chapter four: the meatball menace and his plan

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the meatball menace was everything he was made out to be, an absolutely terrifying extra large meatball with thousands of tentacle-like noodles as legs. with his hardened and sharp arms he could cut through ten humans at once, he knew from experience. this meatball was truly menacing. he had a hold over all of Chicago but he wanted more! he wanted to cause pain and misery all over the world. and soon space, the meatball menace was bent on universal domination. and he was smart enough to do it as well, a truly terrifying thought. but in order to take over the world, he would need another city. he chose on the closest to Chicago, Milwaukee. but it was a major city, in order to do it, he would need the element of surprise. chicago could only support 300 soldiers while also supporting the humans, barely. if anyone were to find out that an attack was coming to his army wouldn't have the needed upper hand and the army would fall. so this was his plan:

step one: try to starve the humans and raise army numbers to 350

step two: dig a canal from the ocean to the other one (I really don't know and I'm too lazy to do the research) and fill it with spaghetti sauce

step three: move into the city with general sam leading because why not

step four: tell sam

step five: actually doing the plan

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