I woke up to my mam screaming, she was dancing to the radio of my song that was playing through the speakers which made me giggle.
"Mam!" I laughed with my brother Frankie.
~ * ~
Grayson dolan
Me and nat were listening to the radio, as we were talking about what we were going to do. I didn't pay any attention to the radio until I heard her name.
Ariana grande
"Okay and this is a new song from Ariana grande!" The radio spoke through the speakers making my heart race. She was a singer.. that's why she was verified, b-but she noticed me... she saw my comment which lead us into talking.
"So yeah a-" I cute nat off from her conversation.
"Babe I'm sorry j-just let me listen to this one song" I put my hand onto her lap as she looked out the window probably mad.
Listening to her voice singing was absolutely amazing, it was such a good song as well, very catchy. I could hardly concentrate on the road because her voice was just distracting me and making me feel relaxed. Lucky we reached the destination, the park.
I parked up into the parking lot but didn't knock the engine of until the song was over. She sang with nicki minaj as well.. she must be really big.. why havnt I heard her before.
The song finally came to the end and I turned my keys that knocked the whole car off. I opened the drivers door and jumped out walking to the other side and opening mats door. As we walked away from the car I locked the doors with my keys. Which caused me to slow down and nat to walk faster.
"Babe wait!" I run up to her grabbing her hand.
"What's wrong?" I asked but she looked away.
"Babe?" I shook her hand gently.
"Grayson what!" She yelled a little.
"Are you in the mood with me?" I asked.
"A little" she mumbled.
"I'm sorry" I sat her down at a bench, but she just looked at her hands playing with them.
"What did I do?" I asked grabbing her hand again as we sat.
"Your not being yourself Grayson" she said looking at me in the eyes.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Your being really off, like your hiding something from me" she said.
I said nothing and just took her into a tight hug making her smile a little. As she pulled away I looked at her features making her giggle and look away.
"Stop!" She laughed.
~ * ~
Ariana grande
I just finished getting dressed into a black oversized sweatshirt with a matching choker and some knee high boots. I left my hair down for a change since I was an a break.
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I walked down the stairs and joined my either who was sitting in the living room.
"Hey Frankie" I smiled
"Hey ari" he smiled back.
"Ariana!" My mam shouted coming into the living room.
"Yeah Mam?" I responded.
"Did you forget?" Mam
"Forget what?" I gave her a confusing look.
"Your at a magazine shoot today" she giggled.
"Oh shit!" I jumped up.
My mam didn't mind me swearing since she says I'm an adult and have a life of my own but I just need to be careful as I'm a celebrity.
I joined my mam at the front door and walked out towards the security car. I opened the door for myself and hopped in as my mam hopped in the front.
"Can Courtney come with me?" I asked my Mam
"Sure" she let out a happy sigh.
"Hey David!" I smiled
"Hey Ariana!" He giggled.
"Off to Cortney and lexis house" I smiled.
"Lexi too?" My mam asked.
"Yeah why not" I grabbed my phone and checked my social media's giving out hints on the new album.
I checked my DMs seeing if Grayson had messaged me but he hadn't... that did make my heart drop and make my smile fade.
~ * ~
We had picked up my two besties and got to our destination at my shoot. I walked out of the car with my Mam, Lexi and Courtney and through into the double doors.
"Hey!" The photographer smiled
"Hi" I gave a light hug.
"Okay just follow destiny into the room there" I followed a women who must be the dresser person who dresses me in all my clothes and does my makeup.
~~~~ Sorry this was bad wasn't it.. ———— What do you think about Nats and Graysons relationship? Is there ship name real 'nayson / gat'? Does it even go? Will it even last? •••• My opinion: I don't think it's ganna last long... unless Grayson stops being off like she said. Also there ship name stinks.