I finished recording one part which was really cool and fun. I walked over to my drink and took a sip before going on my phone again. The time was current 9:46. I swiped on my phone and typed in my password which was 'Toulouse' my dog, I actually have 8 dogs but Toulouse is one of my favs shhh.
I opened Instagram and decided I would post a sneaky peak for my fans.
"SCOTT!" I yelled
"Yeah?" He came running towards me.
"Can you take a photo of my please for Instagram" I asked
"Yeah sure" he agreed. He's really good at photos.
He took the photo and showed me it on my phone, I fell in love with the photo because it's so aesthetic.
"Thank you!" I thanked him before running back to my shoot.
~ * ~
It was now lunch time and everyone was eating food that was on a large table. I had a table to my self since I was vegetarian. As I was eating my food I was scrolling on Instagram, which I remembered to post my new picture. I clicked on the middle button and clicked on the picture Scott took and clicked next in the top right corner. I typed in the caption "the light is coming" which is actually a song in releasing today for the world.
I put my phone down and ate a piece of my salad turning around to face everyone.
"Should we watch!" Scooter yelled
"Yeah!" Everyone shouted laughing and giggling.
He clicked on something on his laptop and my new song blastered through the speakers and the new music video for my song came up on a big screen. I can't believe it's already finished..
Watch above
~ * ~
Grayson dolan
I was sitting in the cafeteria with the lads scrolling through Instagrams explore page and that's when I crossed a cute girls picture.
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"Wow" I whispered to myself.
I liked the photo leaving a cute comment not like she's ganna see it, she has like 2M likes and comments.
Graysondolan: cute 👀💕
I hit send and watched the comment load up. I swiped of the comments and looked back at the photo but I had to knock it off when nat jumped scared me making me knock my phone fully off so she doesn't get suspicious.
"Hey baby!" She kissed my cheek
"Hey suger" i kissed her lips and she kissed back.
"What were you doing?" She asked sitting beside me.
"Ugh nothing" I stuttered and she just giggled.
I put my arm around her and joined the boys conversation that they were having.
~ * ~
Ariana grande
The day was coming to an end and I was packing my stuff ready to leave when David gets here.
"Ariana that was a good video!" He said to me.
"I know!" I giggled.
I turned to the door to see David waiting for me waving, I waved back and ran towards him.
"BYE GUYS!" I yelled as I ran out the door hearing them say it back.
"Good day ariana?" He asked.
"Yeah" I giggled.
I got I. The car after he opened the door for me, clicking my seat belt in. I put my empty Starbucks cup in the rubbish bin that sat in the car and unlocked my phone. I clicked on Instagram and saw all the comments, I thought I'd like some and check some accounts since I was bored.
After checking like 5 accounts I saw a comment that said "cute" as I read it out a smile grew on my face, although I get comments like this all the time it's just the little things count.
I clicked on his profile and I was shocked what I found in his page. He is fit!!! AND HES 18!! WOW
I scrolled along his page and found a photo making me like and comment.