The Gift

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Callie's POV

I was standing behind Arizona, and I knew she understood ever singer word I had just said because she blushed and turn bright red all over.

Before I could do or say anything else Sofia came running at us.
"Mama! What are you doing here I thought you where at the house?" She asked as she hugged both me an Arizona.

"Well I needed some extra stuff and I saw mommy here and then she told me you've been buying half of the store." I said laughing.

Sofia blushed "I-I just excited Mama and besides you were the one who said I could get what ever I wanted and mommy said the same thing soooo."

"It's okay babygirl" I said "but you should have thought about giving mommy a little break honey. She gets tired very fast now, with your brother or sister so close to arriving." I said while kissing Arizona's cheek.

"I'm fine." Arizona said smiling.

"Well I think I'm finally done, I have everything that I want now." Sofia said with the biggest smile ever.

"Great, Well then why don't you, Nana and Pop Pop go get some lunch and in about 3 hours you guys come to the house. I'll just finish getting some stuff here with Mommy and then I'll take her home so she can rest for a little while?" I said looking at Barbra and Sofia.

Barbra smiled and said "of course girls, that sounds like a really great plan."

"Okay bye Mommies!" Sofia yelled while running of to look for her Pop Pop.

When we where finally alone again I nibbled on Arizona's pulse point, "I love the fact that I can dirty talk to you in Spanish now and you'll understand it all. That's so HOT babe!" I whispered.

"Stop Calliope. Please. Save it for tonight baby. I seriously can't believe you've got me all hot and bothered in this store." Arizona said blushing again

"Okay babe I'll behave, let's go check out the baby stuff so I can take you home to rest for a bit." I said smiling.

We picked out the stuff for our bedroom and some other extra things together, and then we went home.

"Babe I'm so exhausted, maybe I've had one to many things going one lately." Arizona said entering the front door of our new home.

"I know you are Mi Amor, and from today and till our baby arrives you will rest and relax more okay, I will make sure of it." I said "now go to our bedroom and appreciate all the hard work your wife put into it and then lay down on the bed and rest. I'll come up and give you a foot rub, in a couple of minutes." I said giving her a wink.

"God you are amazing baby, best wife ever! Kiss me." Arizona said.

"You know I can't refuse you anything Amor." I said before closing the gap between us and kissing her lips hard.

"Now go to our bedroom and rest a little and I'll bring you some food." I said smiling.

I hoped she would like my gift, I planed on giving it to her after she had relaxed a bit, and gotten something to eat. I couldn't deny it I was nervous.

I went to the kitchen, to prepare a little something for my wife to eat.
I thought to myself that she would probably want something light, so I made a tray of some sliced fruit, some crackers and a little bit of diced up cheese and then grabbed some juice.

When I went into our bedroom, I heard the sound of Arizona sleeping. Well I guess she really was exhausted, so I quietly slipped into the bed spooning her.

I was just about to fall asleep to when I felt her stirring, "Mmmmm" Arizona moaned, "Calliope, you made this bedroom beautiful, I love it, I felt so relaxed that I fell asleep immediately, thank you baby, I honestly don't know what I did to deserve you."

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