i woke up to the birds chirping and the sun shining through the cap of the blinds and into my face.
i yawned slightly and stretched my arms in the air letting my wake up slowly before grabbing my phone and checking the time.
it was 8:58.
i unlocked my phone and went directly into instagram where i saw all the positivity and everyone playing my new album that was released 1am onto the apple store.
all these comments and captions where nearly making me tear up!! i can't believe everyone was enjoying the album as much as i was.
as soon as i clicked off instagram i got a text from grayson, instantly i clicked on the message and read it.
'meet me at 12?'
'yuh , where ??'
'pears diner'
i read the last text and closed my phone as i got up from my bed to get ready.
"hmm..." i thought to myself as i looked through my closet.
"perfect" i grabbed out a cute outfit that was comfy and casual. it was a block rolled up top that says 'new york, usa' across it and some ripped baggy jeans that fitted my figure. i straightened my extensions and lifted space buns on top of my head that brought out my sprit.
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ignore pete... sorry lmao
i done my natural makeup with brows, foundation, concealer, powder, eyeshadow, eyeliner, eyelashes and lipstick. ~ after i was fully dressed i checked the time which read out to me that it was 9:45.
i quickly jogged downstairs to be greeted by my family and friends standing together.
"hey darling!" my mam reached out for my hand.
"hey mom?" i seemed confused but giggly.
"we have a surprise for you" my brother smiled widely.
"awh guys !! noooo" i touches my heart as i felt loved.
"i think is time that you get your own place, with courtney, lexi and all your friends" my mam spoke pointing out every one of my friends.
"we have bought a place down by new york with a new studio, gym, cinema and all sorts" lexi explained.
"omg! my dream oh my fucking god !! GUYS!!" at this point i was screaming up and down in shock and surprise. i couldn't believe i was about to go live at my dream city in my own place!!
as i was laughing and giggling with my friends i felt my pocket vibrate making me stop to grab my phone.
'change of plan!! meet me at 10 if you can? i really gotta tell you my good news!'
i got a text from grayson...
that's when realisation hit me...
"ariana what's wrong?" courtney asked.
"i- i gotta go, ill be back" i ran out the door slamming it behind me.
i got to lear's diners and saw grayson sitting at the window seat watching people walk by with a drink sitting beside his hand.
"ARIANA!" i heard someone yell making me turn my head towards them.
paparazzi... again...
i ran into the diner and caught graysons attention.
"what are you doing-" i dragged him to the back of the place and took a seat away from the window where anyone can see us.
"what's that for?" he giggled.
"paparazzi..." i made it like it was obvious.
"oh... well i'm glad your hear" he smiled tightly.
"want a drink?" he asked.
"umm no it's fine i'll get it" i lightly tap his hand.
this will be so hard to tell him...
sorry if this doesn't make sense, i forgot what my story was totally about.. that's bad.
but i have met amazing people or should i say A PERSON (hello if you know who you are) who helped me :))