chapter five: the invasion

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(read in a deep scary voice like a horror boom or something) it was a sunny afternoon in Milwaukee and everyone was really happy and minding their own business. and nothing happened during that entire day. (read in normal voice) so the next day it was also sunny and the canal was finished and filled with spaghetti sauce. the army marched along the sides and the meatball menace was inside the canal. but Sam had been informed, and he was missing.


"ahh!! please don't kill me! I have something to say!" Sam begged for his life as he was knocked to the ground." say it then!" O.J. bot wasn't in a good mood, no matter how many meatballs he interrogated none of them said were their master was. "my boss, he's attacking Milwaukee right now! I came to tell you!" O.J. bot had no reason to believe this little meatball but it was the only thing he had to go on. what if it was true? but what if it was a trap?! it didn't matter, he had to go. either way, it would lead to the meatball menace. "come with me the little meatball. you're going to help me.

*the canal*

soon the meatball menace noticed a robot, the one who was giving him trouble! zooming across the sky and into Milwaukee only 10 miles away. It was fast, the robot I mean but the meatball menace still saw it, Sam. Sam was riding with that robot! He must have kidnapped Sam! Thought the meatball menace, looking quite menacing. "Go faster you useless meatballs!" He screamed.

*Milwaukee* ( for a little bit after this sentence O.J. bot is also called orange A.I. sorry)

O.J. bot knew that nobody would take him seriously if he said a bunch of meatballs was coming to take over the city so instead he said to the governor, "another nation is attacking!" soon (after a little of bullcrap explaining) he was on the front lines ready for an attack. "What?" One of the officers questioned what he saw and was going to assume he was crazy until others began to do it as well. And soon enough there were bullets in meatballs that did practically nothing. "You have to make them soggy!" Then he handed them orange juice blasters, which the store provided ammo for at not the cheapest price you ever saw.

"How are we supposed to, oh whatever, after today I'm going to question everything anyway." Then they all began shooting, much to there surprise they started going down. "Ah! *gurgle*" the meatballs cried out in pain. Their noodles went limp and their meat all drippy. Then they saw it, the biggest meatball of them all, over hundreds of noodles, and a lot of anger with one meatball in particular.

O.J. bot flung himself with his orange juice at about forty miles an hour or so. Both of them have a determined look on there face with an equal amount of anger. And they both had the same thoughts, but for different reasons, "I. Will. Destroy. You." Before orange A.I. Could stop he blew through the center of the meatball that grew back almost instantly. But before it could orange a.i. Blasted some orange juice into the hole, the menace of meatballs was already taking damage. The noodles of the meatball menace shot at orange A.I And left a few dents and absolutely destroyed tentacles. "Ow! Curse your metal exterior!" But the orange A.I. Wasn't listening, he charged and slashed and cut at the hundreds of noodles surrounding him.

Charged once again and slashed the meatball in half, almost. The meaty ball swiftly dodged and regrew his massive noodles. All of his thick noodles then slapped orange a.i. across the city. "Aaaaaa!" He slammed against the ground and leaked a little bit of oil. But he quickly stood, not even phased and then noticed the minions feeding butter to the meatball menace, keeping his noodles from sticking together.

"Idea modular responding." Orange A.I. Had to stop the flow of butter, if he did this the meatball menace would cramp like not stirred spaghetti. Orange A.I. Flew in faster than the speed of the average car and sprayed all of the butter, officially melting it. "Nooooo!" The meatball menace knew what the robot had just done. In no time his noodles were sticky and dry! He couldn't move, in no time orange A.I. Cut off all the noodles in one easy cut and shot the meatball with a whole pool of orange juice. He had won.

The meatball menace Vs O.J. Bot!Where stories live. Discover now