Feel So Close to You Right Now

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Maddie's POV

Since starting the show, I have made so many life-long friends. So many memories and people who can understand what I am going through. People who really are and can really make you laugh. 

We have just finished filming and now we have to get ready for the top 24 performances. A group of us were going to go to a food truck not too far from set. 5 or 6 of us are going. While walking there, I feel like I am gravitating toward Caleb. Even though my best friends are here and  love to talk to them, I find myself always around him.

After we finish eating and walking back to our hotel rooms Caleb asks "Does anyone want to head over to the park with me a few blocks that way" he says pointing in the direction we are going.

Everyone says that either it is too late or they have to practice for top 24 performances I think I have to too, but I don't want to just yet. I think I will be fine for now, so I say "Yeah, I'm up for it"

"Just you and me than" he says while smiling at me. We just start walking past the hotel and towards the park. He starts telling me about everything and then we go and sit on a swing at the park. My legs are crossed near my ankles and I just stare at my shoes. Then, Caleb says "What are you thinking about?"

"Everything. I don't know. Like how much my life has changed in a few weeks, and about what people keep telling or all the inspirational quotes people are always talking about. When life gives you lemons and all that stuff. Just everything."

Caleb gets up off the swings and extends his arm towards me so that I will take his hand. I give him a confused and cautious look before I take it. I feel butterflies through my arm and to my stomach and I'm hoping I'm not blushing and embarrassing myself that badly. We walk onto the sidewalk and I just look at him waiting him to say something. He finally goes "So, is it a better change?"

I forgot for a moment what we were talking about and then I reply "I guess, of course there is some ups and downs to everything, but i think overall it was definitely an up"

"Good, you deserve it"

The wind is picking up now and it is getting a bit cold for the t-shirt I'm wearing, but I don't say anything. I just reply with "Thanks, I guess"

"You guess? You are talented, I know everyone has been saying that to you and what not, but knowing you as a whole person, knowing you are more than a talented voice and more than just a nice person, you are Maddie Poppe one of a kind and one heck of a great person. You are inspiring to say the least. Also, as great as you are you look cold, do you want my jacket?"

He just made that all so dramatic with hand motions and everything. I start to feel something in my heart. And now I know I am full on blushing, but I don't care. I say "actually, yeah, I would like your jacket. And thank, I guess I am not great at the self confidence part of life just yet. But, you too you know? You are going to win this thing and everyone will love you. You're the one with the great personality, your funny as heck and always say the right things and I know because you've said them to me so many times before" I started rambling, but I couldn't help myself.

He just smiles at me "Thanks, you know I only say the right thing to you because you already know what you want to hear. You know people keep telling you you are talented, you just don't choose to believe it. You don't anybody to tell you that you are special, you just somebody who knows that and wants to lift you higher. I know I will be there to do that along with so many other people"

I felt warm in his jacket and I felt emotional. I was staring deep into his eyes as he said it and he meant it, he always means it. So I guess, I'm not used to being the person people choose or told the romantic monologues, and it means a lot. Maybe that is why I started to shed a tear maybe it was because I knew what I wanted to do right then. And maybe for the past few weeks, but nonetheless I cried a few tears. Caleb stopped and took one of my hands in his the other wiped the tears off my face. And he said "Now, I just said something nice, there is no need to cry"

I tried to compose myself and stop crying. I just looked into his eyes and then, I realized that  there was no better time than the present. That I should do as all those motivational quotes say and "live life to the fullest", "live everyday like it is your last", "When something is important enough, to do it even if the odds are not in my favor" and kiss Caleb. Yet, Caleb was one step ahead of me and before I knew if are lips connected. He pulled me close and I felt all of the heat he was bringing. Me, pushing myself a little of the ground to match his height, I felt like I was flying. When we separated, I felt like I needed more. As if someone was dangling everything you ever wanted right in front of you, I needed to take it. I leaned back in and we kissed again. MOre passionate this time, me falling into him, wanting to be closer than I already was but there was no way. We pulled away again and I couldn't believe what I just did.


I didn't really like this chapter, but I hope you did!! Sorry, I suck at updating this story, I will really really try to do better for next time, but I didn't know what to write really. Anyway, have a great day and like it if you liked it!!!   :)

P.S. sorry for typos or anything like that

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