Chapter 1

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 My head felt as if someone was inside of, trying to drill their way out. I groaned. I rolled over, squinting heavily at the sunlight that now filed into the room. My vision was hazy, but I was able to make out the features of the room around me. I recognized it instantly. We were in Ia's apartment.

The events of the night before played through my head instantly. The girl's night out, my "I'll only get a little drunk" promise to my friends, the taxi, the club. And, most vividly, Gumi's... drunk escapades.

The four of us had decided we needed a break from work, Miku, Ia, Gumi, and I, and we had definitely had the break we needed. Last night was... crazy.

I pushed myself up into the sitting position. I used to my free hand to rub my eyes as my eyes scanned the room. All three of my friends were passed out around the room; Ia buried under blankets on her bed, Miku curled into a ball in the recliner, and Gumi and I cuddled up on the floor.

My sleepy eyes fluttered down to the green-haired girl. She was curled up in the fetal position only inches away from me, a light blanket laying discarded on the floor next to her, and her hand pulled up to cover her mouth.

I sighed, leaning over her to grab the blanket from the floor behind her. I draped it gently over her shoulders. She didn't move. Her gentle expression remained as her shoulders slowly rose and fell in her sleep.

I looked away. I had to. The alcohol wasn't the only thing sending my mind wild.

I slowly pushed myself off of the floor to stand. My legs were a little shaky, but nothing I couldn't handle. As the first one awake, it was my duty to take care of everyone else. And they would definitely appreciate a warm breakfast for their Saturday-morning hangover.

The door creaked only slightly as I exited the room. Ia's apartment was a bit messy; we had probably hung out here for a while last night before we finally passed out.

Ah, geez, I thought to myself. I barely remember getting here last night. It made sense that we came here, though. Her apartment was only a few blocks away from the club we had decided on.

The fridge was stocked, I was unsurprised to see, and it wasn't hard to pull out a pack of bacon and a dozen eggs. Arranging the stove and the pans, the sound of sizzling bacon soon filled the otherwise silent apartment.

"Rin?" Miku's voice sounded behind me.

I turned over my shoulder. She was still dressed in her outfit from the night before. So was I, in fact, only now, my shirt was wrinkled, untucked, and a few of the buttons were undone. Nothing to be concerned about, thankfully.

"Morning!" I chirped, flipping a spatula full of bacon.

Miku caught sight of the breakfast. "Girl, you spoil us."

I shrugged. "I had the pleasure of being the first one up. It's my job."

She sat at the counter and leaned forward on her elbows. "So," she began, a smirk on her face. "Last night, huh?"

I immediately turned my back to her. "Shut up," I muttered.

"Oh, come on. Don't be like that."

"Please, just, shut up."

"Do you think she'll remember?"

I let out a huff, and didn't respond.

Miku took a deep breath behind me. "Do you... want her to?"

I stirred the eggs. "I just... don't want to talk about it."

"Why not?"

The girls all knew I had always preferred girls over guys. It wasn't a secret, really. Not anymore. I'd been out to them for almost a year now, though I had known this about myself long before.

A Night at the Club - Pride Month 2018Where stories live. Discover now