World 1.4

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Xi Ru was ready. Or well she thought she was before she saw the massive campus.

'System now that we're finally on the battlefield, you're going to be put to work!', Xi Ru says.

[Battlefield? Host, have you been consuming something? If so, please take a purification pill], System says worriedly.

'Hmph! System you're be quite rude lately! Keep that up and I'll slack off!', Xi Ru says.

[You would slack off regardless!], System argues.

'Then I'll slack off even more to spite you!', Xi Ru argues back.

This mental back and forth continued for a few minutes. Chen Min lead Xi Ru to the office to get her class and timetable. When Xi Ru came back to the living world, they were in front of her year's teachers room and Chen Min was talking.

"You got that?", Chen Min asks happily.

'Big boss what do I do?! I was too busy with the damn geezer System! What do I do?', Xi Ru cried in her heart.

[You could just ask him to repeat what he said at lunch break], System suggests.

Xi Ru had paled a bit. She swallows down her irritation for her system as she knows this is her fault for not listening to important information.

"Forgive me brother... I spaced out at the size of the school...", Xi Ru begrudgingly confesses. Her face was hot as a blazing stovetop. Chen Min laughs and pets Xi Ru's head.

"That's fine. Come find me at lunch and I'll explain it again", Chen Min says.

'Wait that means I have to hunt you down! The fuck is this, Chen Min?!', Xi Ru angrily thinks.

"Brother wait!", Xi Ru calls out to Chen Min but he was far enough to act like he couldn't hear her or he generally couldn't hear her. Xi Ru won't find out for a while.

Xi Ru almost thanked her boss that Chen Min wasn't an asshole like Irine. He was still an asshole nonetheless but he is the asshole who acts like an airhead but he's smarter than most.

As Xi Ru watched Chen Min walk way smugly, she cursed him and his future one ten thousand generations. She walks into the teacher room and greets her teacher. He welcomes her to the school and they make their way to the classroom.

After doing the new student routine, Xi Ru sat in her assigned seat and thus began Xi Ru's day in the abitrary learning system called school.

It was lunch break before Xi Ru moved her legs again. She packed her things for her next class before scurrying off to look for her brother. First she went to the main building to get to the main office to find Chen Min's classroom. She then sprinted to the senior class building. She spent then fifteen minutes asking around before finding out Chen Min when to the main courtyard. More sprinting was ensued before she managed to catch up to him about to go back into the building.

Xi Ru was panting like a dog as she held onto her brother arm. She felt as if she was dying. Her legs were weak and trembling, her lungs felt on fire, her eyes were watery, her hair stuck to the back of her neck. She held onto Chen Min as if it were the hands of the savior.

An Jiang and Yu Wenna, who were also with Chen Min at the time, were frozen from shock.

"Are you okay?!", Yu Wenna asks frantically.

"Do you need to go to the infirmary?", An Jiang asks quite concerned himself.

Xi Ru shake her head.
"Brother.... I-i finally... caught... up to.. you... Gods... I.. want to die... Too much exercise...", Xi Ru wheezes.

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