A new home

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Shirogane POV

"Here we are!" Yukisada said with relief and excitement. I look around and there was a couch, table, kitchen, upstairs and we passed some medical room. "...." I stay silent for a while then Yukisada look at me. "Feel free to sit on the couch. I'll be right back." He went to the kitchen. I do as he asked and I sit down on the couch. But I stopped, I couldn't sit on a nice comfy couch. Besides I have a little bit blood on me so I decided to go back to the medical room and sit down on the chair. "..."  I look around at medical room. There's a lot of supplies and more. That is good for me if I get sick or not. "...." I look down on the floor. Can't stop thinking about my pack or my family, I can't remember a single thing. Did they left me? was I abandon? betrayed? Forgotten? There's so many questions. It's best not to think about the past besides I don't want to know how did it happen. I bet I was unworthy for my family, a disgraceful child. "Yuki!!!!" Yukisada door open and there was a penguin falling Yukisada. "Yukusada!!! Do you have any-?" She look at me. "...." She was in shock. "...."  We both stay silent and the penguin sleep walked up to the door, open it, and close it gentle. I hear a muffin noises like shouting and worried. "...."  I can't hear what they're saying but I bet they were talking about me. Makes sense because when I got here everyone's  look at me differently. I guess I was the first wolf that came to this island. Then the small window of the door, the curtains push back and I see both of them looking at me. "...?" I waved at them. They keep arguing to each other can't tell if she likes me or not....this penguin. It wasn't an argument  it was more like worried type. Yukisada was calm and nice. Do they really want me gone or maybe the don't know if I'm a threat to them. If she comes out, I'll try to be polite with her. I'll act like a nice guy that won't hurt anyone. "Fine!" Two of them came out of the living room and went to the medical room where I was. "Shiro...this is Peraco. She's one of my friend." Peraco waved. "H-h-hello...m-m-my name i-is Shirogane...b-but call me S-shiro for short..." I was really nervous, I don't want to mess this up but I already did. "Hey." I stand up. "M-may I go for a walk Yukisada?" He nodded. "Sure! Go ahead." I bow down and I left the house. I start to walk and I can't believe she sees me as an idiot because I hesitate the right there. My heart was racing I was so scared but I shouldn't be scared. I should be okay with Yukisada friends.  I hope I could have a chance to apologize to her, I don't want to her seem me as a lair or threat. I look around the snow in this places is pretty beautiful. I can see the ocean while walking and I can see the all snows. But my favorite one is huge mountain.  it's a little bit big and you can easy climb up there. You can see the entire ocean and the star. Maybe if I have a chance I could go with my friends to climb up to the mountain and see the whole thing. Like moon, star, ocean and more. I have a chance maybe I can go up to the mountain at night alone because that's what I usually do. And there was a cave perfect me too probably hang out. Maybe I'll go there and see what's over there but first I want to check around the island. I walk the entire Iceberg Island, it was very peaceful and it's dead quiet too. While I was walking I see two houses are far apart from the village. One is all the way at the east of the edge of the iceberg,  away from the village next to the ocean. Is that person a farmer or one of those person that brings boats to the edge of the iceberg? Who knows.  Then there was another one all the way up next to the mountain. I see a bench over there, I'm really curious who lives there. Then I saw a bunch of kills and ice blocks that is a little far from the village. I decided to go under because it got my interest. I walk like a mile to the place I'm going. I finally got there and oh boy it was like a maze.  It makes sense because there's a bunch of ice blocks around. You can't see where you're going, you can't see the path, you can't see the village you can't see anything only the mountain and those noises of the ocean. But for me I know where I'm going. Since I'm wolf I have abilities to find Yukisada house. There's something that makes me feel uneasy,  I feel like someone's watching me from the distance. This place gives me on whelming feeling so I decide to go back. "You'll die...get out now. Before it's too late." The same voice from the boat tell me. "Huh?" Then I hear your voice. "My~ my~ my~ Why is a wolf doing all the way out here~?"  I turn around behind me and I saw the person standing in front of me. He was wearing black suit, Black Tie, black pants, black shoes, and black and white hair. "U-umm...h-hello...m-my name is S-S-Shirogane...." I gulped. He was smoking some cigarettes and he smiled. "Hohohoh~ why hello there~ my name is Idate. I'm an orca." An orca?! This is my first time seeing an orca out of the sea. "Oh...H-hi Idate...s-sorry if I bother you but I-I should be going..." I start to walk away. "Hold on~...We just met besides I could just let my victim walk away without any fun." Victim? What does he mean by victim? "Now then...since I did haven't seen a wolf, I was wondering what does wolf meat taste like~?" My eyes went wide open. After that he hit me with his puch knocking me out. I feel like I'm being kicked, punch and stomped. After that I hear some sort of shouting and yelling. Is this it? am I going to die? But I hear a female voice calling. I open eye. "I saw a beautiful a polar bear. I blushed.  My heart skipped when I saw her face like an angel. "You Okay?" I nodded. "Y-yeah....um..." I looked away because I was being carried like a princess. "Y-you can put me down now." She dropped me and I fell down on the floor. I stand up and clean my pants  since it has snow all over it. "What the hell you doing in the orca danger zone? This place is off limits." So this place was orca danger zone but there was no sign of trespassing. "O-oh...I'm sorry. M-my name is Shirogane." I said. "Oh so you're the one. Ughh....Yukisada is looking for you. Come on.....my name is Rocma by the way." Rocma? I would never her name for her saving my life. We stay silent for quite a while. We didn't say anything about our lives or days. "...so...um...." I try to say something. "T-thank y-you for saving me." Rocma look at me. "I listen here wolf, I'm not here to make friends with you or anything but I'm giving you a warning. You try to hurt or kill one of these people I'll find you,  I'll rip your goddamn organ off and I will kill you myself. Got it?" She give me a death stare. Rocma like an angel but when she's little serious, Rocma more like a scary person. "Y-yes ma'am." I nodded. I went back to home and this place will be very interesting. Since I meet new friends I bet things will go well but yet things will go bad.

"Oh my~ he's still alive? I'm very surprised. Let's see if Shiro kill himself by true facts and lies."

"My name will be Suno-san...the nice snowman~"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2018 ⏰

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