I meet two idiots....

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Rocma POV

"...*Cough* *cough*..." I was worried for Mafuyu.


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"..." Mafuyu was really sick. "..." I grab house phone and I call Peraco. "Peraco? You there?" I asked. "Yes? Need something Rocma?" She answer. "Mafuyu is sick..really sick. Did the doctor return?" I need Mafuyu to feel better. "Oh no! He is here! Go see him." I say thank you to her and I hang up. "Let's go see the doctor Mafuyu." Pick her up and letf my house. I was relief that the orca didn't show up and flirt with me. I went to the house, I saw a sign that said. Yukisada and Shirogane home. "..." I knock on the door. "Yes? Oh! You must be Rocma right?" I nodded. "Please, put Mafuyu on the bed." I put her on the bed and put a blanket over her. "Peraco tell me all about you and Mafuyu. My name is Yukisada. Nice to meet you." He smiled. "..." I stay silent. "Welcome to Iceberg Isle, I hope we can get along as friends." When I first seen him, I feel like I want to kill him because he's too cheerful and nice. To tell you the truth, I hate any type of guys especially this one. However I need to be a little polite to him because if I be rude to him, he'll probably won't help me. "Is she you're daughter?" I shake my head. "No." I growled, He apologized. "I-I'm sorry...didn't mean to...offend you." I sighed. "Anyways...umm...this medicine will help Mafuyu." He look at her. "Mafuyu...please drink this  medicine, it will make you feel better." He smiled. "..." Mafuyu drink the medicine. "There you go. She'll feel better in one minute." I was happy to hear that. "Now then...want some tea?" I shake my head. "Okay, then. You can wait here for her. I'll be right back." He went to the door and I wait. I didn't want to show any emotions because my emotions will slow me down. I don't want to smile at anybody only if I'm alone with Mafuyu. 12 second past and I was waiting for her. Mafuyu started to calm down for a bit. "Hey uhh...Rocma? Can I uhh...can you do me a favor please?" I look at him. "What?" He smiled. "C-can you find Shiogane for me? He's late and I was wondering you can go get him. Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on Mafuyu." I don't trust this owl and I was pissed. "Fine." I got up and left. "By the way he is wearing a gray scarf."  I can't believe I have to find this guy somewhere in the entire Island! How the hell am I supposed to find him? I mean he give me some details but he didn't tell me where is this guy or where he is heading! Then I hear a scream that echo through out the island. "!" It was so loud. "...?" It's coming from the orca danger zone. "..." I went to the orca danger zone, I think I found him. I went inside the orca danger zone, I look around to find this guy. "Stop! Please!" He was in trouble. "Hehehehe~!" It sound like Idate. I saw a shadow figure up ahead I slowly walk towards it. "...?" I saw a wolf getting it's ass kick by Idate. "..." If I recall, should wolves fight back in self defense? This guy didn't even fight back, he was crying and so was trying to protect himself with his arms. The fuck am I watching. "You big baby~" He was kicking him. "Hahahaha~" I roll my eyes and decide to save him. I sneak attack on the Orca by drop-kicking him. "Ack!" It worked. "Heyy~ Snowflake~" I growled. "It's not nice of you trying to kick me like that while I'm having fun with this new guy. You ruined my fun which I like it~" This guy. "I wish to fight you but I can't I got to go! See ya!" He left. "Stupid orca..." I look at the wolf. "...." He was out cold. "...hey.."  Is this the guy that Yukisada mention? "Hey....hey....wake up..." I tried poking him.  I thought he was dead but he was still breathing. "Geez!"  I growled and I picked him up. I was surprised that he's light weighted so easy to carry. Feel like I'm carrying a stuffed toy or something. "....hmm.." He start to wake up. "...w-wha....huh...?" He open his eyes. "...what happen...?" He ask. "You were out cold." I ask. "Hmm?" He look at me. "Eh?!" For some reason he blushed. "I uhh...I uh...um..."  He was so nervous and yet try to say something. "..." He look away. "...?"  It was dead silence between us, it was so awkward that I feel like I want to drop him down. "Y-you...can...p-put me down." I put him down and I cross my arms. "T-thank you for saving m-me." He bow down. "..." I look at him. "S-s-so um....m-my name is S-S-Shirogane." Yep, this is a guy. Which I'm very disappointed. You want to know why? Because I have a feeling he's a coward, a crybaby and  probably one of those type of people that scare from their own Shadows run on the way home. "....D-did Yukisada...s-sent you?" I nodded. "Yes,  he told me to get you to his house because you were late." He sighed. "I was but...that orca show up." The wolf look down. "His name is Idate...do not come here to this Orca danger zone.  it's off limits to any villagers." I sighed.  "O-oh...Y-you got..."  I believe this guy's boneheaded because I bet he's going to come here again and I have to save his ass. "Let's go, I don't want Yukisada to wait all day." He nodded and he follow me. For some reason I want to rip him into pieces because see him getting his ass kicked wants me to kill his ass. Plus he couldn't even fight back, that was the stupidest thing I ever seen my tire fucking life. "So...you're new here huh?" I ask. "Y-yes..."  Just because he's a coward doesn't mean I can't trust him if I remember, wolves cannot be trusted and they can lied. "Alright, listen up wolf.  I'm not here to make friends or anything but I'm going to tell you this.  I do not trust you, if you try to do something really stupid I will murder you." I give him a death stare. "Y-y-y-y-y-yes ma'am....!"  I look straight I feel like I wasn't myself anymore. Mafuyu was feeling better and Shirogane was with Yukisada. "It's okay Shirogane, I know you were scared."

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