bot shot up into the air using his huge one engine jet pack splashing orange juice all over Andrew and effectively blowing open the cellar doors and quickly closing them before any bad air came in. What he saw was horrific.


Sorry for the short chapter but I didn't really know what to put here even after planning out the entire books plot. Also, thank you so much for reading! Please let me know what I could do better.

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